Ghetto lampshade 10 comments
· 11 years ago
And every time the light has been on for a while it starts smelling like fried chicken. I'd be hungry all the time.
I assume most of us know this guy 9 comments
· 11 years ago
So you're waking up peoples kids, you're setting off alarms, you're getting the dogs barking, you're displaying an amazing disrespect for people, you're likely to have beer bottles thrown at you.
Advice for girls 12 comments
· 11 years ago
I resisted having a phone for years and YEARS, until I got laid off after 8 years and my wife bought me one for my job hunt. Now, ten years later, I never go anywhere without it, though my usage is:
60%: games
20%: web & gps
10%: writing
05%: photos
04%: texting the wife
01%: phone
I still get in trouble with the family for not answering it much.
60%: games
20%: web & gps
10%: writing
05%: photos
04%: texting the wife
01%: phone
I still get in trouble with the family for not answering it much.
Genius 43 comments
· 11 years ago
Sometimes I have no idea on why things get down-voted. There's probably a thesis in there somewhere.
How can older people expect respect if they treat all teenagers like crap? 21 comments
· 11 years ago
Wait, so you don't show respect to people unless they show respect to you first... if everyone thinks that way then no one will respect anyone ever. How about you show respect to everyone you meet, until and unless they prove your respect is not deserved. Then to hell with them.
7 Creepy Myths 38 comments
· 11 years ago
So checkout the couple of people in front of you in line for the slide, if they don't look like the sort to stick a razor blade on the ride then you're probably safe. If there was already a blade in place you'd be hearing the screams before you went down.
Winter can't come soon enough 19 comments
· 11 years ago
And bats and jack-o-lanterns and skeletons and spiders and zombies and graveyards and monsters and everyone in costumes... I love Halloween! The family goes nuts for Christmas, Halloween is MINE.
Th suavest thing 2 comments
Baby sea turtle 7 comments
Weird shit happens in Poland 15 comments
Stuff that makes you think 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Yes, that's pretty much how most reincarnation theories or belief systems work. Then once you've gained all you can from these cycles, reached full maturity and have had all your rough spots smoothed out you move on to something else.
Life on earth is a rock-tumbler for the soul.
Life on earth is a rock-tumbler for the soul.
Now You Can Be Classy While Still Complimenting Yourself 2 comments
· 11 years ago
But if we're talking 1800 street slang it'd be more like
"I'm toff and I flash it."
"I'm toff and I flash it."
Those two look really familiar 4 comments
· 11 years ago
I have a neighbor named Dori who is a marine biologist. She's been given enough Dory toys and stuffed animals to fill a small room. Fortunately she has a good sense of humor and is looking forward to the movie.
Edited 11 years ago
Villains from movies 15 comments
· 11 years ago
The Joker was in a co-dependent relationship with the Batman. It was a dysfunctional one-sided bromance. He originally was just doing it to fuck with people, but once the Batman showed up his focus changed. The Joker started doing things to provoke Batman, to test his metal, to challenge his morals, to try and break him (while half hoping he wouldn't break). The Joker had gained a purpose, and then got caught. But without that purpose he would have self destructed much sooner.
Ah, just what I needed 10 comments
· 11 years ago
I needed an aluminum shape just the other day but I didn't know where to get one. Damn.
A foldable, self-inflatable house that can fit in your pocket 11 comments
· 11 years ago
I think "big, square mylar balloon" stretches the definition of "House" just a little. Yes it is better than exposure to the elements... but, house?
Advice for girls 12 comments
· 11 years ago
Seriously, I'm deep underground fighting the dead right now. If it's important, call. If you're offended that I'm not going to interrupt my life to tell you your lunch looks good then I guess we aren't that compatible.
Edited 11 years ago
Good job, dude 10 comments
Unicorn horn for cats 1 comments
If you don't want people making assumptions about you for gods sake, stay off the Internet. And perhaps out of the public. I get treated like a shoplifter all the time because I wear a duster in the summer, but it gets damn cold by the time I go home most days. The bowler hat doesn't help. It's a price I'm willing to pay.
Also, I assure you I was a smart-ass long before I grew old, as my mom will gladly verify. Growing older didn't change that, it just gave me more perspective, a broader framework to work with and bigger words.