Fluffing flat pillow 4 comments
· 11 years ago
...poor decisions, like sitting in the sun watching a pillow dry, or that an un-fluffy pillow is such a drag in your life you'd dedicate a part of your day to fluffing it based on instructions from an internet post, or that you'd spend 5 minutes of your life commenting on an image of a guy sitting in the sun staring at a pillow...
I need to rethink some things...
I need to rethink some things...
Whoa, badass kid 12 comments
· 11 years ago
Trolls, they start so young these days... Usually they just _act_ five years old.
Well damn... Fire tornado 16 comments
· 11 years ago
As a fireman he knows it's a "fire whirl" caused by the air getting sucked up into the fire, and thus it can not move. If the wind shifts, however, it could rain burning debris on him which wouldn't be good.
It's dangerous to go alone take this! 2 comments
Hidden room 34 comments
· 11 years ago
"Attention, Attention!!! Have you upset stomach you can not access", I'm thinking someone with gas was not very welcome in that small room with poor ventilation.
Dubai from above 18 comments
Normal margaritas, perfect sunlight 3 comments
Schrödinger's bed time 2 comments
· 11 years ago
Because you told me to go to bed. That was pretty much the only reason I ever ended up there as a kid. I'd rarely go to sleep before midnight even when I was 8.
Dear neighbour 20 comments
· 11 years ago
Poor Virginian just isn't cut out for dealing with an Aussie.
1. It's in the letterbox again.
2. Look in the letterbox.
Instant classic.
1. It's in the letterbox again.
2. Look in the letterbox.
Instant classic.
Canadian vandalism 9 comments
If you're intending to get the Xbox One 36 comments
· 11 years ago
I tend to lag almost a year behind the current trends, it used to be because I was poor as fuck. But now that I'm not I still do because it usually turns out better to wait.
Zach Galifianakis without a beard 6 comments
Dubai from above 18 comments
Fun Facts? 24 comments
· 11 years ago
But someone actually has to go out there and test how often pubic hairs find their way into fast food. Someone makes a living doing that kind of thing...
Me writing essays 2 comments
· 11 years ago
Morgan Freeman, the voice of god. James Earl Jones, the voice of menace. Patric Stewart, the voice of command. Patrick Warburton, the voice of the meat-head.
The truth is... 15 comments
· 11 years ago
Hmmm. Nope. I was well and done with my emo phase at 17 and never looked back.
Kids are cute :) 9 comments
The truth is... 15 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm not lonely, damaged, or anti-social, and I do care. I'm just introverted and dealing with people is draining. Afterwards I'm perfectly happy not talking or interacting with anyone for hours on end. Days even.
If you're intending to get the Xbox One 36 comments
· 11 years ago
Yes, they had to strike soon because EVERYONE is trying to make the all-in-one box that will become the go-to for media. Right now if I want to watch Netflix or YouTube I can do it on my PS3, XBox, cable box, BlueRay player, or even the damn TV itself and I have 4 controllers lost around the couch because of it. Would it be nice to have all the data feeds and games in one handy box? Yes, it would. Will that box be Microsoft's? We'll see...
Edited 11 years ago
If you're intending to get the Xbox One 36 comments
· 11 years ago
This was always their plan. Microsoft, the company that makes billions of dollars with Windows and Office, didn't suddenly decide to make games and cranked out the XBox. They think bigger and longer term than that. They made the XBox because they wanted a Microsoft computer in everyones living room and they saw Sony do it with the PlayStation. Now that the XBox is everywhere the Trojan Horse is opening up and we're seeing Microsoft's plan to take over the living room and become integral to everyones lives.
Edited 11 years ago
Umm maybe spell it Jif then 17 comments
· 11 years ago
That's the giraff mnemonic syntax, for memorizing veldt animals. And I do pronounce the Giraffe Interchange Format as JIF, it's a handy way to differentiate between the two when talking. Mixing them up leads to endless confusion.
Intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom are three different things. Knowledge is what you learn from observation, books, schools or from people. Intelligence guides how well you use your knowledge. This is the teenage stage, where you are now; then as you keep going you develop more and more wisdom. Wisdom is what you learn from using knowledge with your intelligence, it's from personal experience, everyone has their own wisdom. Intelligence again guides how well you use your wisdom to generate new knowledge and put that to use. And so on...
Right now I'm sharing my wisdom with you, but to you it is knowledge. It will only become wisdom once you experience it and realize it for yourself, if ever. But even then it will be different, it will be your wisdom.
As teenagers you're just realizing this cycle and it's empowering, but you are not truly wise. Not yet. But you're getting there every day, just keep the cycle going.