

— Zombie_Slayr Report User
Messed up experience 2 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
I accidentally threw up on a kindergartner when I was in 3rd grade
Cherish it 5 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
noo, the booty is gone
Break down the laundry cartel 7 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
BTW do not make this if you are trying to save money or smell good. The best thing to do is go to costco and you can buy bulk powdered laundry detergent, and bulk dryer pads. It will be much cheaper in the long run and your clothes will actually be clean
Hi god its me 3 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
more than high
Netflix bad? 11 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
Does that mean paradise PD is done
He's right though 7 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
A lot of poor kids are white, im confused
Free speech 9 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
what does that mean?
I cried while I was making this 6 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
what movie is this from
When cook pasta 12 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
That is not true, pasta can be very bad. I had someone make spaghetti for me, and the outside was mushy while the middle was raw.
Master sculpting .Note the details 6 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
I can't even draw a cartoon dog, htf do you make this
Stay alive, brothers 2 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
It still isn't even 1% of their population yet
Sibling tattoos 2 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
just look at the other two men in powerpuff girl costumes
Nice try, but no 15 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
I have just always hated warm pineapple, so grilled pineapple or burgers with pineapple on them is also a no go for me
This is the reason there are civil unrest all over the world 14 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
Exactly, I could donate $100 right now, but it would not just be an instant thing, I would have to make sure to think about it before hand
The Bikini Bottom Horror 9: And Flights of Angels Sing Thee to Thy Rest 4 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
where can i see all of them
If I can help one person, it was all worth it 7 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
In the ones I have stayed at, the gap is at least 2-4 inches
Seriously, does your job really worth a stupid heroism anyway? 12 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
He would only be risking his life if he resisted them. If he just said take what you went and just sat on the ground, he is in no danger
Roses are red We stray further from God everyday 13 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
Happy 93rd birthday grandma
Oh god oh f**k 9 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
what is that
Perspective: Just how rich are they 20 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
Most of their net worth is in assets, investments, and the company. The amount of money that they actually have to spend is nowhere near as much.
About respect 13 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
Why do people hate CEOs so much? They have to work really really hard and work insanely long work weeks, rarely see their families, and have an insane amount of stress all the time.
This triggers me 2 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
How do I make HEVC video files into Mp4 so I can edit them in divinci?
This is very true smh 10 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
Those are all really good life skills
In a Parallel Universe 10 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
To adapt certain features such as eyes to see different types of light, ears to hear different types of sounds, and mouths to eat different types of food, and possibly other sensory organs that we do not have.