

— Zombie_Slayr Report User
Wiki good 11 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
Again, that is completely wrong and you are just adding to the problem
Pants are Pants 18 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
First off, what do you mean by feel the pain. Woman complain that heels hurt and that they need a man taller than them when they wear heels, so why not just wear flats. Second, the first fashion heels were for both men and woman, men just decided to not wear them because they are uncomfortable. No one forces women to wear heels. Also, the heels that you think were made for men (Butchers heels) were actually not the first heels, and were closer to platform shoes than modern heels.
HTML/CSS are real coding languages 4 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
it is ugly, it is uneven. no one cares about prime. Prime is just another name for weird numbers
Is this some kind of us joke I'm too european to understand 5 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
Narcan is not for weed, and it is essentially impossible to overdose on THC aswell
Wait what 7 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
aw, salty
Proud mother of three kids and one hard-working modem 3 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
Guess what, I bet the parents did not like to go on trips like that as kids
It's a child animation 3 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
That is the whole point, its a rush
Never judge a book by it's cover <3 3 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
idk about that, art of the deal by trump is one of the most helpful books I have ever read.
Extra garlic 5 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
lucky, im on a diet
Unionize 46 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
But the job can be done by anyone. Also, anyone with a basic understanding of economics understands that higher minimum wage causes inflation, and then the minimum wage will effectively be the same in a years time
I can't stop thinking about this 11 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
we actually do know what sounds they made, and it is almost impossible (Statistically) for the exact same language to evolve twice
Absolute Madlad at a young age 11 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
This is heartwarming 5 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
Feel good post of the day 3 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
what if you don't get hired
It's super effective 3 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
are you ok
Crying in poor 4 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
Bruh, just go to ikea with like $500 for each room and you are set
Excuse me? A Mongolian? Isn't that somewhere in Africa? 5 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
poor monolinguals, they were not raised in an environment that taught them more than one language, therefore I am superior.
Excuse me? A Mongolian? Isn't that somewhere in Africa? 5 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
Caesarī renūntiātur Helvētiīs esse in animō per agrum Sēquanōrum et Aeduōrum iter in Santonum fīnēs facere, quī nōn longē ā Tolōsātium fīnibus absunt, quae cīvitās est in prōvinciā.
Meat 2 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
Tumbler users are almost smart enough to spell hamlet
How the T. Rex really went extinct 1 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
good job spelling virus
This is 100% Facts 3 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
I think it has some veggies on it, and it has the special sauce, but yeah. $2 should be the price except minimum wage keeps getting higher so people are getting paid $15 to work a cash register for an hour and that is making everthing more expensive.
Parenting done well 7 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
how is a hair cut child abuse?!?child abuse is beating your kids, taking money from them and using them for your own benefit. Im assuming you do not know that
Sounds good to me 6 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
I lived in a nicer neighborhood (everyone was too rich to do their own lawns) I did mine on saterday at 10amish. Everyone else had a company come at 8am on different days so 6 out of 7 days was yard work sound
I'd pay for that 13 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago
probobly not because they are not fragile. sure it would be hard for them to get a job but they would not be having panic attacks and all that
This is awesome. 2 comments
zombie_slayr · 4 years ago