Face is blurred on Google maps, but I think I know him from somewhere 14 comments
· 11 years ago
Huh, Google can't fool me. That's Leonardo Dicaprio from Django Unchained.
Title title title 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Next person up to get an honorary masters from the same university will be like "You gave the same award to a dog? He must have been one of those rescue dogs or police K9 dogs right? Saved lives and shit? Got the bad guys? No? He just turned up with his student owner and sat there like he was trained to do. Like if his owner had been working for Microsoft or Apple for a couple of years and stuff? And you gave him an honorary masters for this? And you want to give me the same award? The same award you gave to a dog for doing nothing? Nothing at all? You just wanted to see the dog in the cape and hat didn't you? So why have you offered this to me again?"
Amazing harry potter monopoly 50 comments
Triple decker bus 6 comments
· 11 years ago
The back end of the bus with the little tiny windows reminds me of a cattle truck taking the cows to slaughter. That's probably just me. The back end probably like a sleeper section for long haul journeys and the like. Probably. There's got to be a movie out of this... DEATH BUS, starring Jonah Hill & Jay Baruchel.
Americans aren't always wrong 7 comments
· 11 years ago
If you were to show the same map over time it'd show the Romans, the ancient Greeks, the Egyptians and pretty much everyone up till about three hundred years ago all stuck to left hand side because most people are right handed and it's easier to shake hands/hack with a sword/anachronistically high five if you pass on the left. So if the "British person voice" was a good impression of The Doctor, he was kind of right in a wibbly wobbly timey wimey kind of way.
www.ssyoutube.com tip 7 comments
· 11 years ago
Just be aware that you may be breaching copyright law by downloading Youtube clips depending on where you are in the world. This is the case for US and New Zealand at least. It's certainly against Youtube's terms and conditions. I'd recommend Googling for your country to avoid any sleepless nights if you're worried about it.
Everyone on this site 22 comments
· 11 years ago
I polled my collection of singing potatoes and they say I'm perfectly sane.
That's nuts - #imsorry 3 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm only allergic to bananas so I shouldn't have that problem. Wait a minute...
Is It Too Late To Transfer 21 comments
· 11 years ago
It's for the post graduation Bertie Wooster Hunger Games stage of the ceremony.
When you think about it. 12 comments
· 11 years ago
If the US had won the FIFA World Cup in 1966 and then kept going on about it over and over again then it would be more hated than England in the Celtic nations of the UK. That's what the German who started the chant knew. Germany has their own football rivalry with Dutch so I'm told.
One for the ladies 69 comments
· 11 years ago
Sponges packed in a jar? Am I the only "gent" who knows about adding a latex glove and taking this tip in a totally different direction? Okay, just me. Well this is awkward.
Hardest chess match 7 comments
· 11 years ago
Weeeeelllllll he was a bit of a character. Openly anti-semitic and a holocaust denier he eventually sought sanctuary in Iceland fearing extradition back to the US. Authors have said suggested he had some mental health problems. I'm just glad there isn't a real League of Super Villains or something because this crazy genius would have joined them and we'd all have been deep in the poop.
Life 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Six of the items on that list are actually quite optional. And people fought hard to make "go to school" something some parents could opt out of, what at one time children being forced to work rather than get an education. Then there's people fighting for the right to "get married" from the gay/lesbian community.... Not saying everything is peachy but imagine how it would be to live a hundred and fifty years ago if you weren't a straight, or white, or really did not care much for Jesus but liked to worship Thor, The God of Thunder. You can totally do all that now and no one cares much about that except Loki.
This is why I'm not too concerned about Skynet 4 comments
· 11 years ago
What if they're not vending machines and are pods for the invasion and yet people just snap pictures of the blue screens of death and chuckle to themselves?
How to feel beautiful 5 comments
Good guy nature 5 comments
· 11 years ago
No the eff does nature pre-slice oranges! Look at that picture! Look at it! It's a lie! You ever see an orange fall open like that? You've got to wrestle each inch of piece of peel off the orange and insert your thumb down in between each segment in the HOPE it doesn't split off and leave your with a lump of orange to eat out of your hand like Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones eating a heart. All the while the orange is fighting back, it's squirting acid, like it's the blood from Aliens into your eyes. Ahhh! My eyes! My eyes. Stuff you oranges! Satsumas are okay though.
Hotels 11 comments
· 11 years ago
The novelty of hotels wears off a bit if you have to spend any sort of extended time away from home working and living in them. - The Voice Of Experience
If it works it's not stupid. 6 comments
· 11 years ago
The only very minor flaw in this plan is that if the suction is strong enough to take her weight like the fixed poles how will she break the suction and take it away with her when it's her stop? If the suction isn't strong enough the first time the train jolts she puts her weight on it and over they go ...
Playing with my kids 12 comments
· 11 years ago
The real trick is to "not find them" for a good fifteen minutes so you can have a sit down.
Doritos 16 comments
· 11 years ago
Soak Dorito in water until soft and floppy. Insert floppy Dorito into bottle. Wait for it to dry out and go hard again.
British lessons 57 comments
· 11 years ago
cell pone -- > mobile phone
sidewalk --> pavement
station wagon --> estate car
airplane --> aeroplane
British accent --> RP accent or "posh"
Bangs --> Fringe
French toast --> eggy bread
take out food --> takeaway
restroom --> toilet
vacation --> holiday
fire truck --> fire engine
faucet --> tap
pacifier --> dummy
diaper --> nappy
private school --> public school
vest --> waistcoat
The Revolutionary War --> The American War of Independence
There's dozens and dozens of these.
sidewalk --> pavement
station wagon --> estate car
airplane --> aeroplane
British accent --> RP accent or "posh"
Bangs --> Fringe
French toast --> eggy bread
take out food --> takeaway
restroom --> toilet
vacation --> holiday
fire truck --> fire engine
faucet --> tap
pacifier --> dummy
diaper --> nappy
private school --> public school
vest --> waistcoat
The Revolutionary War --> The American War of Independence
There's dozens and dozens of these.
Youtube forgot how to buffer 5 comments
· 11 years ago
When Youtube stops to buffer I sometimes click the Pause button and then the Play button and then get myself confused as to whether I've actually paused it or if it's still buffering and so then I just machine gun click the Pause/Play button and watch the icon flicker in tune with my own confusion.
Teenage drivers 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Don't want to sound like I'm being mean but he's just one member of a team of people (everything from the likes of the navigator who plots a safe course to the small army of engineers monitoring equipment so that it doesn't redline and blow up) that actually "drive" an aircraft carrier. Unlike a Porsche you can't just start a carrier with one turn of a key and expect it to go...
Sword or pistol? 5 comments
· 11 years ago
You may recognize Hugh Laurie (Dr. House from House) and Stephen Fry (presenter of QI & played Mycroft Holmes from Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows) here in a sketch from "A Bit of Fry And Laurie" (1987-1995).