I'm not the only one, am I? 48 comments
· 11 years ago
You might as well complain about the Spongebob posts, the Pokemon posts, the internet memes you don't like and so on and so on. It may be just a rumor but if you use your scroll wheel so fast to get past posts you don't like and the wheel gets up to 88 mph your mouse goes back in time. I think this theory should be tested when anyone reaches a post they don't like.
Sooooo metal 15 comments
· 11 years ago
He's lighting it on the pilot light. I demand the flamethrower be in full operation and lighting the cigarette from a twenty foot flame of death before I am impressed.
A true master of the sword! 4 comments
What any normal human would do 12 comments
You seem malnourished. 4 comments
HFS 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Try to avoid Googling who was born in the year you were born. It's gets a bit depressing real quick when you're sitting at home in your underwear Googling successful people.
We've explored about 5% of the sea 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Is it because you built your super villain base on the moon when your second in command said you should build it at the bottom of the ocean?
50 Ridiculous Driving Laws Around The World 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Sorry to be a downer but the law about the hackney carriages having to carry hay is a myth. There was a law in 1831 about Hackney Carriage drivers putting bales of hay in the street (because it blocked traffic) and even that one was repealed in 1976.
Wow, so wind, such hair, very doges 6 comments
Good to know facts 22 comments
Best way to pass time while getting torched 4 comments
· 11 years ago
I think that when I press the unlock button on the wrong set of car keys. I wonder if the car that's actually a hundred miles away is clunking and flashing it's lights in tune to my own stupidity.
Let's hear your excuses 19 comments
· 11 years ago
He's made a huge effort to get ripped but here's why I believe this post is a little bit naughty. Being unfit and over weight is bad for you right? We know that. But the "before" picture he's a perfectly good body weight. The after picture he's got a body fat index of probably around 8% which take a massive amount of time and effort to achieve (so kudos and congrats to him). But what we've got here is a little bit of shaming to achieve a body image that's as unrealistic and unnecessary for the vast majority of people who will not legitimately have the time to spend in the gym. So be healthy yes, but don't think you've got to take it to the next level because a man with one leg has done it. I know I'm probably coming off as being an *sshole to this guy but that's hopefully not the point I'm making. He has done something quite awesome.
Are We Feeling A Little Freudian Today? 15 comments
· 11 years ago
Boys draw penises all over everything because it's an easy and immature way of being "funny" because they're still legitimately immature themselves. It's used mainly to cause embarrassment to other people because it's other people's stuff that gets drawn on. Most guys grow out of it but the trope that dicks are funny is pretty solid ... Cracked.com prides itself on "dick jokes" for example. The vagina on the other hand is quite hard to draw and so the nearest equivalent to drawing a dick is drawing a pair of boobies.
The only realistic princess hairstyle 33 comments
'Zealand! 23 comments
· 11 years ago
Naturally New Zealand got a major boost in freedom when back in 2003 Frodo and Sam threw the One Ring into the volcanic fires of Mount Doom and the evil lord Sauron was finally defeated.
Kids born in the 90s 41 comments
This invention needs more attention 5 comments
· 11 years ago
Just don't put too much weight down on the chopping board. Unless of course those drawer runners are made of the same indestructible metal they coated Wolverine's bones with.
My point 9 comments
· 11 years ago
I do hope he's playing "Knockin' on Heaven's Door". Because he's playing an electric guitar in the mother-loving shower.
Bic Pens 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Might just be me but does Edgar Hermandez's signature at the bottom also look like a cock?
Work intelligently 12 comments
· 11 years ago
Of course I'm thinking use the knife to threaten one of the other workers to push your cube for you. Yes, I am upper management material, why do you ask?
The very intricate painting 12 comments
(Because you need a metal spring to store the mechanical energy).