Entrance for real life Jedi 4 comments
· 11 years ago
Does "Force Push". Does "Force Push" again. Doors rattle but still stay shut. Starts cutting through with lightsaber .... - Darth Idiot
USA vs England 20 comments
· 11 years ago
In case anyone was wondering the reason why "private" schools in Britain are called "public schools" it is because they first opened in an era when an education was had via private tutors and the like. So these schools were literally open to the public for anyone who could pay for them. Later the government got in on the education act and opened "state schools". So by now everyone has access to the state schools because it's the law to get and education and that's paid for by taxes but because you have to pay extra for the public schools they look like they're private when technically they're still actually open to the public if you've got the cash ... Hope that makes sense.
Difference between ads aimed at women and men 7 comments
· 11 years ago
When I see ads a lot of them feature bungling inept men who are clueless. It's usually to do with products about house keeping, childcare, doing the laundry or making a meal which is annoying when you're the one who's doing the house keeping, doing the childcare, doing the laundry and cooking the meals. It's like the ad world hasn't moved on since the 1950s.
Makes sense 15 comments
· 11 years ago
The only reason these aren't on the shelves is because stopping millions of sperm is a heck of lot harder than stopping one egg. And it only takes one sperm getting through to cause a problem ...
University janitor draws an impossible maze 20 comments
· 11 years ago
Don't want to be a downer but if I'm going to be the lightning rod for down votes then so bit it. If the maze is "unsolvable" it's not brilliant, it's a very annoying. There is no "artistic brilliance" it's a bunch of lines that make a maze. No one ever said artistic brilliance is two parallel lines. People sort of stopped judging anyone for their occupation since when probably it came out that Einstein was a pattern clerk. No one cares. Some dude did a maze on some paper and it's a big maze that may or may not be solvable but "art connoisseurs" are going crazy over it. This next bit must be read in the the mind in voice of Jay Baruchel (Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon); "Forgive me, but I am very sceptical that this makes sense."
Since you guys asked for it 39 comments
· 11 years ago
I thought I was the only one who was a fan of women in lab coats and pony tails. At last, I am not alone...
Girl logic works out for the best sometimes 5 comments
· 11 years ago
First of all it's like "aaawww, cute". But if he gets home baked cookies when she dreams she broke up with him ... what-the-bunny-boiler happens when she dreams he cheated on her?
The many faces of waffles the corgi 14 comments
· 11 years ago
I look into Waffles sad eyes and hear Sara Bareilles singing "Brave".
Usb fan clock 6 comments
· 11 years ago
Do you have to use your X-Men powers of levitation to hold it up while you type because as soon as you let it drop the little fan hits the desk and then it's skipping and jumping all over the place making ratta-tat-tat-ratta-tat-tat noises before eventually dropping down the back of the desk with the other cables somewhere & vaguely making you worried that it's getting hot & it's possibly going to burn your house down if you don't fish it out again? Or does it have one of those stiff wires that you can bend into shape and leave it?
I wouldn't lie to you, would I? 10 comments
Smooth flirting 9 comments
· 11 years ago
This Taylor describes herself as an "aspiring" singer. Aspiring means to yearn for or to have a powerful or ambitious plan, desire, or hope to do or be something. The date above the subject line says 2008 and in 2008 Taylor Swift had actually released nine singles, an album, was just about to release a second album plus had been up for a Grammy. Taylor Swift at this point wasn't an aspiring singer, she was an established country music star. So the options are (a) it's Taylor Swift and she's really modest, (b) it's Taylor Swift and she doesn't understand what "aspiring" means or (c) it's a girl called Taylor who isn't Taylor Swift. Personally I'm going with (d) I have too much time on my hands.
Oh my 6 comments
· 11 years ago
Bit of history here ... Carolingian minuscule evolved about 1,300 years ago in part to help fix a problem with uncial script (used by the Latin and Greek scribes from the 4th to 8th century AD). Uncial is all capital letters and there were issues with where the start of sentences began. So Carolingian minuscule introduced clear capital letters at the start of sentences and spaces between words and formed the basis for all Western fonts that followed including the one you're reading this in (you might even have Carolingian minuscule as a font option on your word processing software even now). So this was introduced during the so called "Dark Ages". Medieval "dark age" people in a period when literacy rates were near rock bottom, when folks went back to living in mud huts and at a time when lots of people were running around being a bit rapey and killy, these people stopped for a bit and recognized the need to for upper and lower case letters. Someone should tell her this.
There's a violinist in all of us 17 comments
· 11 years ago
When you pulled the straw up and down it makes a (horrible) sound. This is the closest a lot of us will get to playing a violin.
Was watching a movie about college when I realized this 4 comments
· 11 years ago
Going to be "that guy" and point out a film where the dorm room looked really small ... Liberal Arts (2012). There were two beds and desks in Zibby and her room mate's room and it looked like there was about enough room to walk around to get to the beds and desks but not a lot of room for much else.
German artist Jan Vormann travels the world repairing cracks with legos 5 comments
· 11 years ago
"What have we got here then? Ah, wall's collapsed I see. Let's look at the problem ... ah, classic mistake. Someone's tried to fix this with Lego. They aren't designed to take the loads you see. Now here's what you should have used ... Stickle Bricks."
Maybe not that crazy 28 comments
· 11 years ago
The only down side to the skipping stone driving range is that people aren't going to want to rent your bucket of rocks when you can go to the beach, the lake, a river etc and throw free stones for free with the bonus that they can just pick them off the floor without having to carrying around a big bucket of stones.
Seems legit 11 comments
· 11 years ago
I don't think a ghost who's truly in love with someone could take watching their love become further alone and miserable because of their actions. Chances are you're being haunted by a ghost that hates you. So that's good news then.
You should write a book 21 comments
· 11 years ago
The downside to knowing with certainty that someone is there for you is when the person who has the other half of your necklace dies aged 10 or something before you met them and you then know that you'll be alone for the rest of your life. So sometimes not knowing leaves room for hope.
Ironing the ceiling 4 comments
· 11 years ago
Maybe they just keep the iron on top of the unit there and she's getting it down.
Agent smith from the matrix was right 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Philip Wollen, the guy who made the quote, is a wealthy ex-banker who became vegan after retiring from Citibank and set up the Winsome Constance Kindness Trust with the mission statement "to promote kindness towards all other living beings and enshrine it as a recognisable trait in the Australian character and culture". So I'm guessing he believes all animals are sentient.
Hes got a point 7 comments
· 11 years ago
It's a persistent myth that the pyramids were built by slaves when historical evidence now shows that the whole of Egyptian society was mobilized into building those monuments. So with his pyramid example he's actually wrong and it wasn't human suffering but human cooperation which got things done. Which I suppose is a little bit heart warming when you think about it.
It's how it's always worked 6 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm a stay-at-home dad. Just sayin'. (Looks down at shoes. Sniffs a bit. Goes inside and gets three year old to sleep.)
That's so wrong 22 comments
· 11 years ago
I want to know what happened when he got to 17 and stopped eating it.