That's what happens when you're not stupid enough to let your strongest Pokemon 6 comments
· 5 years ago
If you didn’t know already, Mew (and any other Pokemon, for that matter) is obtainable through glitching the game in the first generation. Celebi is obtainable through a series of PC depositing glitches (I also received PokeRUS out of it, which was INSANELY rare to get while glitching Celebi) in second-gen. I do not remember how I obtained Jirachi and Deoxys with third-gen. Maybe there were glitches, maybe I had a friend trade them to me. Then, it was just a matter of trading between the games. Owning all of them (except Green) before Diamond and Pearl helps. It keeps the trading simple, using only two SPs.
Edited 5 years ago
That's what happens when you're not stupid enough to let your strongest Pokemon 6 comments
· 5 years ago
In how many games have you filled the Pokedex? Let’s limit it to games that include the national dex. My list of completed games is as follows (in order of chronological generation release): Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Crystal, Sapphire, and Leaf Green.
Updated, fresh list. Obviously, it is just the start of the week, but let’s goooooo!!! 15 comments
· 5 years ago
Yeah, that’s interesting. There aren’t even enough active users at this time to kick you off the list, and it certainly would take more than an hour to do so...
Wise words from Haley Dunphy 7 comments
· 5 years ago
It has potential to be an infinite loop (though, hardly ever passing the “second stage”, if you will), and I find it to be a beautiful art form. It’s implied trolling without being an outright asshole about it. Definitely one of my favorites.
Dammit!! 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Upgrade: “Ciao, Pacific Ocean Czar’s scent.” Yes, they are all pronounced differently. Why Czar? The alternate pronunciation, like “Tsar” would be said. Why scent? The “c” is silent (it’s origin of addition is actually unknown with the etymology of the word), and therefore, is pronounced by being unpronounced. It might be cheating, idk. This is the longest one I could think of...if anyone can add while still making this a coherent sentence, I welcome you to do so.
Edited 5 years ago
People who are criticizing Greta Thunberg in a nuttshell: « She's just a 21 comments
· 5 years ago
There ARE experienced adults with solutions, she’s just the one that receives the attention. Also, we aren’t laughing at her. Idk where you saw that (unless, you are referring to the general reaction, and not our responses).
Edited 5 years ago
Wise words from Haley Dunphy 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Yeah, and our joke is pretending we don’t know the joke. Unless you’re already taking it one step further, you’ve been bamboozled:)
Wise men say 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Just remember, there is a limit to garlic intake! It can purify your blood too much, resulting is death. But, perhaps the risk is worth the tasty reward, no?
Wise words from Haley Dunphy 7 comments
People who are criticizing Greta Thunberg in a nuttshell: « She's just a 21 comments
· 5 years ago
Right, and then the individual is blamed, while 90%+ of total pollution is from corporations. Lobbyists get together to pay actors to protest for trivial recycling habits of the individual that aren’t equative to even .01% of total pollution. Then, the media outlets are paid to report on these protests over actual activism against corporations. This is why there are trivial pursuits such as straw bans (which isn’t inherently bad) over new anti-pollution laws. The system is rigged to fuck us over.
Edited 5 years ago
People who are criticizing Greta Thunberg in a nuttshell: « She's just a 21 comments
· 5 years ago
As far as I can tell, trolls started that rumor. I found no reputable evidence that she made any sort of threat.
People who are criticizing Greta Thunberg in a nuttshell: « She's just a 21 comments
· 5 years ago
Thanks. It just seems the middle-ground (anywhere in the middle, not just centrist) is disappearing quicker than the middle-class.
People who are criticizing Greta Thunberg in a nuttshell: « She's just a 21 comments
· 5 years ago
Why is it agree with her or hate her? Why can’t she just be inexperienced, and shouldn’t be influencing millions of voters in a way that’s clearly being manipulated by corporations that are offering false solutions to shut people up? She certainly should be an inspiration, but there are far better, more experienced people that should be leading and influencing voters. False solutions such as carbon tax aren’t the answer. I can criticize Greta without being against planetary improvement. It is possible, or can people just think one of two ways? I apologize, it’s just incredibly infuriating to only see two sides cutting each others’ throats when there are other perspectives.
Just wait 'till they unveil their newest hat "The Overwatcher" 5 comments
· 5 years ago
I knew Testiclese. Shakespearicles and him were good buddies. I’m surprised you and I never crossed paths before both being members of this site. Testiclese had some serious balls about him.
Casual sexism 18 comments
· 5 years ago
Correct. It can be forced. The problem of consent lies in lack of witnesses. One could argue rape against the other, possibly without contest, just out of hearsay. Again, this is why consent is such a touchy thing...there’s not really an umbrella solution. You have to trust the other person, or go to extreme measures. Eventually, I think a certain extension of technology will allow for certainty in a conclusion. Until then, a signed form is not enough to protect either party effectively.
Hahahahaha, until now they yelled in all directions that trans should have equal rights 13 comments
· 5 years ago
People don’t like to accept biological factors. For example, most white people never have to worry about sickle cell anemia, but people of African descent do. We are NOT all the same, as our fucking genetics differ. Why do people ignore science for the sake of social “progress”? Trans women are still women as far as I am concerned, but I, too, believe the natural testosterone is an absolute unfair advantage...due to biology. It just baffles me how much biology is just shoved under the rug these days.