How it is these days 12 comments
· 5 years ago
Again, this is my opinion based on biology, psychology, observation, and logic. If you have a different view, then it's simply your view.
How it is these days 12 comments
· 5 years ago
Gender is a state of mind...but, there are only two sexes. Logically, I believe that one can define themselves in 4 ways: male, female, fluid, and neither. Why? One can feel highly masculine, feminine, a mixture, or neither. I, myself was quite androgynous as a teen (Now, I'm super masculine). I've also felt "undetermined". These felt natural, and in no way forced. I believe most people experience something like this, even if it's a passing thought. Any other gender is a fabrication. These are the only ones that are solid states of mind. Anything further is a grab at unnecessary uniqueness for show. That's just my two cents. How can one identify outside of human perameters? I personally don't understand it. I'm not saying I'm right, and I'm not saying everyone's realities are the same...I'm only working within logical definitions by physiological nature. I'm not going to touch on why people identify as one way, when clearly, they live their lives as another. That's where it gets messy.
Edited 5 years ago
My first try , ink painting 6 comments
Correcting mistakes 7 comments
Correcting mistakes 7 comments
This does not Shrek joy 4 comments
· 5 years ago
Huh. Then again, I read an article way back when it was just ideas being thrown around.
How on earth 2 comments
And I said 13 comments
· 5 years ago
I feel not enough people appreciate 4 Non Blondes...their version and this one are nearly incomparable.
And I said 13 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm on the Tears for Fears side. I agree with the whole "Sad World" thing with Gary Jules.
This does not Shrek joy 4 comments
Correcting mistakes 7 comments
You have to make this Nintendo!!!! 10 comments
You know it! 8 comments
We all have done this, haven't we? 7 comments
We all have done this, haven't we? 7 comments
Monopoly: Fortnite Edition 5 comments
· 5 years ago
I despise Fortnite, but a couple of autistic children I worked with had this. It’s actually fun.