Good 3 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm guessing it occrued at much less of a rate, people back then did have a better grasp on what was real vs. what should remain in imagination. Kids today pretty much grow up in augmented reality. And the disconnectment from parents do not help.
Good 3 comments
· 5 years ago
People didn't do this with the height of Mary Poppins...perhaps children are just TOO into their fantasies today? Either way, I'm not blaming video games.
Dr jesus 31 comments
They need the beast 10 comments
· 5 years ago
No one. You don't need my permission...I apologize, my lord. Please, look into your heart...don't send me to the gibbot.
Celebrities were a mistake 4 comments
· 5 years ago
Imagine being famous and being irked by a group of 10 year olds to the point of complaining publicly about it...
Edited 5 years ago
They need the beast 10 comments
They need the beast 10 comments
· 5 years ago
No, adopted personas are not an illness. Pretending to have different personalities to claim illness is an illness.
Dr jesus 31 comments
· 5 years ago
I think God has a duality, just like anything else in this unuverse. Rather, because God has duality, so does everything else. God can be the most pure being, and the most destructive, because God is beyond the scale of good or evil. That cancer could very well be part of a "plan", I don't know, but if it's the work of the devil, and God is omnipotent, then it is also the work of God.
Edited 5 years ago
Dr jesus 31 comments
· 5 years ago
But @mrscollector If God is the perfect being, and can control everything, can't God change the direction of the boulder? Is God omnipotent, or isn't God? God can't be omnipotent AND unable to control the roll. Another paradox...
Big nope 1 comments
· 5 years ago
Fun fact: Australians can't look up (down from our perspective), lest they will fall and lose their Australian badge.
Dr jesus 31 comments
· 5 years ago
@mrscollector It is my understanding that God created everything, including the devil. So, wouldn't it ultimately be God's fault? Especially when you dig deeper, and find out that angels did not have the same kind of free will that humans purportedly have. Doesn't that make it worse in some ways? You can't say "God created everything" and then say "This isn't God's doing." You are admitting to a universal scale paradox.
They need the beast 10 comments
· 5 years ago
If they are actually living with 400 personalities between them (or jeez, even let's say 5), then damn right they are mentally ill. It's a mental illness to even want to pretend to have that many for posterity(?) reasons...
Lol now that anime is more popular the same people are upset 5 comments
· 5 years ago
It really depends on where one grows up. In my area, liking anime was permissible socially, as long as someone wasn't bringing body pillows to school (pretty sure those wouldn't be allowed, anyway). For my school, this did reign true. We had those that would literally bite the air and snarl at others for making fun of them for Naruto running. Although, this post makes it seem as though bullying someone for those reasons is somehow the right thing to do. No one should be bullied, period. I agree with the reality of what happens highlighted in the post, but I definitely don't condone the actions taken against these people, or the attitude about bullying those for performing the aformentioned actions.
Edited 5 years ago
My roommate today 7 comments
· 5 years ago
"You can't be racist against white people, only discriminatory."
1st definition of racism: discrimination.
1st definition of racism: discrimination.
Laughed way harder then I should 6 comments
Laughed way harder then I should 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Why? You don't need to be a super chemistry nerd to understand or even extrapolate form clues that those are representing water molecules...I feel that sometimes people think they are in a special club with knowledge about a subject or something, but really most things are a Google search away. Also, are chemistry nerds generally without friends, or even asocial?
Edited 5 years ago