The actual purpose of the pyramids 14 comments
· 5 years ago
Yes, but keep in mind, we are viewing this essentially from a 2D perspective in a 3D space. They aren't actually above the pyramids (seems obvious, right), but too many people believe in the significance of it. It's kind of a forced perspective.
Yep 4 comments
· 5 years ago
I find the direction of the new movie to be odd. Ghostbusters should have an undertone of lightheartedness, bordering comedic. The new one seems nuch too serious. That's my initial opinion after viewing the trailer. Hopefully, this new direction works.
Many of the important answers here! 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Use two seashells to grab onto the fecal matter as it is coming out of your anus, and then use the third to scoop the remainder. Hit 'bidet' on the toilet, and you're all done!
I a big brain 24 comments
· 5 years ago
@art_with_ghost It's all good!!! You are not a dumbass, and I obviously misread. I apologize if I came off as harsh, that wasn't my intention.
Edited 5 years ago
This is dark 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Prevent the government from framing your suicide with this one trick from Hong Kong! -Buzzfeed or something.
Long overdue but still good news 9 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm American and I can tell you: they are moving away from planned obsolescence, where products are built to breakdown/malfunction after a certain amount of time. Companies use this so consumers must buy new products more frequently. It was originally implemented because well-built machinery would last so long, that the companies weren't making enough money due to low sales from lack of breakdowns.
Edited 5 years ago
Rip sushi 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Is it actually C? I know the other ones, so I can only guess from process of elimination.
This Screwed With Me A Bit. 7 comments
But really, what does it say? 6 comments
I a big brain 24 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm personally not looking to argue with anyone. This is what I believe from research and observation, and if you happen across the same info down the line and it opens your eyes, great. If not, and you're happy with your worldview, then wonderful. I'm not going to pretend to be the harbinger of hidden information, or pretend to know how everything works, because I don't. I know my comment could potentially ignite a flamewar, but I'm here to say your opinions are valid, and I want nothing to do with unnecessary hate debates. Good day, everyone.
Edited 5 years ago
I a big brain 24 comments
· 5 years ago
And your comment doesn't make me wrong. A little research would do a lot of people some good, but as always, people fear the truth. The truth is, the government doesn't give a shit about any of us. It's not hard to connect the dots, people just generally refuse to and want to believe we live in lala freeland.
I a big brain 24 comments
· 5 years ago
Downvote me all the fuck you want. If you can't see how corrupt this country is, you are wilfully ignorant. Give me a good argument why I shouldn't be able to CHOOSE not to wear my seatbelt? It's my life, I'm not endangering anyone else. There must be another reason, and you don't need to look any further than "it's illegal for you to potentially stop us from making money off your life."
Edited 5 years ago
I a big brain 24 comments
· 5 years ago
A social security number is basically your identity in number form. It's one way to keep track of your worth to the government, just as a birth certificate is actually a government bond. This is why attempting suicide is illegal, or why you're ticketed for not wearing your seatbelt. It sounds like conspiracy nonsense, but I assure you, it's not. The Unites States is great at pretending to be abundant in freedom, but look behind the curtain, and this place is a MESS top to bottom. The land of the free SHOULD be the land of freedom of choice, but nearly every choice is illusioned in some way.
Edited 5 years ago
Screw white people and their*shuffles deck, draws card*courtesy to cashiers and people 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Lol obviously, it was super simple to get out of: "Nope, those aren't my items. Anything past (let's say bananas) isn't mine."
Is that a personal attack or something ? 7 comments
· 5 years ago
...the patriarchy; or B) They must secretly be in love with Brie Larson. The whole culture surrounding this situation is absolutely disgusting. So tl;dr:
She thinks she's the shit and wrote in her own God-tier thoughts about Captain Marvel, and if you disagree that Brie Larson is the absolute best person alive, you're wrong and deserve to be publicly shamed.
She thinks she's the shit and wrote in her own God-tier thoughts about Captain Marvel, and if you disagree that Brie Larson is the absolute best person alive, you're wrong and deserve to be publicly shamed.
Is that a personal attack or something ? 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Essentially, Brie Larson is extremely egotistical. She thinks she is the shit, and so do the extreme third-wave feminists (I'll explain the importance of that later). Brie decided, as she was (barely) rehearsing for the role of Captain Marvel (who was shoehorned into the last Avengers movie), that Captain Marvel can lift Thor's hammer. Why? She wants Captain Marvel to be the Superman of this universe, but without a weakness. Her attitude became increasingly annoying, and fans were disappointed with her Ex Machina scenes in the movie, where she suddenly showed up to save everyone. Technically, she was written to be able to take on Thanos 1v1 WITH all infinity stones. Now, Brie Larson has a huge head about everything (hence, claiming her character can lift Thor's hammer), and her fans refuse to believe people don't like her. These extreme feminists go as far as to say anyone who claims they don't like her are either A) Threatened either via frail masculinity or have been manipulated by..
Edited 5 years ago
Some of my best memories are in that airport 4 comments
Screw white people and their*shuffles deck, draws card*courtesy to cashiers and people 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Before self-checkout was a big thing, I had someone try and say their items behind mine weren't actually theirs...and they became upset when I wouldn't pay for their items. Shit like this exists for a reason.
The skeleton war 5 comments
· 5 years ago
If not the skeleton war, you are instantly employed. That's right: even after death, we must work. I'm hoping to work at SCD, LLC (Soul Collection Division).
Wow, that long? 2 comments
· 5 years ago
I used to play Halo 3 for 12 hours at a time, grinding for that 50 in Lone Wolves. 15+ hours a day on Runescape 2 (before engine 3) grinding skills and doing quests. I've logged 1300+ hours on Oblivion (mods made that number possible)...but yeah, 6 hours is insane. P.s. I don't play vidya these days, I can't believe how invested I was back then.