

— 1_puma Report User
Updated, fresh list. Obviously, it is just the start of the week, but let’s goooooo!!!
A pic of a sample of the blood (not perfect mix). Cost: 16oz. mix, ~$2
How to sell fake blood recipe to makeup artists for plays/shows/movies?
And...Samuel Elliot Jackson!
Remember my “Olivia Newton John Travolta” post? Here is: Jack Galafanakis!
A very crappy drawing of my fiancée, my cat, and myself. If S.O. enjoys this stuff=keeper
I’m feeling generous today. In the comments is a link to my drobox of a guitar piece.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: Olivia Newton John Travolta!
Reupload of fact. Fact of the day #4. Leave suggestions on how to make these better!