This needs to be reiterated 7 comments
· 8 years ago
It's cool, guys, Fox News taught me that if someone is disagreeing with me by using facts and logic I just need to speak louder and integrate words like "communist" and "nazi" to better get my point across.
Y'all need Satan 42 comments
· 8 years ago
Not necessarily, a married person can be raped by their spouse (male or female). Marriage doesn't equal perpetual sexual consent.
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
· 8 years ago
If they're not obligated to race match then how is it "objectively dumb to have a black person play a white character"? I am thoroughly confused. First you're saying "my statement only states specifically that black people playing white people is dumb, though the opposite is also dumb" but you finish with "By what logic should directors be obligated to race match". By your logic directors should race match. Either that, or your saying a director should race match only if a character has to be black.
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
· 8 years ago
This matters because there are talented Asian American, Middle Eastern, and Egyptian actors that may very well have done just as good a job as their white counterparts that we'll never get to know about. And any plot that hinges on the race of a character (Aloha made it known the female lead was half asian, the prince of Persia was from persia and had a Persian father, brothers, and uncle, and Moses has to be a Hebrew from Egypt for the story to have any meaning) should be played by an actor of that race. Dressing a white person up to look like a person of that race is seriously no different from when white actors used to put on 'black face'.
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
· 8 years ago
Okie-dokie, point by point
-More than are currently available (fucking hell, did you want an exact number?)
-Emma Stone playing a half Asian woman, Jake Gyllenhaal playing the prince of fucking persia, Christian Bale playing Moses, I could too easily go on
-By your logic on this point, you already agree that all the above examples are 'objectively dumb', and I return your previous question with a small alteration. Which roles "should" be played by whites?
-The Academy is meant to represent movie goers, not the population of the industry. The % of white people in America is 63.4, the % of white people in the Academy is 94, hence, disproportionate.
-More than are currently available (fucking hell, did you want an exact number?)
-Emma Stone playing a half Asian woman, Jake Gyllenhaal playing the prince of fucking persia, Christian Bale playing Moses, I could too easily go on
-By your logic on this point, you already agree that all the above examples are 'objectively dumb', and I return your previous question with a small alteration. Which roles "should" be played by whites?
-The Academy is meant to represent movie goers, not the population of the industry. The % of white people in America is 63.4, the % of white people in the Academy is 94, hence, disproportionate.
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
· 8 years ago
Seriously? Your argument against giving this issue the consideration it deserves is maybe some white person might not get recognized? I honestly can't figure out which part of this argument is the most flawed, the part where you don't think a person of color could be good enough to genuinely deserve an award, the part where you assume all black people are so petty they'll complain about anything, or the part where you believe the presence of any minority is just "token".
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
· 8 years ago
It's discussions like this that are making progress difficult. Burying your head in the sand and insisting an ENTIRE RACE OF PEOPLE are crying wolf is no way to live life. I'm not saying that you should feel guilty, none of this is about blame, no one is at fault. The problem is multi-pronged and complex, with not enough prestigious parts for minorities, whitewashing roles that should have been played by a PoC, people freaking out over a PoC playing a traditionally white character, and a disproportionate amount of the Academy being white, it is undeniable that there is a problem. If those issues didn't exist, there is no way 2 Oscars in a row would have been all white. No one is doing this maliciously, this is no one's fault, but it IS a problem, and one that simple recognition would go a long way towards helping.
PSA for parents 14 comments
I'm A Bit Afraid Of This Possibility 27 comments
· 9 years ago
There is a difference between not spanking your kid and not parenting your kid. There are many successful ways to raise a well adjusted person that do not involve striking them.
we're not all the same 41 comments
· 9 years ago
Are you trying to insinuate that women are like people? I'm going to have to consult my vagina on this one.
Things you don't see everyday 5 comments
· 9 years ago
It's not any better. This is a fucked up thing to do to anyone and really shouldn't be on this site. Super not ok.
The time is now 30 comments
· 9 years ago
Ah yes, I remember when the Pride flag was used as a rallying symbol to those who were fighting for the right to continue owning an entire race of people. Spot on comparison.
Better than dante's handguns 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm with Sleevies on this one, Ebony and Ivory all the way (though my opinion may have more to do with the man who wheilds them)
I like watching cartoons, reading Harry Potter and I trust people too much 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Don't worry, I have a feeling no one really knows how to adult, some are just better at pretending. As long as you have a roof over your head and food to eat you're doing awesome. Now go buy candy and nerf guns.
Stop horsing around 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Both horse masks are showing signs of extreme aggression and agitation with the ears back, eyes wide, and teeth bared, the real horse is trying to figure out why these two legged horses are so upset
Oldest evidence 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Sir or ma'am, by and large the users on this site are good, kind people. They do not need your approval nor appreciate your judgment. Jesus hung out with sinners and whores. Who are you to cast stones?
Oldest evidence 24 comments
· 9 years ago
No! They actually did a thing (I am not smart enough to understand what thing) that showed that the prints were made at the same time. Also, this same cave in France (Chauvet) had some of the first instances of human art, some depicting canine relationships with humans.
I'm Not Siding With The Police, But 25 comments
· 9 years ago
Huh. Not that this is even a little bit the point but, Louis CK never said this. Listen to his latest stand up, the last track , "of course, but maybe"
Fox village in japan 27 comments
Fox village in japan 27 comments
· 9 years ago
Domesticated foxes and tame foxes are actually 2 different things. The domesticated foxes have different poly genes governing their actions and may soon be classified as a different class of species from wild foxes (like how wolves are canis lupis and dogs are canis familiaris)