

Who even KNOWS what goes here, tbh. No one's even gonna look at it. pronouns? She/they. Vibing? God I wish.

— TimeBender25 Report User
But really, it has improved recently. Still shit, but slightly less so.
'course, we gotta wait for post to appear above it. But shh.
Well, now we know. Kinda disappointed.
So this is now a thing you know.
What's this? Nintendo snark? Impossible.
You may disagree, but in a world where everyone has this ability you'd think differently.
IDK what I'm uploading. My brain decided to f*ck off and listen to Undertale AU songs.
*cough* Bethesda *cough*
I'd make a series of GIFs you hear, but I'm lazy.
Make the proper sacrifices of your sanity and free time, else he gets angry.