User abrnrd Banned

Master plan 3 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
They must loave bread
Why world?! Why?! 14 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
I thouht it was a myth! Show me the proof
Stealing stuff 8 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
A lion ransacked my house and took all of my CD players
There are only 4 circles and none of them touch 15 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Trippy as fuck bruh
For just 15 dollars a month, YOU can help 9 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Woah mind blown
Sex vs Food 2 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
The dinosaur incident my fellow funsubbers
The best way for your windshield to get smashed 12 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Na na na na na na na na na na na BATCAT
Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card 14 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
I just sung the whole song...
Why do have to be friends like this? 1 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
These puns are divan
As close as I'll ever get to murder 6 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Umm confused potatoe over here. Someone please explain
A Girl's Laughter And A Boy's Tear 15 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
This is obviously probably not a native english speaker and looks like the work of Google translate
Michael Jackson's son Blanket Jackson refused to shake 19 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Justin Bieber
When the girl in front of you won't get her hair off your desk 40 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Calm down satan
Oh, wait a second 11 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
This kid is going places
I decided to give it a try 133 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
"At times I felt like I was failing Maureen, like I wasn't keeping my promise that i would protect her- the promise I'd made to her when I had held on the way home from the hospital after she'd been born"
1 · Edited 9 years ago
Someone probably did this before 6 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Are those flat ironed eyelashes?!? Gurrl you look hottt
A daily dose of cuteness 20 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Your my new bff on funsubstance:))
Everyone has good traits 11 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
I love this post so much
A daily dose of cuteness 20 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
And I'm not going to delete it or change the title just because a bunch of mean funsubbers are going crazy over it
A daily dose of cuteness 20 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Calm down and just ignore the post or skip over it. It's not that big of a deal that I said daily dose of cuteness so calm down
A daily dose of cuteness 20 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
OHMIGOD just calm down! I'm not raging ir screaming! Im just telling you to calm down and yes you are pegging it as plagiarism. You are the one accusing me of plagiarism because apparently I am not allowed to use the words a daily dose of cuteness. Ok if you are so worried about it then just ignore the post or there is a downvote button. And yes you are being butthurt about it. I have been on this site for 2 years and never seen someone get so hurt over a title of a post because someone eelse used it. If their are so many titles then why do I see so many repeat titles. Most of the time it is an accident. Calm down and it was accident so stop being so mean about something that was an accident. How would you like it if I got angry at you everytime I saw you repost a picture or use the same title as someone else. I am not trying to create an Internet war. I did not know at this daily dose of cuteness thing was going on. I didn't know that I wasn't allowed to use those words for a title.
A daily dose of cuteness 20 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
First of all I'm a girl! Second of all im sorry okay! I didn't realize someone was using this! SO CALM THE FUCK DOWN! It's a title not a book! ITS NOT PLAIGARISM! Do you know how many repeat titles I have seen over the last two years?!? Whoever started the fucking series that your all so butthurt about probably didn't even notice and doesn't care if they did!Jesus what happened to this website! Your all so butt hurt about such a stupid thing! Get over yourselves! This website is just going downhill with all the butthurt people and potatoes! CALM THE FUCK DOWN!
2 · Edited 9 years ago
Sibling love 24 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Well there's this thing called horsing around and playing with your siblings and having fun and friendly sibling torture. I guess that's just what fucked up familes do though according to you
Lest we forget 9 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
THE FEELS *sobs and rocks back and forth in fetal position*
Why we should all eat cereal 18 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
So much courage and bravery in this never ending battle