

please pretend that you're reading something really fascinating, maybe even cross your arms and then nod your head and say hmm

— thanks! Report User
Funniest censorship 7 comments
aeris · 7 years ago 12
Caps lock 11 comments
aeris · 7 years ago
I squinted a bit to read it
Anything else? 8 comments
aeris · 7 years ago
the first one is already done
Wind in a Ring 7 comments
aeris · 7 years ago
When they turn a book into a movie 9 comments
aeris · 7 years ago
Harry Potter TV show:
It also saves on heating bills 3 comments
aeris · 7 years ago
I crank up the AC in my room so my kitten will stay close to me
Making sure 5 comments
aeris · 7 years ago
and then you press the "clear" button 10 more times just to be extra sure that it's erased
Wish I lived here 8 comments
aeris · 7 years ago
Grindelwald, Switzerland
fat hairless cat watches anime 8 comments
aeris · 7 years ago
I am no expert, but I'm pretty sure that's called manga
Butt teacher! 2 comments
aeris · 8 years ago
"angry mom"
Al-Gebra terrorist cell 7 comments
aeris · 8 years ago
link to the video if anyone interested:
You can't but love this tribe 6 comments
aeris · 8 years ago
the mongolian
As a British guy in the US, I just don't understand 30 comments
aeris · 8 years ago
this one article I found .."In American dining culture it is so commonplace to tip your waitstaff that the federal minimum wage for servers is $2.13 an hour."
the call was coming from INSIDE the cat tree! 5 comments
aeris · 8 years ago
at first I thought this was a skyrim mod
Always push yourself 4 comments
aeris · 8 years ago
run 3 miles? thats too tough for me
Gonna need a few Full Restores for that burn.... 8 comments
aeris · 9 years ago
Dat pikachu tho
Toy maker transforms kids’ drawings into real stuffed animals 11 comments
aeris · 9 years ago
it's called "budsies"
Derpina 4 comments
aeris · 9 years ago
'cause theres been so many ppl pointing out repost lately, I decide to made a remix for funsub
8 · Edited 9 years ago
Toy maker transforms kids’ drawings into real stuffed animals 11 comments
aeris · 9 years ago
I saw this company on shark tank
I really think the first option is the best 15 comments
aeris · 9 years ago
Need this on my wardrobe 11 comments
aeris · 9 years ago
I could not find the hoodie on that site, its just hats, I've found it here
Oh mattel, what have you done 15 comments
aeris · 9 years ago
I need these, for..........testing purposes
Isn't he an angel? 4 comments
aeris · 9 years ago
the last picture, are those teeth or a hand in her mouth?