some Birds are hunting mouses & eat their brains 12 comments
· 7 years ago
eagles and vultures can go home. this is the most badass bird i've ever seen.
I'll Just Be Moving Along Now 5 comments
Drivers are wise 8 comments
· 7 years ago
can someone tell me what the hell happened cause i've never seen any of the movies lol
It's all fun and games until Phantom Ganon shows up one night 10 comments
· 7 years ago
horror material would be that some scary supernatural creature shows up at night despite it being a mural
Edited 7 years ago
Getting denied 9 comments
Genius 5 comments
· 7 years ago
i mean..it works but.. dry shampoo exists... and you have the goggle mark on your forehead now but ok..
Just close your eyes, but keep your mind wide open! 7 comments
· 7 years ago
yup, this film really made me feel things. it also had good messages about imagination, friendship, and death. this should be a classic.
Sucks for them 24 comments
· 7 years ago
i mean, it goes both ways i guess. not defending anyone, i'm just correcting the misconception that they banned it just bc she's israeli. i'm the last person who knows what the fuck is going on between the people of those countries.
Sucks for them 24 comments
· 7 years ago
not because she's israeli, but because she proudly supports the terrorism of lebanese people
This is what a real friendship looks like 6 comments
· 7 years ago
i've seen this story many times and it never fails to warm my heart ;; but i think i saw somewhere that the two of them plan to further their studies in different places so they won't be together forever :(
"Cosplay" 6 comments
· 7 years ago
ok all the discourse aside those are some nice boobs and the lingerie is really pretty too
You're important 5 comments
· 7 years ago
dang, here i was thinking it was just to help nurses know where to inject the needle if he needs to take out blood or something
That was helpful 30 comments
· 7 years ago
i hope most people understand, this kind of "advice" from my very religious parents made me suicidal quite recently. they forced their beliefs onto me afterwards and took away lots of my freedom. in my situation, it was hopeless and i was prepared to kill myself. you don't have to care about me, but basically what i want people to know is that religion is not for everyone. if you've found god, good for you. if you don't want to, good for you. there are very useful and non-religious ways to help depression, as well as people who will be there for you if your parents won't.
The emporer roasts local peasant 27 comments
· 7 years ago
she's around 13 or 14 years old. this brat thinks she's famous now and will remain famous but she needs to take it outside smh
this pigeon is my spirit animal 6 comments
Of course he knows what we have been doing 5 comments
· 7 years ago
as you might know, J.Timbz (don't cringe) was part of N'Sync, who had a song It's Gonna Be Me and near the end he sang it like "IT'S GONNA BE MAY" so that's what all the jokes have been at the end of April makes sense to 90's/early 00's kids btw