

I love kpop, khh, Sailor Moon, and cats♡
axh969 Report User
Extravagant wedding cake 24 comments
alicechwe · 7 years ago
beautiful! and awesome work! but how do you cut it and eat it tho..
Vvv important post 4 comments
alicechwe · 7 years ago
I shall allow this one transgression, human, since it is dinner time 6 comments
alicechwe · 7 years ago
aaaaahhh i love this!!
National D.Va 13 comments
alicechwe · 7 years ago
i don't play overwatch and idk anything about it or this at all but i'd just like to tell yall that her nickname geguri means crab in korean.
Hide yo kids hide yo wife 3 comments
alicechwe · 7 years ago
he has really nice eyebrows though???
get roasted 4 comments
alicechwe · 7 years ago
is..... the title.... a pun....
There's definitely alien life 30 comments
alicechwe · 7 years ago
yall... we all know how big space is and there are so many galaxies like of course there's life outside earth there are definitely other civilisations out there who think of US as "aliens"
A hen guarding 2 kittens during a storm 5 comments
alicechwe · 7 years ago
all you people are gross, it's already stated that it's a H E N. (though seeing how those kittens seem scared i do acknowledge the 'pussy' joke)
Makeup memes 1 6 comments
alicechwe · 8 years ago
how. how do you make sure the shadow doesn't cause powdery flakes on the mascara? or when you're blending your lashes don't get stuck together?
It's not even make sense 18 comments
alicechwe · 8 years ago
so.. what happens in the video game happens irl? wasn't there a horror movie called stay alive that was exactly like that?
ET makeup 7 comments
alicechwe · 8 years ago
mad talent!!!
If whales can fly 6 comments
alicechwe · 8 years ago
flying whales / sky whales are an amazing idea but imagine all the wind they'd cause
Combining two photos with a neural network 9 comments
alicechwe · 8 years ago
Starry Ryuk
Words 49 comments
alicechwe · 8 years ago
Arabic: let's get rid of all our vowels, f*ck up your understanding of grammar, and we'll give you tons of words you'll never be able to explain in English.
Korean: spend about an hour learning the alphabet cause it's easy and feel like a pro after you can read it, but go back to feeling confused when you can't understand what you read. also, good luck using kdramas to learn the language.
The struggle is real 18 comments
alicechwe · 8 years ago
oh how the tables have turned
What do you think? 30 comments
alicechwe · 8 years ago
honestly she is beautiful, and her being famous for her sexuality (sleeping around etc) shouldn't take away her success as an actress. it's not that big of a deal lol who says you can't be successful and a hoe at the same time
Those people are not to be trusted 4 comments
alicechwe · 8 years ago
whoops i can't be trusted then
And they're usually playing Ariana Grande in the background 11 comments
alicechwe · 8 years ago
i could tell it was a joke but not everyone is so quick at seeing thru online posts so i commented just in case people take it seriously
And they're usually playing Ariana Grande in the background 11 comments
alicechwe · 8 years ago
hopefully this isn't serious but hey if you're a girl who does this don't feel insecure ignore this and enjoy yourselves the people who agree with this can just exit your snap if it's so cringey for them :)
3 · Edited 8 years ago
Increase your chances of winning an argument 3 comments
alicechwe · 8 years ago
but knowing my friends they're gonna say "ok i refuse lol"
Studying is overrated 7 comments
alicechwe · 8 years ago
lol ok I'll do that on my next literature exam
Why even hide that!? 21 comments
alicechwe · 8 years ago
if this gets downvoted, I'll delete this comment and go through the issue in my head again. But this is just my two cents (or fifty cents cause this is a long ass paragraph)
Why even hide that!? 21 comments
alicechwe · 8 years ago
I love Nicki but I also feel like this outfit is just not cute. However, Idk about everyone else, I'm baffled by those of you (men) who say "well then I suppose now we can go out in public with our nuts out". To /me/, the female equivalent of your nuts are the vagina and the lady parts covered by underwear. Breasts aren't so much sexual organs, just heavily sexualised for some goddamn reason. Females having their tits out is not the same as males having your balls out. Not all women wear outfits like Nicki does in these pictures, and I'm pretty sure not all men wear those outfits where guys are shirtless but wear an open jacket over their top (I'm sure we've all seen these before). Idk, I'm just getting the feeling that men who think that they should be allowed to go out showcasing their nuts now if women can wear outfits like these are just really, really, really b i t t e r that they don't have a strong argument for the empowerment that some women feel with outfits like these.
If only 4 comments
alicechwe · 8 years ago
but sadly life isn't so fair
Get it? 11 comments
alicechwe · 8 years ago
why hello subtle reminder of childhood that I have no idea why I found on this on the internet as a young adult