Tanya Brown


— Tanya Brown Report User
Please Read! Could save lives! 50 comments
althenea · 11 years ago
Damned Skippy! That is EXACTLY the message I was hoping to get out there!
Please Read! Could save lives! 50 comments
althenea · 11 years ago
While I wholeheartedly agree with you that assault is NEVER the victim's fault, tips like these can at least help everyone (men too) lower their chances of getting attacked... The ones doing the attacking tend to be cowards, and if they see you are paying attention to what is going on around you, a lot of times they will go for an easier mark. Thus, tips like these to make sure that NO ONE is an easy mark!
Please Read! Could save lives! 50 comments
althenea · 11 years ago
Lol... Just remember to pay attention to what's going on around you and you'll be fine. Too many people spend their time looking at their phones and not their surroundings...