Be careful who you donate to 23 comments
· 7 years ago
Please don't take this seriously because salvation army and goodwill are backwards.
My other Uncles are named Buck, Chuck, Hairy, Junior Jr.&David. David is such an odd name 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm a teacher and another teacher has a kid named Pepsi. I just can't take Pepsi seriously.
Fun fact: go to howmanyofme.com and put in crazy names to see how many ppl in the US have that name!
Fun fact: go to howmanyofme.com and put in crazy names to see how many ppl in the US have that name!
I can't get sick if I've always been sick 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Yes! Like at every job they are like "oh u did so great doing your job of A and B so lets give you c, d, e, f and g."
PSA 81 comments
· 7 years ago
Sorry to hear you didn't agree with the message. It didn't glorify suicide. It showed how tragic taking your own life is and that other people do care even if you can't see it. It also showed both sides, how you don't know how others feel and that there aren't always warning signs. Many people feel lost or feel nothing. Its a lesson from both sides.
Buzz the Bee is missing 28 comments
Pandas are living proofs that you can get fat by eating vegetables 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Potatoes aren't vegetables and the cheese she was probably eating wasn't cheese but a cheese product.
And after yelling at the picture I cry myself to sleep 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Guys the answers to having a great body is never staving yourself. It's always to nourish our body with lots of good foods.
I use to divide a slimfast bar into parts and eat a bite every few hours. I was 180 miserable lbs and couldn't figure out how I didn't lose weight. I was staving myself and still looked like shit.
One day I learned my body wasn't going to work for me when I treated it like shit. Now I eat small meals throughout the day and even eat junk I want to eat. But I eat plenty of veggies, fruits, dairy, and meats.
I know that the more my body moves the more it will work well and want to move.
I wish I could go back in time and tell the old me the answers!
I use to divide a slimfast bar into parts and eat a bite every few hours. I was 180 miserable lbs and couldn't figure out how I didn't lose weight. I was staving myself and still looked like shit.
One day I learned my body wasn't going to work for me when I treated it like shit. Now I eat small meals throughout the day and even eat junk I want to eat. But I eat plenty of veggies, fruits, dairy, and meats.
I know that the more my body moves the more it will work well and want to move.
I wish I could go back in time and tell the old me the answers!
chick fil a is always on point 14 comments
Clever ways to keep your pots 6 comments
· 8 years ago
What? Do you like put the baggies in the pots? Dime baggies in the lil pots and the good ziplocks in the bigger ones?
Am I the only one that loves the smell of books? 9 comments
· 9 years ago
There is a perfume that is based off this smell! My husband and i met in a book store so i got it to remind me of it.
The funny thing is it doesn't kill sperm 19 comments
· 9 years ago
No sorry to tell you, when i was in high school the hoys thought low sperm due to pot dmoking was good bc they wouldnt have to worry about pregnancy
The smoothy creamy truth 20 comments
Just drink the milk 25 comments
· 10 years ago
I hate the taste of cereal milk, so gross! But I only put a small amount of molk on so there is nothing to drink. So I dont waste the milk.
What are your odds? 62 comments
· 10 years ago
It doesnt account for hazel. This got me and my husband too. I have blue, he has brown. The babys eyes looked a bit green, according to the chart green is 0 percent. Turns out his eyes are hazel, which doesnt fall on this chart.
Weird animal comp 27 comments
· 10 years ago
The tiger did have downs. It recently past away. White tigers are always inbreed and rarely are the "pretty" kind you think of. For every pretty ones, many died or have to live with deformation. Very sad. The only reason I know this is we just visited the animal sanctuary where the tiger was.