True 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes, yes she was.
Am I? 40 comments
· 9 years ago
Do you know why this network was made? To give blacks and other minorities an outlet into entertainment, and this happened because, not too long ago, it was extremely difficult to get into the entertainment business successfully if you were a minority. Let's not neglect the fact FS that America was pretty prejudice, and still kind of is. The NAACP, BET, and the show Soul Train was not all invented for no reason.
True 26 comments
· 9 years ago
And what she said there was wrong, there have been white musicians who have been rewarded on the BET network, and it's nothing new. The first person that comes to my mind is Teena Marie who BET has always praised for her work.
True 26 comments
· 9 years ago
FS is like the only website that ive seen praising this woman, everyone else (for the most part) seems to strongly disagree with her.
Fixed it! 51 comments
· 9 years ago
It actually reminds me a lot of people's reactions on the subject of feminism. People are always so quick to say i dont agree with feminism because I think that every one should be equal. But feminism is just wanting equality to begin with! And because all people constantly see are the loud/extremist feminists, the message is altered. Just like with black lives matter.
Fixed it! 51 comments
· 9 years ago
Everytime time i see or hear people changing black lives matter to all lives matter it makes me cringe because all that black lives matter is saying is that black lives matter too, just like everyone else's. Its not preaching that only black lives matter. It's asking for equality. Now, yes, we do have loud extremists for every cause, but really people stop riding the band wagon and do some actual research. When you argue all lives matter when you see black lives matter, you're just arguing what they are already trying to say.
Very unpopular opinion 70 comments
· 9 years ago
Being a black person myself I know that people randomly bringing up slavery can be annoying at times. But I think that many black people know this fact. It is taught in the schools it's not some hidden fact. Though, when I hear some black people referring to whites bringing them here, it is often a response to the feeling of not being wanted. But the most complaining that I ever hear is 90% on the way slaves were treated once they reached the Americas. Downvote me if you want FS, but I dont think this fact takes away from any of the harshness of the whole situation. But Seriously I hate these kind of discussions because none of us living today had anything to do with what happened then.
Poor Tamera. :'( 29 comments
· 9 years ago
@alxx I can totally understand how she feels. I think the most judgment that I have received is from my own race and it is always harsh. I've been judged for my relationships, for having proper grammar, my lighter complexion, and I am often told Im not black enough. I remember asking my mother about this when I was little; I asked her why it seemed that I always got compliments from others but never from our own people. She literally broke down in tears because in her eyes we will never be equal because a lot of black people can't even coexist and be happy for eachother.
Poor Tamera. :'( 29 comments
· 9 years ago
Ohh I see what you mean. I just read the comment as if they just had a preference
Poor Tamera. :'( 29 comments
· 9 years ago
From my own experiences the stares are so common. Sometimes they are stares of disgust, most common I think is confusion (I am sometimes mistaken as Latina and my bf is Mexican), and sometimes happiness. Though I can say that the most important thing to me is that neither of our families judge eachother, and we have all come together :)
Poor Tamera. :'( 29 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm actually in an interracial relationship, and my boyfriend spends a lot of time on Facebook. He has this one girl that he's friends with on there that is like...i dont know how to explain it...something like a black extremist (I'm black so please no one take offense). She often posts things on how blacks should only date other blacks to keep a strong lineage ( when i saw this i was like whatever, her opinion) but then she went on to make another post spewing mad hatred for any black that is dating out of their race. What confused/hurt me the most was when she said that the TRUE racist are black people who choose not to date another black person. Believe it or not, but there were a lot of people that agreed with her. I know what she said made very little sense, but I always felt that if people are happy in their relationships then that is all that should matter. Sorry for my rant, but I really wanted to share this with you guys.
It has begun 4 comments
· 9 years ago
I am the absolute worse when it comes to the hair pins because they always end up on the floor! And my boyfriend gets so annoyed because they are almost hidden, thus making vacuuming a nightmare.
I'm from Sweden and this really makes no sense to me 135 comments
· 9 years ago
Jesshawaka i just want to add on to one of the first things you said about singling out a certain group. I often notice that a lot of people put their focus mainly on our southern borders when speaking of illegal immigration, but what I dont hear often is how these latin countries shouldn't be the only concern. There a plenty of illegal European immigrants that come through Canada, and most fly right under the radar. So I totally understand all that you said above.
I'm from Sweden and this really makes no sense to me 135 comments
· 9 years ago
I know a few people who are Trump supporters, and all I can say is that every time I ask them why they always say things like "He knows how to get it done" or "He is gonna make this country great again". I never get a clear/reliable answer.
Holy f*ck it's midnight,goodnight FS 15 comments
· 9 years ago
How much longer did you actually stay on here once you realized it was midnight?? Lol
Aw yiss this post 45 comments
· 9 years ago
Is anyone really saying that? Im sure that most are not connecting the fact that if you are healthy or unhealthy that you are also a good or bad person
School 11 comments
· 9 years ago
He wanted you to call him nigga not nigger right? Maybe guest was more bothered about 'nigger' being used
sweather weather my female dogs 6 comments
Everything hurts,help 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Do you constantly look outside your window waiting for someone to touch your lawn?