

Procrastination is the key to suckcess

— Procrastinator Report User
Why can't birds live in space? 10 comments
annabelcollins · 8 years ago
Go kiwi go!
Weird things that are banned around the world 48 comments
annabelcollins · 8 years ago
NZ one isn't true....
There is an owl cafe in Japan 24 comments
annabelcollins · 8 years ago
There's a cat/kitten cafe in NZ!
I still have a crush on him 18 comments
annabelcollins · 8 years ago
Weirdly so much sexual tension in that movie when you rematch it
It's 2016, and I still can't see this sh*t. 15 comments
annabelcollins · 8 years ago
Make it big, go quite close and then make your eyes cross eyed for a bit ( vary in how hard you make them cross) and then slowly pull away from your screen and it should become 3D! Loved these books as a kid
We are not Germany, thanks 21 comments
annabelcollins · 8 years ago
English 5 comments
annabelcollins · 8 years ago
Sean Bean has always distracted me -_-
Which would you choose? 50 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
If you star in the movie with Leo, you'll get his Oscar so its basically a win win situation here
· Edited 9 years ago
would you look at the thyme 7 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
He just has a tad too much Thyme on his hands if you ask me
"You don't need this, fatty" 47 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
Diabetes will shorten her life by a lot and if she doesn't listen to her parent or friends etc, I'm sure she would probably listen to Rihanna - but even saying this, I'm sure that this post is fake.... Maybe Rihanna was giving her the snickers - we don't know unless we were ther or there was a video to back it up. I could say that the exact same thing happened to me and everyone could believe me!
Addam's Family 9 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
Disappointed that it doesn't include the dad :/
that's gorgeous 17 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
It looks like it has been done with a calligraphy pen, so I'm finding it a bit hard to fully believe this... Would you trust a 6-7 year old with a calligraphy pen?!
I am like... What am I doing with my life 36 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
Her voice is just a tad too high for my liking but she is GORGEOUS none the less! Love both of their channels
The selfie 10 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
We'll you guys ain't gonna like 2015 and selfie sticks
So true 48 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
** makeup And blue eyes **
Me and my iPhone are so close 3 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
If only it said sandwiches
A majestic, stealthy, cold blooded killer 4 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
Oh my god I love that movie
The chosen one 5 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
This reminds me of mr bean :)
My new favourite game to play 113 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
Or even Annabel: oobnnoobboobl
My new favourite game to play 113 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
Annie: oobnnooboob
The cats have chosen you 5 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
What movie/show is this?
Interesting things about Hunger Games actors 8 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
I was waiting for a big connection of all of them hahah
Conserve wind.... 10 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
Wow. Just wow
His tender whisper in your ear 14 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
"Literally I Can't" Music Video Will Test Your Patience 14 comments
annabelcollins · 9 years ago
I thought it was goigt to be a parody... Boy was I wrong...