Good job 6 comments
· 4 years ago
I don't understand how this is not common knowledge already, but there is that much air in the bag so the chips won't brake while being transported. If the bags where filled you would just have small bits of chips, then you would complain about that.
Heroes nowadays 10 comments
· 4 years ago
Also, this is comparing ACTION heroes vs SUPERheroes. not even the same category
Let yo mama jokes roll 2 comments
Goals! 50kg (110lbs) in 2 years time! 8 comments
· 4 years ago
ah, I see. Have you checked some of the videos on YT? I'm sure there are some that shows some heavy exercises in small areas.
Goals! 50kg (110lbs) in 2 years time! 8 comments
· 4 years ago
Why can't you work out during quarantine? There is lots of sets you can do with everyday items if it's the weights and machines at the gym that you're missing,
Who likes simple dishes like potato pancakes? 17 comments
· 4 years ago
@changetheworld I'd say they're both versions of a potato pancake. We kinda do that thing with leftover mash too
Who likes simple dishes like potato pancakes? 17 comments
· 4 years ago
yeah they are common berries here in Sweden, maybe not in your country? Where are you from?
Edited 4 years ago
Who likes simple dishes like potato pancakes? 17 comments
Who likes simple dishes like potato pancakes? 17 comments
· 4 years ago
pretty much just make a pancake batch, then grate potato in the mix and fry up
Now That’s a Wedding Party 4 comments
· 5 years ago
If your bride doesn't shinobi-run down the aisle, is she really worth marrying?
Modern problems required modern solutions 3 comments
· 5 years ago
you shouldn't have to deal with someone like that even in customer services, but people are dumb as fuck so what can you do
guess who's no longer Asian Rapunzel! 16 comments
Meatballs 3 comments
Camp 7 comments
· 6 years ago
"They may cut your dick in half, and serve it to a pig.And though it hurts, you'll laugh, and dance a dickless jig. But that's the way it goes, in war you're shot upon, though we die, La Resistance lives on"
Someone has to make this Harry Potter prequel 49 comments
Continue the thread 29 comments
Continue the thread 29 comments
title 7 comments
· 6 years ago
This is wrong. I'm all for the activism, but if I were that chef, I would've been pissed. A chef has to look what the community around him wants to eat. If 99% wants meat, that's what he will serve. But apart from that, this is messing with someones livelihood, and that's fucked up. Even if the majority that see this doesn't think like the activists do, they might be offset to go into that restaurant.