Canadian nightmare 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Choo Choo Motherfuka
*vomits in goose* 13 comments
Time to move 30 comments
· 5 years ago
55.9% at absolute most, averaging 30.9% including varying municipal and 8% income.
But at least they actually do something for the people with the money.
Edited 5 years ago
But at least they actually do something for the people with the money.
Farting in minus 30 temps 12 comments
Swearing words from Britain are such a beautiful language 9 comments
· 5 years ago
The "stay" result of that vote was largely dependant on the hassle rejoining the EU would have been if Scotland had left Britain. Then England just went and pulled the rug out from under them.
Scientist found a way to erase memories 5 comments
Australian reindeer 9 comments
This is important 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Most of these are in a situation where they're about to be eaten. One of them is literally on a spoon.
Sounds accurate 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Looks like they're about to perform a duet of Chum Drum Bedrum.
You touch it, they feel it 2 comments
· 6 years ago
More likely it was just a decomposing body part falling on the bracelet. Or a small creature, such as a rat or mole, burrowing into the coffin.
Navy tactics 4 comments
· 6 years ago
"An interesting fact, the navy has really good quality control and they do it in an interesting way for submarines.
Submarines have some really difficult welds and all welds require very careful attention to procedure like changing out unused rods every hour or else the welds will fail. To insure quality, the first dive on the submarine takes is an extra deep dive that goes deeper than it’s meant to go. It’s for mechanical stress relief of the welds but also they take along all the heads of the shipyard and the Quality control personnel like chief inspectors aboard also because if it fails, this is where it’s gonna fail."
Submarines have some really difficult welds and all welds require very careful attention to procedure like changing out unused rods every hour or else the welds will fail. To insure quality, the first dive on the submarine takes is an extra deep dive that goes deeper than it’s meant to go. It’s for mechanical stress relief of the welds but also they take along all the heads of the shipyard and the Quality control personnel like chief inspectors aboard also because if it fails, this is where it’s gonna fail."
Who else agrees 20 comments
· 6 years ago
John Rzeznik may not have done much solo work afterwards, but he did go on to be the lead singer in a band called the Goo Goo Dolls, and they make some very similar music to what he did before.
I'm Still Here is still the greatest though.
I'm Still Here is still the greatest though.
This girl described my life 3 comments
Systems 3 comments
Fat kitty cat 13 comments
· 6 years ago
That cat is "O Lawd He Comin"
Here's the chart for reference:
Here's the chart for reference:
Rookie move Slagathor 2 comments
I am sure they do 7 comments
· 6 years ago
While what you say is true for many other reasons, this post predates Trump by a LONG time.