

— Aphelion Report User
What the cinnamon toast frick is this? 7 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
Munchhausen has to do with an addiction to getting medical treatment, and often fake diseases or injuries to get it. It's not the enjoyment of actually being disabled that characterizes Munchhausen, but the attention they usually get while being "cured."
Also Munchhausen is still very much a thing, although there's debate whether it should actually be classified a "disorder" or not.
She’s a strong independent bear 5 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
Absolute Unit
My dad sent a Howler 2 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
What I listened to on the school bus 10 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
Exactly the same here, songs 1, 2, 3 & 5. You?
Ah. Titles are hard. 6 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
They could just get high as Olympus itself on morphine or something before any potentially painful stunt. It's not like they'll OD, if they'll even be "alive" long enough to.
Stop cutting onions please 5 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
3 taps, automatically, with closest body part?
Make him twerk in his sleep.
It means he loves you.
A different kind of wholesome 4 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
Comic is from As Per Usual by Dami Lee, since the signature is cropped off.
All the time 2 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
I, for one, welcome our new Google overlords.
The sun can release the spirits! 4 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
Got it, because of the spirits.
Can we make this a thing in all games please? 5 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
And Until Dawn gives you a "previously on" after every. fucking. chapter.
Can we make this a thing in all games please? 5 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
Elite: Dangerous has the option to enable "Pre Flight Checks" which makes you verify each of your controls before you can launch via a checklist of ship functions (such as Pitch Up, Roll Right, Deploy Landing Gear, ect).
Ah yare yare! 5 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
Don't octopuses have a distributed intelligence or something? With that many neurons in that many tentacles you gotta wonder what it was capable of.
This profile is dedicated to such Igloo related facts 2 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
"Epstein Didn't Kill Himself" is a meme intended to raise awareness of the extremely suspicious nature of his death, where it was officially ruled as a suicide, despite that being nigh impossible given the circumstances, and the fact that he was capable of incriminating a large quantity of high ranking and wealth officials from around the world of pedophillia.
The invention of insulin :) 3 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
It's a take on "Epstein Didn't Kill Himself" but instead of spreading awareness about the suspicious nature of his death, it instead draws attention to his vast , and often suspiciously "back door" in nature list of high ranking official contact.
I'll take option number four 7 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
8. Live a lifestyle that involves very little if any interaction with other humans
Liquack snake 2 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
My brother took that seriously once, I was walking home from the shops with him and as we passed a park he told me to go ahead. When he got home half an hour later he had two ducks with him that he then proceeded to keep as pets for a few weeks. Parents were weirdly fine with it.
The force is strong with this one. 2 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
Controversial? Who in the name of Samwise the Brave thinks this is "Controversial"? Please show them to me because I feel they may be in need of some gentle reeducation.
I wont say that videogames dont play any parts tho 3 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
But how did she react to the "I told you so!"?
Come on, don't leave us hanging!
Because that is how a man does it! Others are foolish to think otherwise 6 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
Pretty loose, but not exactly baggy. The inside pockets were large enough that the bottlecap would be barely showing out opening, so with a little bit of leaning the bulge would just look like some slack.
Because that is how a man does it! Others are foolish to think otherwise 6 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
Back in high school the guys' pants could fit an entire 2L bottle without it being obvious that there was anything in there, while the girls' skirts and dresses couldn't even fit a bus ticket.
You sure about that? 7 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
Pro tip:
Get a sword or dagger in your main hand, and nothing in your offhand. Then alternate between light attacks and bashing (attack while blocking).
If you do this combo right you can relatively harmlessly solo any enemy in the game in a 1v1 (including dragons and centurions).
It takes a bit of practice, but you need to get the timing right to get the bashes to land after the stagger animation from the previous bash has ended, but before the enemy can do another attack. Normally the timing is:
Bash->Light Attack->Brief Pause->Repeat->Bash...
Bash->Light Attack->Light Attack->Repeat->Bash...
The issue here is stamina, but as long as there you have no stamina regen debuffs active (alcohol, survival, etc) you should regen the min 1 stamina required to do another bash quick enough to do another as long as you don't do heavy attacks, or there are soups you can cook like Vegetable Soup which will give you 1 stamina per second for over 10 minutes.
Or do what @calvinoot said ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Carla, a fallen soldier 2 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
Thing is, most anti vax parents were vaccinated themselves as kids by their parents. It's their children who aren't vaccinated.
Does anyone have this pic in higher resolution? 3 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
I hunted anyway because I wanted them myself.
Art is by Sara Kipin on Tumblr, here's link:
sarakipin.tumblr dot com/post/118115406163/finally-finished-the-set-this-took-a-crazy-long
How could this happen 2 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
Well from a reddit post of this on r/comics, there is some discussion on what the words mean. Here's the basic conclusions:

"Speaking of mixing northern tongues, ø and ö is the same letter just that one is the norwegian way to write it and the other the swedish way. They are variants of each other, but the use, meaning and pronunciation is the exact same."

"It's just as much gibberish in Norwegian as it is in English.
Maybe even more, seeing how as a Norwegian I know that "ø" and "ö" is the exact same letter with the exact same pronunciation, just that the former is Norwegian and the latter is Swedish. Makes it more obvious that it is just some random gibberish, and does not actually mean anything."
4 · Edited 5 years ago
RDJ is the most expensive actor in MCU 6 comments
aphelion · 5 years ago
Still one of the best MCU movies though.