That last sentence really hits hard 6 comments
· 3 years ago
Try hard enough and you can cut that down to 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2...
Oh why didn't I figure it out earlier 1 comments
· 3 years ago
This is fine.
Until the thing doesn't even start loading stuff until you hit continue.
Then is not fine.
Until the thing doesn't even start loading stuff until you hit continue.
Then is not fine.
Yeah yeah, much freedom 2 comments
This movie is on drugs 6 comments
· 3 years ago
This movie was on drugs that haven't been invented yet.
The soundtrack is great too.
The soundtrack is great too.
Cwispy 6 comments
· 3 years ago
First thing I saw when the page loaded and I just broke down laughing before even seeing the text.
i love this image.
i love this image.
Even the glorious country of liechtenstein 6 comments
· 3 years ago
Historically, Mexico doesn't have much more moral high ground than any other country, and into modern times there's been far to much political turmoil for them to be a major player in the things other countries get branded for. But their exploitation of natives and minorities on political and religious grounds firmly puts them as a relevant country for the above meme.
Even the glorious country of liechtenstein 6 comments
· 3 years ago
Mexico was founded as part of the Spanish Hegenomy, established largely via mass genocide and enslavement of the local populations.
After the independence war of 1810, the Mexican government continued to war with the indigenous Comanche people in an attempt to expand into their territory, heavily to the detriment of their own northern states and their people.
Next up is the Mexican-American war of 1846, which is a pretty morally grey area, but saying either side was morally clear is blatantly false
Then comes a few decades of turmoil led by political and religions ideologies, which heavily impacted the poorer citizens who made up majority of the population. (the French bit was arguably self defence, but since it was based on previous political decisions one can't really claim a moral high ground here either).
After a bit over a century of that, with citizen's conditions gradually improving throughout showing some growth as a country, we're getting pretty close to modern Mexico.
After the independence war of 1810, the Mexican government continued to war with the indigenous Comanche people in an attempt to expand into their territory, heavily to the detriment of their own northern states and their people.
Next up is the Mexican-American war of 1846, which is a pretty morally grey area, but saying either side was morally clear is blatantly false
Then comes a few decades of turmoil led by political and religions ideologies, which heavily impacted the poorer citizens who made up majority of the population. (the French bit was arguably self defence, but since it was based on previous political decisions one can't really claim a moral high ground here either).
After a bit over a century of that, with citizen's conditions gradually improving throughout showing some growth as a country, we're getting pretty close to modern Mexico.
Even the glorious country of liechtenstein 6 comments
Enjoy this as well 5 comments
· 3 years ago
If Legolas with a rifle is something like Hawkeye or Deadshot and he had a regular mid calibre rifle, he could probably carry more magazines on him with more rounds than he could carry arrows. The reloading might be an issue, but the higher fire rate than a bow should make up for it. A proper sniper would be excessive for killing via headshots, and ammo would be a much more limiting factor. Just handing him a rifle probably wouldn't accomplish much though, since he's trained with a bow.
Orcs typically cluster though, so the LMG with an extra drum or two would probably make a bigger impact. But a couple grenades would have a bigger impact still.
Orcs typically cluster though, so the LMG with an extra drum or two would probably make a bigger impact. But a couple grenades would have a bigger impact still.
Enjoy this 13 comments
· 3 years ago
Saga of Tanya the Evil is amazing. Anybody should totally check it out if you want awesome magic/tech fusion in a WW1 setting.
"A diffusive magical explosion. It's caused when magic under maximum pressure mixes with the surrounding air. Even if you dodge the centre impact, you'll be killed by the oxygen deprivation and carbon monoxide poisoning that followed. We didn't need to provide any fire support."
"A diffusive magical explosion. It's caused when magic under maximum pressure mixes with the surrounding air. Even if you dodge the centre impact, you'll be killed by the oxygen deprivation and carbon monoxide poisoning that followed. We didn't need to provide any fire support."
Enjoy this 13 comments
· 3 years ago
This is ignoring the fact that most technology more advanced than clockwork stops working in the presence of intense magic like that of a magic school. This includes electrical, chemical, even mechanical operations, making guns of all types (even air rifles) useless; they just wouldn't fire.
A bit more brains however could have paid off. Wands don't really have range limitations, so just post a few "snipers" on some nearby towers and hit Voldy from all sides, or wait until he's mid speech and snipe him in the back of the head with that "turn into ferret" spell or something.
A bit more brains however could have paid off. Wands don't really have range limitations, so just post a few "snipers" on some nearby towers and hit Voldy from all sides, or wait until he's mid speech and snipe him in the back of the head with that "turn into ferret" spell or something.
And ill finish the whole series in 3 days 4 comments
· 3 years ago
Me starting critical role last week.
Realised half way through EP2 that each episode was 4 hours.
Realised EP4 that there were 132 episodes in a single season.
Realised EP6 that there was more than one season.
Realised half way through EP2 that each episode was 4 hours.
Realised EP4 that there were 132 episodes in a single season.
Realised EP6 that there was more than one season.
Wait... No... NOOOO!!! 2 comments
· 3 years ago
If you ever find yourself in one of these cruel situations, replace the "reddit" in the url with "removeddit" and provided it wasn't removed almost immediately, it should show you what it originally said.
Good 3 comments
· 3 years ago
On the other hand, if you're concerned with a violent reaction, it would be much better to do it in public to discourage a scene, or at least have witnesses.
Xdddddd saw this on my timeline 5 comments
Quick animal fact #7 6 comments
· 3 years ago
The risk of getting strafed by a racoon piloting an Apache is low, but never zero.
Fun facts about german, Pt. III. 7 comments
What if we are the real monsters? 2 comments
· 3 years ago
Draw full of books taking up 95% of the space under mine, which will be pretty concerning if it turns out the Vashta Nerada aren't just one of the Steven Moffat's terrifying fever dreams.
It’s not acting it’s real 5 comments
· 3 years ago
A few of the cast members mentioned in interviews that in some crucial scenes he wasn't even on the set at the same time with the people he was interacting with. They filmed the scenes desperately, sometimes with different actors or just stand ins so he wouldn't even know the full context of a scene he himself was in after filming it. After some slip ups with his first movie they took NO chances.
We are wierd fish 6 comments
· 3 years ago
The fire thing is accurate, it also allows us to maximize nutrients gained from food which helps us grow faster, larger, and smarter than wild animals. However the use of external resources for energy and heat is not unique; there are plenty of animals that have tactics for protecting or climate controlling themselves ranging from digging burrows (mice, polar bears, kangaroos (ok, roos more dig ditches but the point stands) etc.), building structures (beavers, ants, spiders, bees, etc.), or using other creatures as protection usually by hiding or laying eggs in fresh carcasses (wasps, flies, rats, wolves, hyenas, etc.).