

— Aphelion Report User
tube 6 comments
aphelion · 1 year ago
(The follow up comment) You can see this in action by comparing the number of views to the number of subscribers. Ideally, they should be kind of equal, preferably weighted towards views.
View indicate how popular THAT video was, while subscribers indicate how popular your channel was AT ITS PEAK. If subscribers are higher than views, that means that a majority of people who liked your channel in the past, don't actually stay up to date with new uploads, which doesn't actually help you at all.
If your subscribers and views are similar, then it is likely that many of your subscribers are following new uploads, giving you a more stable and reliable rate of growth, and income per video, which greatly helps long term stability.
It's worth mentioning that views higher than subscribers isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it usually means that a video went viral and reached a big audience, but they weren't interested in the rest that your channel had to offer.
tube 6 comments
aphelion · 1 year ago
...the creator, but more importantly turn potential people of the channel when they see that most of the comments are negative. Keep in mind people are much more willing to complain than to compliment, so the negative comments will be a vocal minority.
Finally, the last big thing is scams. If a video/channel grows too quickly, it could be a result of an exploit/bug in the algorithm, or a view farm trying to boost a channel very quickly. This is never a good thing because it forces the channel onto a wider audience inorganically, so many people won't actually want to see it.
tube 6 comments
aphelion · 1 year ago
It essentially means "This video went viral, but the channel has had little to no presence before this. In case this is a scam, we are limiting the number of viewers until we trust the creator."
In the long run, this will likely actually help the creator.
If a channel grows VERY quickly, like double digit percentages in days quickly, it causes issues for the creator that can slowdown, limit, or permanently harm their ability to grow.
These issues are complex, but they basically boil down to: lots of people join the channel, they quickly forget about the channel, the channel LOOKS like it is very big but actually only gets a small number of views (see follow up comment for info).
Another issue is trolls. A channel that very suddenly grows will have an influx of trolls and negative opinions, mostly in the form of comments. At this point, the channel does not have a strong supportive community to counter this, leading to a lot of negativity which can not only be disheartening for...
Spaceship! 2 comments
aphelion · 1 year ago
The best bit is that many of these are still frequently used by official channels.
Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly, or a RUD, is often the standard way to announce a rocket went pop.
Engine Rich Exhaust is used less officially, but is often used as a way of encompassing a multitude of issues like an incorrect fuel mixture melting internal components, a cooling system failure melting internal components, incorrect material use or manufacturing melting internal components, and plenty of other things that can cause internal components to melt. Fun fact: if a rocket flame suddenly shifts to a bright green, that's a textbook sign of engine rich exhaust! The green is caused by copper entering the exhaust plume which gives a green glow when burned, and typically the only place you'll find copper is the fuel and coolant piping inside the engine, where it is very much supposed to stay (note that a bright green flash when an engine ignites is normal, it's only if an already lit flame turns green)
Fisoloffe 3 comments
aphelion · 1 year ago
Some times you just do be Day.
Necromancy is also a great way to make new friends 2 comments
aphelion · 1 year ago
hurr durr
Big Brain Time 3 comments
aphelion · 1 year ago
He's out of line, but he's right.
Sigmus maximus 5 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
If you go by what Know Your Meme says, it's unlikely that he is real, and is more likely an amalgamation of other body builders and models edited together.
That's too heavy 1 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
1995 was a dark day for the future of Miles.
Romanum imperium 2 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
"Rome wasn't built in a day"
"But that one was built in a night ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
Haha you are being detained 1 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
The guy on the right looks like if Markiplier and Jacksepticeye had a kid.
2 · Edited 2 years ago
But it is not this day 1 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
This post brought to you by Internet Explorer.
The Domestication of Animals, 13 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
Two to the left here, or swap the horse and the hare. Or don't, I'll eat the horse to get to the hare if I must.
Absolut Legend 4 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
As a wise man once said:
"God himself could come down from heaven and tell me it's pronounced "jif" and I'd just say "sure thing, whatever you say Jod " and then walk backwards into hell."
I guess you're free to go 7 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
So what should you say?
Cat vs Cheese Slice 9 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
Leaving the circle to instantly become a Blood Mage #JustDragonAgeThings 3 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
The Maker smiles upon us.
Dank Andraste memes among us.
War crimes *ticks list* 6 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
Mildly NSFW meme 2 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
Wasn't that literally a joke in Parks and Rec?
Union of Soviet Starving Republicans 8 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
I wonder what came first; the association between red and gold, and hunger, or the prominent use of those colors in food advertising.
This could be tested by running the "which colors are associated with hunger" test on a population who has never been introduced to any marketing that uses those colors, but finding those kinds of people must be pretty difficult at this point.
When Mr steal-yo-gf is hustling your girl 7 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
5 hours to travel the distance.
5 months to retrofit the train to successfully travel 360 km on a *road*.
5 years to fix the potholes it causes in the road after it's passed.
Australian army in the European theater of WWII 12 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
It's a slow as balls, basically invulnerable, 152 mm howitzer, running on treads and dreams.
It was designed to be a a strategic bunker buster, traveling along with a pack of faster KV-1s, but in practice its tectonic speed led to it being quickly decommissioned as the Germans just kept incidentally outmaneuvering them and either capturing them, or destroying them with point blank (in some cases literally) artillery fire.

For the record, at the time, 152mm barrels were normally only seen on naval ships and the occasional "fuck-everything-WAY-over-there" artillery piece.

They have a range of other issues, such as their gun being so heavy it could only actually be rotated while the entire tank was on level ground because the rotor couldn't actually LIFT it up its own bearing, but despite that there's an entire generation of people who crap themselves when they see its iconic profile after being conditioned to fear it from way too many war thunder tank battles.
3 · Edited 2 years ago
Australian army in the European theater of WWII 12 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
Do you think that was intended or...
The turret's still turning! Run!
Food, how do they work? 9 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
Technically, it's a quiche, since most don't have edible floors.
Warcraft 3 deforged :( 1 comments
aphelion · 2 years ago
My poor, top range, pc, sobbing trying to run TESIV Oblivion and its 110GB of mods.