Getting to know funsubsters 74 comments
· 6 years ago
Done! :)
Poor guy 85 comments
· 9 years ago
Poor guy? Are you serious????Deserved to have a hot poker shoved through the pee hole in his dick.
Day 117 of your daily dose of cute was removed so here's a replacement 8 comments
· 9 years ago
I personally, like the daily dose of cute. But, if people are being picky about the its not fun thing, then maybe daily dose of cute and funny, maybe post pics with cute animals wearing funny costumes or being funny in some way. Like I said, I enjoy them, just a suggestion :)
Maaan.... The reason I have trust issues 31 comments
I always wanted to meet him 11 comments
If you think about it... 17 comments
This is happening where I live! 25 comments
I love seeing the smile on her face :') 8 comments
· 9 years ago
I love the part when they mention her nickname and she smiles and tells the story behind it. She's just so amused that they had heard of her nickname
Cuteness in the battlefield 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Why do you feel sorry for the puppy? He probably is so spoiled by all those soldiers.
I would be a millionaire 46 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes, Ashlee is never spelled my way the first time, I dont get upset though, I get it.
Long hair daily problem 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Hairties with metal clips in them are the worst ones for me. NEVER fit right.
Do you want to build a snowman? 21 comments
Yay Selfie 13 comments
Prom (too tired to think of a good title) 6 comments
Better check for spiders next time 4 comments
Poor erin 22 comments
· 10 years ago
How can a teacher treat a student like this?? Aren't they supposed to report bullies, not be one?
Happy Veterans Day 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes, it would be nice not to go to war, but since that will NEVER happen, thank you soldiers!
Looks about rigth 84 comments
· 10 years ago
Ok, first of all did anybody notice at I said "usually gets paid the same"??? And I can't even speak for all countries, just my country, so everyone calm your shit. Second, I am not promoting men beating women or rapes or anything of that kind, damn. I've been there and done that, experienced every kind of abuse growing up, thats probably why I'm as tough as I am now. I'm just saying so much more is expected from a guy. If a heterosexual couple is sleeping in bed and you hear a noise who's going?? Right, the guy. Something heavy? I'll ask him to do it. I could not be strong and brave all the time. That's all I was saying. You guys are acting like I'm saying bow to men and obey them or something. Lol my husband knows better than that. Just saying guys got it tougher in my opinion. Luckily, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Looks about rigth 84 comments
· 10 years ago
I agree with this post, they say women have it harder because of babies and periods and stuff, but, I think the mans day to day is quite overwhelming. They are expected to do so much more, usually for the same pay too. Not to mention being expected to be the protecter, strong one for the family. I could NOT do that. Both women and men have it hard, we just tend to speak up more and whine about ours lol
17-year olds be like... 15 comments
· 10 years ago
They cut it short, so it wouldnt drag on like other series do towards the end. I was like why are they ending it?! Its a very popular show?? But when i heard the reasoning for it, I totally understand.