Growing up Catholic provides a wealth of humor. 17 comments
average_potterhead · 6 years ago
Breathing breaks are for wimps.
Or, you know, normal humans who don't have the lung capacity of whale like the song demands.
Duolingo is a bit harsh 2 comments
average_potterhead · 6 years ago
I can see see the confusion, considering the original French fairy tale was called "La Belle et La BĂȘte" and is today mistranslated as "Beauty and the Beast". Weird.
Startled by a mic 2 comments
average_potterhead · 6 years ago
I have a couple friends like that.
Gg ez 7 comments
average_potterhead · 6 years ago
Also, the gas was not for suffocation. It interfered with cellular respiration. You know, the process cells need to use food. So the cells would die. Even if the gas did not enter the victims lungs, it would kill their skin and eventually get to their vital organs. That's why victims of the gas chambers were stripped of their clothes before they went in. And God forbid it entered another part, like their ear, and got to the brain that way.
The fascinating tale of North Korea Musical Conductor 25 comments
average_potterhead · 6 years ago
A shaggy dog story is a long, involved, and often repetitive story that often ends in a lame joke or pun.
Wife finds a way 2 comments
average_potterhead · 6 years ago
I like her.
Thanks alexa 12 comments
average_potterhead · 6 years ago
Beymax. Think about it. He knew nothing about depression or grief counseling, so he downloaded all he could find just because he wanted Hero to be okay.
Just love that kind of people 3 comments
average_potterhead · 6 years ago
I know these people. I also tend to try and be that person. I make great friends by paying attention to people who want a little attention but don't tend to get it. Often they end up being such darlings.
Star trek: Stabilized 3 comments
average_potterhead · 6 years ago
It looks like they're dancing.
DO I AFRAID YOU 15 comments
average_potterhead · 6 years ago
That would explain a lot...
Woke 14 comments
average_potterhead · 6 years ago
Social justice, apparently. I'd never heard that before.
Tigers vs. Drones 5 comments
average_potterhead · 6 years ago
Except tigers are solitary. Why is there a big group?
I can't trust them anymore 32 comments
average_potterhead · 6 years ago
Goddammit. That's disappointing.
Accidentally kill a baby 9 comments
average_potterhead · 6 years ago
Honestly, depending on how well the product is made, this device could make pregnancy and birth a much more painless operation. Having a child naturally could still be an option, but this could make it easier for people who don't want to go through that.
2 surgeons after successfully removing a set of brain tumors during a 32 hour surgery 10 comments
average_potterhead · 6 years ago
Haha, the one surgeon noticed the camera and was just like, "sup"
Never thought of it that way 11 comments
average_potterhead · 7 years ago
It's more like those random muscle twitches
i need a dog 2 comments
average_potterhead · 7 years ago
I recently started going to parties. I hate parties because they have a lot of people and I'm not comfortable in groups. But then I started waking up and looking around and realizing that often, there's another like me, who unconsciously shuffled to the side to avoid the group. So I talk to them, one-on-one, and not only make a new friend but make us both able to honestly say "I had fun." Because I was able to approach another introvert and create a situation we both preferred.
What a way to celebrate 2 comments
average_potterhead · 7 years ago
Go Bearcats
Daily Dose of Love #78- Being strong is easier said than done 9 comments
average_potterhead · 7 years ago
I have the opposite problem. I don't cry because when I do, everyone starts fawning over me and asking what's wrong. I don't want your attention. It makes me feel embarrassed and a little mad. I want to cry for a bit without having someone bother me. I appreciate the sympathy, but I want you to go away. But I can't say that out loud without being rude. It just puts me in an awkward place. But some people want a bit of that kind of "aw what's wrong", and I understand that.
Smooth 8 comments
average_potterhead · 7 years ago
A man that I believe to be Squirrel Jesus 3 comments
average_potterhead · 7 years ago
Simpson's Nail My Catholic Upbringing 2 comments
average_potterhead · 7 years ago
That's called Puritanism.
The one and only 1 comments
average_potterhead · 7 years ago
"It's not the urge to jump. It's the urge to fall." Or something along those lines.
Moms are the best 11 comments
average_potterhead · 7 years ago
Yeah, I think it takes five weeks or something like that.