Priorites 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Um, why the asterisk?
Hitler reacts to SJWs 13 comments
· 9 years ago
ah mustve mixed up der untoten with like that call of duty map or whatever it was years ago lol.
Hitler reacts to SJWs 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Downfall is the english name of the movie. Der Untoten I think is the deutsche name
Why everyone should go to college 8 comments
· 9 years ago
It's not difficult to become successful without going to college.. There's so many ways to make a 6 figure salary by being your own boss. It's a shame most people are too afraid to try. It's easier earning good money from IM than becoming a lawyer/doctor/stockbroker/eyc and then being one. For some jobs all you literally have to do is post stuff. Just like here. All you do is post some funny pics and make bank. It's not a hard process to learn how to drive traffic from one area of the internet to another. Social media is a multi-billion dollar industry. Anyways, I get so annoyed when people say college is the only way to be able to pay for living. Maybe instead of being a silly teenager, most kids should've focused on being able to pay rent years before they'd move out..
Science student problems 5 comments
Traffic lights: USA vs. Austria 13 comments
I need to study. School comes first 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Life is a scale of progression and degeneration. Parties would MOSTLY fit under the degeneration part. Now, here's the thing about life. Progression needs to take primary place, however.. some balance is needed. Everyone deserves some nights of pure fun once in a while. It doesn't hurt. There can always be time made. And if you think there can't be, then you must realize even though you may say now, "Oh, in the future it'll be different. There'll be more time." Maybe, but by then you just might be too late. Because you'll leave it off until you keep getting older and older.
I don't even drive but same 4 comments
Wish I was there 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Didn't see Scorch Trials yet, and even though Maze Runner the movie wasn't amazing.. I'm still excited. Like tae said, it's sometimes completely different and you just have to treat it like another world yet to explore. If you have a good imagination, that's all you need really to enjoy a book and its movie. You can either connect them together, or keep them separate if you want.
Seeing freshmen making out in the hallway 21 comments
· 9 years ago
Well, just gotta walk past and smile knowing 95% of the couples won't stay together during their stay at High School.
Tooth fairy 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Tooth Fairy was sick, so her evil cousin did the job for her that day.. and thus explains the blood.. I mean er, fairy dust.
Apparently It Doesn't Bring Any Boys To The Yard 4 comments
· 9 years ago
Maybe it's just the wrong flavor? Oreo milkshakes would make me run miles mmm
Come play with me Squidward 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Go to sleep little darling.. I'll still be here watching over you the whole night..
Heart and Brain 3 3 comments
If people just looked at the stars 12 comments
· 9 years ago
The stars are so beautiful out in the wild. Everyone should experience it at least once in their lifetime. You get so high off on life when you feel the cool summer breeze brush past your hair, hear the leaves brustle against one another, and the shining stars above glimmer. Maybe, if you get lucky you'll see something amazing a lunar eclipse, or a planet up close, or a shooting star. Nature is gorgeous. Peace and pure tranquility.
So people were better in the old days? 10 comments
· 9 years ago
It's nice to take a photo or two of something extraordinary, like being up close to the President.. but people need to take more time to enjoy the actual moment itself. It'll be gone before you know it and when another moment arises, you'll be wasting it again by trying to "save" it.