

— BaconAirstrike Report User
Looking for my name 17 comments
baconairstrike · 9 years ago
Make your own
Tooth 4 comments
baconairstrike · 9 years ago
Reminds me of that one Simpsons episode where Lisa puts soda on her tooth and it starts a civilization.
Please don't leave me now 5 comments
baconairstrike · 9 years ago
Well that escalated quickly
This is neat 14 comments
baconairstrike · 9 years ago
Actually I accidentally put lollipop but he reminded me that it is tootsie pop so I edited the comment.
Love this 14 comments
baconairstrike · 9 years ago
I finally found people like me! You guys love the best bands!
Anxiety in one screenshot 6 comments
baconairstrike · 9 years ago
Awesome iPhone prank:
1. Text someone saying "Can I ask you a question?"
2. Wait till they respond
3. Send this gif :
4. Never respond
This is neat 14 comments
baconairstrike · 9 years ago
"How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?"
14 · Edited 9 years ago
Good job Orlando ! 11 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago
Well he didn't "miss". One of Justin's gaurds blocked the bunch.
You are killing his career and we are so happy 20 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago
He didn't get hit though (Sadly). One of his bodygaurds deflected the punch.
Real life Krusty Krab 12 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago
Amazing landscape in iceland 7 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago
Those hexagonal tiles and the background remind me of heroscape, a board game I loved as a kid.
You've got 6 months Nike 8 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago
I don't think those ones are "self-tying"
Worth the read xD 27 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago
Reading this made me cringe so much
No Woman 8 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago 1
Cartoon University... 27 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago
Bart Simpson was also
Cartoon University... 27 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago
Johnny Bravo must have skipped leg day
A really cool town to visit 8 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago
I'm in Hershey right now. I too love the smell of chocolate.
Swedish cop at work 25 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago
This reminds me of Smosh's cop videos.
Who's who 4 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago
The drum competition between them was so funny.
1913 Boxer Promo 3 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago
Now it is just people on social media
Truck flip 3 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago
"Budget Cut"
Snap snap snap 22 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago
To the first guest - So you are using the Bible to say homosexuality is a sin but then saying the Bible is stupid and not to use it??
absolutely! 3 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago
I think it is The D'oh-cial Network
Suajaws 9 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago
There is also the fact that it is like his 3rd time doing that though.
Keanu reeves is immortal 6 comments
baconairstrike · 10 years ago
Well I guess you can do anything when you're in the Matrix.