Off With Her Head!!!! 43 comments
· 9 years ago
Um this 'bitch' is doing her job. Much as we might not like it, she works for a living and is going to provide for herself and her family as best she can. If that means cancelling shows we liked as kids then I'd imagine that's what she's going to do. But are you telling me that out of all those shows, that she was the only one that said to shut them down? That she doesn't work for anyone who might have also had a say? or maybe that the famed disney child stars who hated their lives didn't want out? I've had e-fuckin-nough of the judgment of people we've never met, who have never directly done anything wrong to us. I liked those shows. When they got cancelled, I got upset, I moved on, I grew up. Don't blame this one woman because some people can't do the same.
Stunning view of lightning striking water 2 comments
I found $5 in the shops when I reblogged it. 16 comments
· 9 years ago
That would have been much funnier if you hadn't misspelled colour, now all I can feel is rage
woaaah o.o 31 comments
· 9 years ago
in scotland it goes nursery (age 5-6), then primary 1-7, then high school, First year to sixth year
Sounds a lot like like today 7 comments
· 9 years ago
it's 4.05 pm in scotland right now, and im huddled in my blanket fort with my laptop, having done exactly nothing today
Not your skin after all 21 comments
What happened to Miley? 32 comments
· 10 years ago
CLEARLY SHE DIDNT FUCKING LIKE WHO SHE WAS AS MUCH AS YOU ALL DID AND BECAME WHO SHE WANTED TO BE. Just because you don't like it doesn't make her a whore, or a bad person. Personally I think it makes her brave, because she has to deal with everyone ridiculing her every move now, and comparing her to someone she was years ago. I'm not a fan of her music or even her look, but you can be damn sure I respect that woman.
Here is a unicorn, to brighten your day 16 comments
Yolk yolk sploosh 8 comments
A real survivor 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Cooler than Life of pi... (except I don't think he drank bird blood in the movie)
Bang on glass 7 comments
· 10 years ago
What would you do if your cousin magically fell through it and you could communicate with the snake?
I've Been Single For A Long Time Now 8 comments
Underlined Heart 25 comments
Girls vs Guys Studying 4 comments
Halloween make-up transformation 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Looks like Cher :) (not the colours but the cheekbones and big eyes)
Why nice guys finish last... if you know what I mean 1 comments
· 10 years ago
If you need a meme to tell you this, you probably shouldn't be having sex
Just let me touch it 21 comments
What's yours? 136 comments
· 10 years ago
"I'm not expecting any-thing deliberately hurtful, but tom is fond of banter- and I'm afraid I'm still too sore for that"