Dylan and Cole Sprouse tweet compilation 12 comments
· 11 years ago
Well I see your point but they aren't on disney anymore, and they've definitely grown up. They're in their 20s now and it's still better than Miley. I don't really care because at this point all their fans have grown with them and aren't kids anymore.
Poor kitty :( 15 comments
· 11 years ago
Imagine having to walk with a bee sting on your foot. And this poor cat can't do anything to ease its pain! :(
Why I shop at Target 18 comments
· 11 years ago
Well I lived by the beaches so there weren't many around. California is a big state. Plus it was more convenient to go to the shops that were along the streets because they were good and close
Edited 11 years ago
Female dogs be like 36 comments
Why I shop at Target 18 comments
· 11 years ago
Actually I've always lived in places with no walmart. California... Minnesota.... Where I live now is an hour and a half from Walmart and there are 2 targets within 20 minutes. I'd choose target any day!
This Girl Is My Role Model.... 9 comments
No b*tching=no pain right? 11 comments
· 11 years ago
On Friday, I fractured my ankle and my parents thought it was a sprain, and left for an overnight stay in the city with friends. When they got home, it was twice the size and I couldn't stand... Nice try not paying a hospital bill.
Emma or Jennifer? Why not both? 26 comments
If real names were like usernames 5 comments
I found a website that gives you compliments 33 comments
· 11 years ago
Mine said "I want to kiss you. I hope that's not too forward of me" it really made me smile
This movie can't come soon enough 18 comments
· 11 years ago
I love astrid! Mainly because we share a name! But it made me feel bad when they said the parents named their kids ridiculous names... But on the bright side... Me and hiccup are pretty much a thing!
Edited 11 years ago
Chicago today 7 comments
People should realize this 43 comments
· 11 years ago
Wow. You have been through a lot! I hope your life just gets better from there! I'm sure you are an amazing person who didn't deserve that.
I will do this also!!! 2 comments
Its that day in March 32 comments
You can hear her accent in this
GIF 30 comments