My calcium enriched beverage attracts the gentlemen to my manor 22 comments
· 8 years ago
Then there are century eggs
Something to think about 72 comments
· 8 years ago
SA being the state of South Australia. I am not going to continue arguing this invalid point
Something to think about 72 comments
· 8 years ago
Once again, Not English, Aussie mate.
Secondly, I understand freedom without fear. You understand freedom with fear.
Thirdly, The US was formed in the same way as Australia. You were a convict dumping ground more than we were. I come from SA, The free state. We never had convict labour or any of that shit. We were founded by pioneers. So, Yes, I understand freedom. I understand that there is nothing anyone can do to take it away from me.
Secondly, I understand freedom without fear. You understand freedom with fear.
Thirdly, The US was formed in the same way as Australia. You were a convict dumping ground more than we were. I come from SA, The free state. We never had convict labour or any of that shit. We were founded by pioneers. So, Yes, I understand freedom. I understand that there is nothing anyone can do to take it away from me.
Something to think about 72 comments
· 8 years ago
You guys understand that the Queen has no real power over the country. My freedoms are greater then the criminal down the street. As he committed a crime that has the result of imprisonment, I have a greater freedom than him.
The loose laws you have are far too much of a risk because of the potential for something to happen. Thats why we have the laws on gun control here. To remove a risk is to remove as much of a chance of something happening as is possible. Your lax gun laws make it far too easy to get a gun, and not have it traceable. I would honestly rather have a disarmed populace than the risk of an irresponsible gun owner among responsible gun owners.
The loose laws you have are far too much of a risk because of the potential for something to happen. Thats why we have the laws on gun control here. To remove a risk is to remove as much of a chance of something happening as is possible. Your lax gun laws make it far too easy to get a gun, and not have it traceable. I would honestly rather have a disarmed populace than the risk of an irresponsible gun owner among responsible gun owners.
Something to think about 72 comments
· 8 years ago
Never got out from Englands thumb you say? We did, but not to the same extent. 01/01/1901 was Australian federation. We pull away from Englands government and formed our own. The only thing we keep was the Queen as the monarch. We got our freedom and kept sane. Violence is different in America.
Something to think about 72 comments
· 8 years ago
That is a problem with your country. If your people can't stick to some pretty fucking loose laws, then you have no hope.
Something to think about 72 comments
· 8 years ago
I am not British. I wouldn't know their laws. To my knowledge, there are very few countries on this floating space rock that allow you to carry a gun on you at all times. It honestly doesn't make sense to me, but then I come from a much less violent place. I am just going to make a simple point. Guns kill people. Yes, they need to be wielded by a person to do so, but without the gun, the ease of killing is decreased. As I have been saying, Make something harder and less people will try to do it. Not many people will go to the effort of getting a knife and stabbing someone, there is more risk too. There are easy fixes to your laws, without removing guns too, make harsher gun laws. Make mandatory gun registration with serious consequences.
it would be much easier if everyone were bi/pan 46 comments
· 8 years ago
People aren't attracted to the sex organ, they are attracted to the person.
Something to think about 72 comments
· 8 years ago
LOOK AT YOUR OWN COMMENTS! "Ever hear of something called "responsibility"? It's the fucked up individual's fault if he shoots up a school, not the gun, not the gun manufacturer, not society, not the RESPONSIBLE gun owners of America." Those are your words. I was simply returning my side of your argument. I had no idea you were such shit drivers. My point is that if you make something harder to get less people will try. The black market will be screwed over if guns are made illegal because they will be bought up quickly. And if you say how will they get people to give their guns back, do an Australia and buy them back. I enjoy how stupid Americans can be. Assuming I am mentally ill because I disagree with your opinion on something where you are in one of the only countries in the world where this happens. I come from a country where more people are killed in car accidents than there are killed in any homicidal act. 421 homicide victims (A.B.S., 2014) and 1,155 road crash deaths (2014)
Mans best friend 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Don't be ridiculous. It would piss next to you, and it would inevitably dribble towards you
Something to think about 72 comments
· 8 years ago
Car ownership is different though. We require cars to get around. Without cars, we would have very little options for transportation. You may say public transport, but what about rural townships? Guns are easy to get on the black market because they don't require registration, so all you need to do is buy a gun and sell it to a dealer and it is suddenly on the black market.
I will not argue that there aren't responsible gun owners in the US. However, there are a massive group of irresponsible gun owners. When the Bad outweighs the Good, There is a problem. Thats why cars aren't banned. Per piece, there are easily less car related deaths in the US then there are gun related deaths.
I will not argue that there aren't responsible gun owners in the US. However, there are a massive group of irresponsible gun owners. When the Bad outweighs the Good, There is a problem. Thats why cars aren't banned. Per piece, there are easily less car related deaths in the US then there are gun related deaths.
Something to think about 72 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah, there is still a root issue, but by removing guns, there is a much more complicated route required to cause the same issues. A school shooting isn't as easy to pull off without a gun. The black market will still have guns, but angry students lose the easy access that they have to their parents firearms. If you make it harder to get means to do something, less people will do it
Creative tea infusers for tea lovers 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Not sure if the tardis is on her, but everything else is
Sealand (Foundation date: 2 Sept. 1967), has a population of 4 21 comments
· 8 years ago
England, Not Great Britain. There is so much paperwork for a nation, they couldn't be accepted
Sealand (Foundation date: 2 Sept. 1967), has a population of 4 21 comments
· 8 years ago
That isn't government. England (yes, I am just talking about the one country) Has a queen and a government.
No doubt the most dignified, civilized and sane family we will ever see in the White House 16 comments
This kid is going places 7 comments
Sealand (Foundation date: 2 Sept. 1967), has a population of 4 21 comments
· 8 years ago
I bet you could name them on one hand. The British Isles (in which Sealand is located) do not recognise them as an official country, and further more, If Sealand gets too high of a population they have the right to defend their borders, as it could warrant as an invasion force.
Sealand (Foundation date: 2 Sept. 1967), has a population of 4 21 comments
· 8 years ago
There is a small problem. In order to be a country you need to be recognised. Sealand Isnt. So technically it isn't a country. On top of that, It is also still owned by the British.
The world's biggest horse, Brooklyn Supreme, standing 78 inches (198.12 cm) tall 32 comments
· 8 years ago
*pats back reassuringly with nitrate gloves on* There, there, It could be so much worse. You could be in your 50s.