I'm stronger than an ant. If an ant were... this big.<---------------------------->
— Beowulfscousin Report User
that was a close one 43 comments
· 9 years ago
I never said making fun of a funny thing is inappropriate. What I was saying was saying was don't be hypocritical about what you post. You want to make fun of religion? Go ahead, I don't care. But don't get mad when someone posts something that makes fun of anything anti-theist because that's when you fail your standard of being "open-minded".
Funsubstance is a meme site. It's purpose is to deliver funny pictures/stories/ideas to visitors of the site. In the few weeks that I've been browsing here I've have seen dozens of posts that make fun of theist (specifically christian/catholic/muslim) ways of life. These posts made it to the front page within a matter of a few hours so we can make a pretty good guess on the group mentality towards religion in general. The number of posts that contain what you call "religious propaganda" (which seems to be every single one) are miniscule in comparison to the anti-religious ones and received less than favorable judgements.
Funsubstance is a meme site. It's purpose is to deliver funny pictures/stories/ideas to visitors of the site. In the few weeks that I've been browsing here I've have seen dozens of posts that make fun of theist (specifically christian/catholic/muslim) ways of life. These posts made it to the front page within a matter of a few hours so we can make a pretty good guess on the group mentality towards religion in general. The number of posts that contain what you call "religious propaganda" (which seems to be every single one) are miniscule in comparison to the anti-religious ones and received less than favorable judgements.
Happy back to the future day! 15 comments
Heaven on earth 14 comments
When Google Fiber comes to town 5 comments
· 9 years ago
From what I've heard it's everything you want for Internet/TV after a 20 year training session in the mountains.
that was a close one 43 comments
· 9 years ago
"I'm going to take this as a sign from God that i'm allowed to slap people who create overly religious posts that seek to perpetuate Judeo-Christian propaganda on a website that's primary purpose is comedic relief."
Because there aren't any posts that make fun of religion at all, Right? Not a single one that completely mocks the idea of believing in a higher power of any sort. I just love how the majority of the people on this website are in agreement with what they say and what they do.
Edited 9 years ago
Because there aren't any posts that make fun of religion at all, Right? Not a single one that completely mocks the idea of believing in a higher power of any sort. I just love how the majority of the people on this website are in agreement with what they say and what they do.
if you're offended by this, you're pregnant. 9 comments
Turn on the music and let him dance with you 44 comments
The mustache is "Kimpossible" to unsee 17 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't know why I said Ditto. I meant Diglett.
The mustache is "Kimpossible" to unsee 17 comments
· 9 years ago
If you look at ditto's nose in most games there is a white dot at the top to make it look shiny, and someone did one of those "can't unsee" posts and included ditto's nose saying it looked like an open mouth with one tooth.
The mustache is "Kimpossible" to unsee 17 comments
Disappointed 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, it's not really that big of a deal unless it's something you desperately need like feminine products or materials for a project. Many teenagers (which I assume the post is created by) don't have a mode of transportation so when this happens it's a little frustrating 'cause you can't just go and get it yourself. Other than that it is pretty funny to act like the picture.
Disappointed 11 comments
Most People Don't Know About This 4 comments
Unlimited supply, limited access 69 comments
· 9 years ago
But you can agree that many people in this situation refused to use protection?
Unlimited supply, limited access 69 comments
· 9 years ago
But really though, is it that hard to wear some rubber and take a pill?
Being perfect 4 comments
· 9 years ago
There's no point in learning anything if you're perfect. .-.
I like philosophy, but good god that quote was incredibly vacuous.
I like philosophy, but good god that quote was incredibly vacuous.
Mythological creatures from around the globe 19 comments
· 9 years ago
Can you imagine the basilisk in harry potter with a chicken head?
Someone draw this.
Someone draw this.
Cold water vs hot water showers 13 comments
How to know when Christmas starts 11 comments
1. Don't be hypocrite. If you see a religious/anti-religious posts, unless it COMPLETELY offends you (e.g. "kill all christians/muslims" or "kill all secularist"), ignore it. Don't go slandering the opposite sides ideals or way of life.
2. This is a fun page not a hate board so post funny, lighthearted things. Not something you know will start a comment war.