I'm stronger than an ant. If an ant were... this big.
It's Not Easy At All 3 comments
· 9 years ago
He's trying to make a pentagram on the top left
Bottled soda vs. Bottled water 10 comments
Whut 28 comments
· 9 years ago
America gets crap for making people pay for their future yet England gets nothing for making their people wait a long time for their future.
As a Christian, this is my response to anyone worried about a War on Christmas 36 comments
· 9 years ago
Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth. All of the traditions we have (Santa, presents, etc.) were added when we converted Saturnalia into Christmas. I don't know what this "war on christmas" controversy is about but I can definitely tell you that Christmas is about Jesus.
I needed this in my life 14 comments
This man makes a good point 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Because if you didn't do all that you would be sleeping under a highway? Work isn't suppose to be easy. That's the big picture school paints for you for 12 years.
"Am I doing it right?" 4 comments
What would John Lennon imagine 18 comments
Chivalry is not dead 7 comments
All of his hopes and dreams are crushed 7 comments
· 9 years ago
But if you redefine magic as sleight of hand then it's technically true.
that was a close one 43 comments
· 9 years ago
That's you're opinion, and I'm cool with that, but the comment you just made is propaganda.
Edited 9 years ago
American logic be like 28 comments
· 9 years ago
The last time we did stop to celebrate a holiday was back in Vietnam. The anti-communist forces called a cease fire to honor the Vietnamese Tết holiday. So our side actually acknowledged a holiday that we don't even celebrate (as a nation), BUT the communist forces decided that instead of celebrating they would take advantage of this act of kindness. Commencing the Tet Offensive the communist forces launched surprise attacks on several anti-communist controlled cities. We, of course, weren't prepared for this and the results weren't very positive for our side. So after that the US decided that if there is a holiday, we will leave a good portion of our forces working.