Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
*Happy Charles Darwin noises* 3 comments
· 5 years ago
did he tell them it was rat poison or did he do it secretly and then do a big reveal afterwards? one is homicide, the other is homicide AND natural selection
Outstanding move 5 comments
Maybe we're all balding lately? 12 comments
· 5 years ago
They existed but you were only allowed to tattoo your pants which nowadays is considered pants abuse
Give that man a medal 19 comments
· 5 years ago
Ive said this before I'll say again, doing this kind of shit in Oklahoma won't fly. There is a 500 dollar fine for cruising in the passing lane here and cops are eager to give it out even still today as it took the public ignoring 2 fine increases to figure out that they were serious about it.
Not so fast kid 4 comments
$900 Ambulance 47 comments
· 5 years ago
another thing you have to remember about it is that if a truck with a paramedic cant get to you in time during certain situations, there are things that an intermediate isnt legally allowed to do. A paramedic is required by law for it and its up to the dispatchers to send a truck with the relevant skill levels with the current set up. The EMS i spoke of before that ive got family in, they put out a thing that said basically "so far there is no noticeable negative effects to the policy change" in regards to the not having a paramedic on every truck which in translate terms basically just means so far no one can legally prove that someone has died from not having a paramedic on every truck so far.
Edited 5 years ago
Postal worker cooks steak on truck dashboard to showcase 'inhumane' working 8 comments
· 5 years ago
yes, all the usual ways of dealing with the sun like a functioning air condition system.
Hol up ! 5 comments
· 5 years ago
well i mean technically yes. A thermometer measures the temperature which is a way of expressing the amount of heat in a system which is a way of expressing the amount of energy in a system which describes how much movement is going on at the atomic level. It is far more complex than that but at a very basic level this isnt incorrect.
$900 Ambulance 47 comments
· 5 years ago
youd be surprised by the amount of people that call for an ambulance without actually needing an ambulance which in many places are legally required to sent a unit out to respond..
Edited 5 years ago
$900 Ambulance 47 comments
· 5 years ago
one thing you didnt mention is the fact that basically no EMS runs more than one paramedic on a truck at a time. the best truck is going to be 1 paramedic, 1 intermediate, and 1 basic. Nowadays there arent nearly as many paramedics available as there were just a few years ago and the EMS ive got family working in runs some trucks without a paramedic at all just 2 intermediates and a basic or just 2 intermediates by themselves.
Vote with your butts 43 comments
· 5 years ago
"a lot of us...."
thats not really accurate anymore. Even the republicans are starting to get fed up with him which is fucking rare for there to be a noticeable republican outcry against a republican president
thats not really accurate anymore. Even the republicans are starting to get fed up with him which is fucking rare for there to be a noticeable republican outcry against a republican president
Vote with your butts 43 comments
· 5 years ago
well its a thing of, any vote not for hillary or trump was a throw away vote whether that is a nice comfy cozy fact or not and hella people didnt trust Hillary more than a lick of a dog's ass. There are still people that would argue that trump still did better than Hillary would have. There is also not a small amount of people that believe that hillary was placed as the opposition to trump specifically to get him in office. One thing that is of note is the fact that the pollsters predicted hillary winning by a landslide because trump voters lied to them about who their vote was for because trump wasnt the socially acceptable choice.
Yes. Just yes 4 comments
· 5 years ago
if it really was squirrel 100 he would have forgotten where it was and ended up growing a vodka tree in the middle of the joint
Beyond dispute 2 comments
· 5 years ago
public schools are supposed to be a state's issue along side basically all the other public services like fire police and emergency medical. Idk why you are downvoting him
Burning a company. Nice 14 comments
Which one would you've picked ? 6 comments
Burning a company. Nice 14 comments
· 5 years ago
Even if they made 76 the greatest masterpiece of the 21st century the game would stay dead
RPG Logic 3 comments
· 5 years ago
It's probably like fallout 4 in that certain items take up more than just the slot they show as taking up
Nobody reads the title 6 comments
Oinoinonoinoinoin 9 comments
· 5 years ago
See my above half rant about the legality of friends uploading pictures of you
Nobody reads the title 6 comments
· 5 years ago
laziness does not stop you from having the other sins. Lust, pride, greed, and envy require no action at all to have. Gluttony and sloth are often shown going hand in hand. Wrath is the only one that commonly requires action and even then wrath in of itself is just the anger and hate rather than the actions that stem from it