Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
S u c c u l e n t 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Guess the Emoji movie was more lit 5 comments
· 5 years ago
World war three: strange alliances
America, the EU, and china vs Brazil, Russia, and a big ass fire
America, the EU, and china vs Brazil, Russia, and a big ass fire
Harry Potter and the Cave of Freedom 5 comments
· 5 years ago
The difference being that at least in America you can't expel a student assigned to your district. The worst you can do is suspend them for the rest of the year
Edited 5 years ago
Short and Sweet. Artist in the source 3 comments
Rip in peace, mr. Krabs 3 comments
· 5 years ago
i spent so long trying to glitch the companion cube bit but i never suceeded
Agreed 19 comments
· 5 years ago
the whole "bad guy who heroes fought and died against" thing is a changed version of the story. originally she was the victim and she was given a defense mechanism to protect her from being raped again. Women in the area of greece where the story originates wore the symbols of her and had symbols of her in safe places to protect against assault and rape. The bad guy part came later by others retelling the story differently.
Retard units explained 8 comments
· 5 years ago
the month day year thing is easily explained by the fact that its organized by size of the number rather than size of the thing the number represents. yes a month is bigger than a day but months cap at 12 while days cap at 31 and years (in a 2 digit format) cap at 99
Shud I make a kickstarter? 7 comments
· 5 years ago
imagine forgetting you are in such a chair and getting up really fast. Your foot would get caught in it and youd land flat on your face.
Please guy, take care of our planet 1 comments
· 5 years ago
the amazon rainforest for most people doesn't really pass the "concept" level of thing. The church is a singular object that is an extremely popular tourist attract that a great many people of memories as well as a religious icon. There's also the thing of, the issue with the church burning down is obvious and simple. The problem of the rainforest burning isnt obvious and isnt simple. The media has a very easy system for what gets covered, if it brings in views it will get covered hella, if they can milk it with 10 different segments on easy to understand, short and to the point things they will. If its a complex issue that requires a lot of explaining that some of their audience wont fully understand they wont give it prime time even if its something extremely important.
Parry this you filthy casual 9 comments
I'll take "triggered aliens" for $500, Alex 4 comments
· 5 years ago
i should make a "ms multiverse" competition, super hype it get it sponsored and whatever and then reveal that i never gave anywhere to sign up and have my name be the only one in the competition
That took an unexpected turn 7 comments
· 5 years ago
well now you're a socialist pirate furry that wants to eat the rich, thems the rules
Pc people be like 4 comments
· 5 years ago
thats just not true at all. I can play basically whatever games i want on my mac. hell i can play stellaris without any problems at all on my mac.
Pc people be like 4 comments
· 5 years ago
gets shit done until it either crashes or has an update right in the middle of you doing something that you cant stop even tho you disabled automatic updates 3 times and you dont have time to save or if its a game get to a save point.
First Post! 190 comments
Look at the tongue 9 comments
· 5 years ago
foxes free to install but if you want to keep your fox you have to pay a daily subscription to maintain it and use a VPN so the government doesnt know you have it
Somebody take her snacks 5 comments
· 5 years ago
It's a black and white hollow rectangle with wheels on the bottom how does jay look any more like a dude than a chick it's not human at all