Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
Prob a Anti-Vax too 7 comments
· 5 years ago
I said this last time this kinda thing was posted here, if you have security concerns over someone because they are writing in a different language you are trash
13, 14, 15 13 comments
· 5 years ago
I get it the other way. ill be up doing something at like 22:00 or something planning to go to bed at 23:00 or on the hour and ill see someone say something about it already being 10:30 without putting PM on it in discord or something and ill have a mini-panic attack before i realize there isnt any light coming in my window
Is dis true? 10 comments
· 5 years ago
usually a mass shooting is some power tripper trying to get their name known and talked about more trying to intimidate
Every dang time... 2 comments
· 5 years ago
i dont get why they didnt give the enchanting table an inventory. once you get to the point of having more than one slot like that (or a slot that only accepts a single item type) it should just have an inventory so you can just leave all of that item in the thing.
Supply and demand 4 comments
· 5 years ago
if you could then dicks would hella not be sexual objects anymore lel
Edited 5 years ago
Well damn 9 comments
· 5 years ago
if failing an exam is your rock bottom then damn do i envy how much more height you have on me
Okay now the ping sound is stuck in my head 10 comments
· 5 years ago
taking that many i would assume add 1 ping per pill so thats probably enough to cause a shockwave
Fokking karen 2 comments
· 5 years ago
If you have security concerns about someone because they write in a different language than you, you are trash
I could watch this reality TV series 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Welcome to the internet!!!! It would seem that on your first day today you've yet to encounter the idea of hoarding wealth from the common people until now. Congratulations!!!!
Put your phone on silent first 13 comments
· 5 years ago
*watches supposedly metric countries make fun of America for using the same weight measurement system as them notably the U.K. and Canada*
power 7 comments
· 5 years ago
There's a whole written up thing about the magical defense of the exposed female belly
Lamo they made a poll to see which ACTRESS! Should play JAMES! Bond. I am not surprised 16 comments
· 5 years ago
Didn't you see how much money genderswap movies made with literally 0 effort or quality? Why would any company ever make anything with quality ever if the quality-less stuff makes makes about as much money for less overhead?
Bamboozle a conspiracist 6 comments
Thank you Hermione. Very cool 5 comments
· 5 years ago
I wouldn't really call it between the legs. More like above the legs but the point stands
Not all of their properties, but a step forward 49 comments
· 5 years ago
That's a pointless thing to make seeing with the fact that the person with that bullet proof car you speak of has his own country. That's like trying to make a point because the dude that founded sealand did something.
Now we wait 8 comments
· 5 years ago
I expect the future to have cyborg winged hussars saving Europe for a second time, if it doesn't happen I will be disappointed
Oh well this is something new 6 comments
· 5 years ago
No I would most definitely prefer 0 baby interruptions than 1 short baby interruption.
We're not all bad 6 comments
· 5 years ago
I think they are talking about a boat going by and waving at the people on the land
Not all of their properties, but a step forward 49 comments
· 5 years ago
Churches are non profits. That's a basic fact. Non church non profits are hella more likely to be currupt. Every major non profit that everyone knows about pays their ceo enough that they could quit after a year and never work a day in their life again. Churches barely get by and even then they still sacrifice necessary things to be charitable.
Idk how backwards it is where you live but in America you can't preemptive punish for something someone might do. You also cant treat a portion of a group (NPOs) differently because a minority of the minority are bad people. By the logic we should tax churches because a tiny amount of them are currupt, we should arrest everyone on funsub because a portion of them are criminals.
Idk how backwards it is where you live but in America you can't preemptive punish for something someone might do. You also cant treat a portion of a group (NPOs) differently because a minority of the minority are bad people. By the logic we should tax churches because a tiny amount of them are currupt, we should arrest everyone on funsub because a portion of them are criminals.
Now we wait 8 comments
· 5 years ago
All of that after they saved basically all of europe's ass breaking the siege of Vienna.
Translates to
"Make the word longer and more complex than it needs to be" apparently