Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
The more you know 7 comments
· 5 years ago
some is some isnt. he does have degrees, he doesnt have all those listed.
*unmasks the agenda* 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Just looking at school shootings its a vast majority handguns. gun ownership already requires background checks and mental health checks. You cant just walk into walmart and walk out with a gun without going through the same checks as a legit gun store. What would be your option for regulating guns further than the regulations we already have? prevent parents from owning a form of self defense? Its already harder to get a handgun than a rifle.
on the larger scale of gun deaths, 2/3rds are suicides. of the 1/3rd that is left the vast majority is gang violence using illegally owned guns that regulating legal guns wont do anything about.
Even if all gun violence in america was done by legal gun owners the math shows how small a percent that is. About 1/3 of americans report owning guns. thats about 100 million americans. There is somewhere around 10k gun related homicides a year. thats around 0.0001% of legal gun owners if it was only legal gun owners, most arent.
Edited 5 years ago
on the larger scale of gun deaths, 2/3rds are suicides. of the 1/3rd that is left the vast majority is gang violence using illegally owned guns that regulating legal guns wont do anything about.
Even if all gun violence in america was done by legal gun owners the math shows how small a percent that is. About 1/3 of americans report owning guns. thats about 100 million americans. There is somewhere around 10k gun related homicides a year. thats around 0.0001% of legal gun owners if it was only legal gun owners, most arent.
Exercise can really make a difference 4 comments
· 5 years ago
no, shes "just smiling" in the second picture. In the first she has a straight line smile with a cocked jaw and neutral eyebrows, which translates to: who would have guessed it, smug
Hahahahaha, until now they yelled in all directions that trans should have equal rights 13 comments
· 5 years ago
there's been pushes to have cis women in mens sports for ages or more accurately to just divide things based on physical strength and build like in boxing but without gender/sex divide.
Hahahahaha, until now they yelled in all directions that trans should have equal rights 13 comments
· 5 years ago
its not even really a rights thing. Its just how sports categories work. With a lot of things you dont even put people of the same sex in the same category if one is extremely differently built than the others like the weight classes in boxing.
How to shut up kids in a lobby 14 comments
· 5 years ago
the thing about a vpn is that basically speaking if you are paying any amount of money for it its going to be an encryption that would take more than a lifetime to crack computationally. the only real difference in price is connection speed and server count/locations and less importantly UI quality. Just having one at all basically makes it so only a fool would make an attempt regardless of skill level.
the points about social engineering and datamining is very true tho. in most cases a person wont be able to be tracked to a specfic person or a specfic location unless that information has been disclosed on a public forum and only to the degree its been disclosed.
with the swatting, most of that is just from streamers being their own PR and marketing department and allowing identifying location information be shown rather than any random person on the internet. Even if you have a picture of your house on the internet that's usually not enough to track someone down by in most cases.
the points about social engineering and datamining is very true tho. in most cases a person wont be able to be tracked to a specfic person or a specfic location unless that information has been disclosed on a public forum and only to the degree its been disclosed.
with the swatting, most of that is just from streamers being their own PR and marketing department and allowing identifying location information be shown rather than any random person on the internet. Even if you have a picture of your house on the internet that's usually not enough to track someone down by in most cases.
How to shut up kids in a lobby 14 comments
· 5 years ago
A good vpn is functionally unbeatable unless you are hiding your traffic from someone who can force the service to tell them information assuming they even have be information to give.
That's a perfect win 7 comments
· 5 years ago
"I am unable to back up my statement so I will preemptively declare your arguement invalid and not actually do any work"
F**k You Greta 18 comments
· 5 years ago
"Yes people complaining about something related to a female must be sexism, there's no other option at all"
How to shut up kids in a lobby 14 comments
Exercise can really make a difference 4 comments
*unmasks the agenda* 6 comments
· 5 years ago
a lack of death threats causes school shootings?
normally id say punctuation saves lives but in this case i dont believe that is true
normally id say punctuation saves lives but in this case i dont believe that is true
This would be to funny, and a source of countless memes if they will make it happen 15 comments
· 5 years ago
you say that like you were somehow clever by doing that when really its just stupid.
This would be to funny, and a source of countless memes if they will make it happen 15 comments
· 5 years ago
you went with the old as fuck george of the jungle movie (a completely different character from a different universe) instead of the movie "the legend of tarzan"
The Germans are big on descriptive words 12 comments
Make Romania great again! Oh, wait 16 comments
· 5 years ago
Cars will never a thing of the past in America. America is literally a bunch of roads with cities at cross points and the sheer amount of people that live outside of cities and/or require the ability to haul things around with them isn't going to let cars stop being a thing.
Edited 5 years ago
The Germans are big on descriptive words 12 comments
My boyfriend and I get so heated talking about student debt 22 comments
· 5 years ago
Your last point is inflammatory, nothing about free parking insinuates any increases in risk of roadway blockage than having 200 parking spaces for 2000 commuting students
Oof... 20 comments
· 5 years ago
if its more than even a couple months its not a repost anymore by the standards the vast majority of the community.
Right in the sweet spot 2 comments
· 5 years ago
the best way to learn marksmanship is to require not missing to get the pre-food you are shooting at
Edited 5 years ago
My boyfriend and I get so heated talking about student debt 22 comments
· 5 years ago
a college can be seen as one of 2 things.
1. a place of education in which case parking should be free.
2. a place of business in which case parking for customers should be free.
1. a place of education in which case parking should be free.
2. a place of business in which case parking for customers should be free.
'AWW NOW WE'RE FLYING AWAY-' 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Yea there isn't much difference between dying because you didn't have the cash to pay for the shit you needed done and dying because you were on a waiting list for a "why am I dying" appointment for 4 years. The main one being that you can take out loans or get help from a charity for the former
Edited 5 years ago