

Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions

— bethorien Report User
NSFW because F-Bomb 22 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
no, she's in an independent living facility. That's basically an apartment block that also has "live in nurses" on staff. Its not government run (its america even if it was a medical facility its still not government run and they dont HAVE to help anyone.)
the owners of the "appartment block" (IE: landlord) dont have any obligation to their tenants past keeping the home functional.
People who set their phones set to military time are f**king war criminals 15 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
the majority of americans call it military time
NSFW because F-Bomb 22 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
it is not however the role of random landlord number 32235 to "assist those in society with legitimate needs"
in America you have the right to help people in many states based on good Samaritan laws. You also have the right to no interfere. There is no obligation on any American citizen to assist another American if they do not want to, save for dependency obligations like parent child relationships
2 · Edited 5 years ago
Your NaN doesn't care about floating latex 33 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
the main point shouldnt even really be the balloon tho that in of itself is a problem. Its the "lighter than air" gasses. The sheer amount of helium balloons sold worldwide (among other things) makes helium harder to get for actual useful scientific purposes. Only so much is made and its not usually made on purpose. Its a side effect of making natural gas (which you might know is also bad for the environment.)
Translator server user error 10 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
ah yes, the famous American counterattack preventing Attila from sacking Naissus. Such a great alliance
Oh he'll talk Paulie 9 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
ill have to try it like that as well then
Hmmmmmm 8 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
well if you REALLY wanted to live on the edge it would be 9.9repeating
Oh he'll talk Paulie 9 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
ive never really liked ham on pizza. Maybe itd be better when it plays off of the pineapple
With the news of a fortnite tournament with a $3M prize, I give you this 20 year old far 4 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
no its not, its from 1990ish
4 · Edited 5 years ago
And post it here 7 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
then just put some Disney iconography in it too so if either the video or audio gets posted alone itll get taken down by disney
Oh he'll talk Paulie 9 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
ive never had pineapple pizza but i wanna try it
Genius 12 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
Breed and yeet 3 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
bears eat their young if they are starving. Its just a good "survival of the species" trait. The parent is far more likely to survive and have more babies than the baby is to survive on its own without a parent
Genius 12 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
Someone's gonna die 7 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
1 of 2 things happened.
1. Someone made low quality joke/meme.
2. some "trap" (most trangender girls wouldnt call themselves that but i personally know more than one that does) happened to either be a bad person or made a mistake. Doesnt really matter which the outcome is the same.
in the first case nothing happened because they dont exist.
in the second case the wedding was likely annulled (assuming it got that far seeing as legal names would be required for the bureaucratic part of getting married) and the two people probably never spoke again.
· Edited 5 years ago
Second ammendment 23 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
"military grade assault rifle" isn't a thing. The guns that the media act like is such a crazy evil gun is literally just a hunting rifle with a plastic or metal body instead of wood.
for something to be an "assault rifle" (which is a nazi propaganda term just fyi) it has to have at least select fire. meaning it has to be legally a machine gun. If you look at my math above,
about 1/3rd of americans own guns. that's about 100 million people. There are about 15k gun murders in america in 2018. If every single murder was committed by a different legally owned gun that's would be 0.0001% of legal gun owners having ever committed a murder with a gun when in fact most gun murders in america are committed by illegally owned guns.
Most americans dont live in fear of being murdered.
another point of interest, the majority of gun related murders are committed with handguns not rifles. The VAST majority of school shootings are done with handguns. You are more likely to be ran over than shot.
Yeah right. 14 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
id be all for calling it that even just from a "dont have a day for a mass murderer" side of things most stuff points to him being rather peaceful in his exploration
Genius 12 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
Someone's gonna die 7 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
lel last time i saw this it had a different comment on it
Life advice 8 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
talent in context could likely mean either innate ability or learned skill. it's used fairly interchangeably however in either case more than a few of these would be wrong.
Yeah right. 14 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
inaccurately tho. If we assume that by discoverer they mean the first non-native to find america then he was late by a long shot. If we assume it doesnt mean first and just means that he was one of the non-natives to find america why does he get a day an not any of the ones before him?
Which foreign language you can understand without studying it? 9 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
if i was to type how i speak irl no one would understand a god damn thing i said cause it would all be in "boonies hick" rather than english
Second ammendment 23 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
just gonna point out that if every murder commited with a gun in america was committed by a different legally owned gun that would still only be 0.0001% of legal gun owners committing murder even tho almost all gun related murders are done with illegally owned guns.
edit: didnt put enough 0s in the percentage
2 · Edited 5 years ago
Genius 12 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
that game has a chat filter that mutes/bans for saying the actual thing, no?
Yeah right. 14 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
you do know that the carribeans are part of the americas right?