Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
I'm thor 9 comments
· 5 years ago
i dont understand the mockery in this kind of meme. A large amount of "instagram models" get paid by third party companies to plug their products just like youtubers and twitch streamers along with actors and what i suppose the people that make these memes would consider "real models" doing paid sponsorships on tv ads. I dont see the difference.
Edited 5 years ago
Why does no one talk about the fact that J. Jonah Jameson legitimately tried to save 7 comments
· 5 years ago
he's a good guy that you cant actually say is wrong. spiderman might be the hero of the story (being the main character and all) but he is still a vigilante and by extension he is still a criminal. In so much of the spiderman media, spiderman's short sighted "take down the evil bad crime guys" has caused more problems than it fixed.
I'll still be hungry after this :/ 9 comments
· 5 years ago
i could eat all of that in one hour but i wouldnt feel too happy about it if i didnt space it over the whole hour
Are you ready to be sad? I sure wasn't 15 comments
· 5 years ago
fun fact to make the onion ninjas go away: in a lot of cultures black cats are good luck namely various places of asia.
Edited 5 years ago
Watkins for President! 4 comments
· 5 years ago
500 dollar copay for everything from a sprained ankle to the miracle of being brought back from getting hit by a tank round to the face that, if you cant pay, goes away without a second word
Edited 5 years ago
Can anyone from the US confirm? 4 comments
· 5 years ago
it may be not the same insulin. Wasn't there a thing a while back about a couple that had the groom die before the wedding because he switched to a cheaper insulin to pay for the ceremony?
Tru dat 11 comments
· 5 years ago
no we laugh at them and put them in zoos so we can laugh at them in person instead of through a tv screen
Facts 10 comments
· 5 years ago
fun fact: lesbian relationships have the highest rate of domestic abuse and women are very slightly more likely to be an abuser (by about a difference of 7%) however the amount of people abused is astonishing. Its fucking insane. almost half of men and almost half of women will be domestically abused at some point in their life.
Is it possible to learn this power? 4 comments
· 5 years ago
"the kid who can find her minecraft house that is on an island with nothing around it for like 2 minutes of boating in any direction without coords"
Consider this when you feel broken 7 comments
This is why I love community 15 comments
· 5 years ago
well, in the case this post is the truth, id assume that its the perfect size for pans so that you can just put the pan in there without transferring the food into a different container while you work on the other stuff you are cooking
Logic - 1-800-273-8255 3 comments
· 5 years ago
a solid gold statue that looks to be like 10 foot tall? in the medieval age that shit turned into currency would feed hella people for a fucking long while assuming they could find someone that sells food for coins
School never taught me that. 14 comments
· 5 years ago
humans naturally ask questions. Most people (especially nowadays) already know how to look things up especially on the internet.
by the logic that its ok that they didnt teach you anything specific and just gave you the tools the vast majority of students will already have had, then the vast majority of students dont need to go to school because they already have the only thing of consequence that school would teach them in that scenario
by the logic that its ok that they didnt teach you anything specific and just gave you the tools the vast majority of students will already have had, then the vast majority of students dont need to go to school because they already have the only thing of consequence that school would teach them in that scenario
Cera-iously, full proof 2 comments
· 5 years ago
unless you are a high school boy in a native only highschool. (natives dont grow facial hair very quickly and those that do learn to shave it clean really quickly)
that or just a little less than that was like, a perfect description of that one group of boys that had like 10 girlfriends throughout their highschool days and had sex with all of them.
that or just a little less than that was like, a perfect description of that one group of boys that had like 10 girlfriends throughout their highschool days and had sex with all of them.
just wanted to show my eye 14 comments
Dumbf**k 5 comments
· 5 years ago
there was a tv series that was the young versions of all of them, this resembles young scooby far more than scrappy
It doesn't matter, they both dead 6 comments
· 5 years ago
they were mixed. they both had one half that was obese and one half that was thin, thats why they died