Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
How it is these days 12 comments
· 5 years ago
i mean technically yes, dude chick fluid and neither would encompass all possibilities really in the same way as "everything in the world is either a potato or not a potato." Sadly nothing in the world is as simple as a checklist of options. Even the binary 1s and 0s in a computer aren't technically binary in that the physical switches are functionally capable of being somewhere between 1 and 0, just not on purpose.
Crazy is as crazy does 6 comments
Just a thought.. 'MURICA! 4 comments
· 5 years ago
Would wouldn't it be more dangerous to go to a place with maybe 1 or 2 armed people protecting you vs like 100-1000+ armed people protecting you?
Well ,we saved a lot ! 8 comments
· 5 years ago
fun fact: you have to use a moderate amount of power to jump start a reactor. The principle here is the same.
And I said 13 comments
· 5 years ago
go another layer deep, the parody of the cover of the original.
Or forgotten! 7 comments
· 5 years ago
exoplanets are often smaller than pluto. It's got nothing to do with size. Pluto doesnt control its orbit, there are other bits in its orbit that havent been cleared so its not a planet yet.
Greek minister of transportation folks 6 comments
· 5 years ago
they would have them specifically for pictures or short video clips. Any publicity folk worth their salt that deal with vehicles even rarely have such to keep the people in the shot from being distracted/annoyed.
before anyone says anything about "oh why wouldnt they just use the actual seatbelts, actual seatbelts add more variables to how clothing is sitting and just generally make any clothing more complex than a "wife beater" look worse in pictures
Edited 5 years ago
before anyone says anything about "oh why wouldnt they just use the actual seatbelts, actual seatbelts add more variables to how clothing is sitting and just generally make any clothing more complex than a "wife beater" look worse in pictures
They sure got me 3 comments
· 5 years ago
if its blasting you with porn ads, the website itself is choosing the ads from a non-google service because they know itll get their audience a higher clickthrough rate, itll also be pretty safe to assume any site with such ads isnt any less explicit than the website itself at which points its your own damn fault.
No brain found 2 comments
· 5 years ago
if we take the price of the ps5 and translate that into an equal price desktop the desktop will be a lot stronger just off of the basic principle of there being less layers of companies wanting profit on the same part.
Beethoven gave up 6 comments
· 5 years ago
yeet, beethoven is "i dont give a shit"
haydn is "i wanna give a shit but i cant"
haydn is "i wanna give a shit but i cant"
They sure got me 3 comments
· 5 years ago
that means you do something related to sex games or sex or porn on the same browser, got a lot less to do with what website it is if its using google ads, all of those are targeted.
Edited 5 years ago
Never look down to other! 2 comments
· 5 years ago
this is fully the opposite message of that meme that blew up a few years ago
...And the *Indians* moved to Oklahoma, where they lived happily ever after 14 comments
· 5 years ago
the american thanksgiving, the one about the pilgrims not being religious zealots and coming to america and not murdering their new neighbors for lack of their christian god
...And the *Indians* moved to Oklahoma, where they lived happily ever after 14 comments
· 5 years ago
its not about "oh we learned about all the tribes and this and that."
you all act like having some accurate information excuses having ACTUAL FUCKING PROPAGANDA MADE OF LITERALLY 100% FABRICATIONS in the same fucking teachings.
Just look at the fucking first sentence of lucky's comment.
"well they did"
no they didnt. there is no evidence in any actual historical documentation anywhere that actually suggests the natives taught the fucking white people how to "corn."
The vast majority of colonists in the first waves "meaning the bits that the whole FUCKING HOLIDAY IS ABOUT" were religious nutcases that killed natives for not being fucking Christians and not converting.
If i shot one of you in the fucking foot (hint, this is referencing the hurtful propaganda) and then gave the other one a fucking cookie (hint, this is referencing the small amount of correct information mixed in to hide the fake stuff better) you wouldnt say "well she gave him a cookie so there's no fucking problem"
Edited 5 years ago
you all act like having some accurate information excuses having ACTUAL FUCKING PROPAGANDA MADE OF LITERALLY 100% FABRICATIONS in the same fucking teachings.
Just look at the fucking first sentence of lucky's comment.
"well they did"
no they didnt. there is no evidence in any actual historical documentation anywhere that actually suggests the natives taught the fucking white people how to "corn."
The vast majority of colonists in the first waves "meaning the bits that the whole FUCKING HOLIDAY IS ABOUT" were religious nutcases that killed natives for not being fucking Christians and not converting.
If i shot one of you in the fucking foot (hint, this is referencing the hurtful propaganda) and then gave the other one a fucking cookie (hint, this is referencing the small amount of correct information mixed in to hide the fake stuff better) you wouldnt say "well she gave him a cookie so there's no fucking problem"
...And the *Indians* moved to Oklahoma, where they lived happily ever after 14 comments
· 5 years ago
The entirety of thanksgivings "story" is fake and is still taught in the classrooms as natives saving a colony on the verge of death and it never happened at all. It's still actively taught that there was a feast to celebrate which also never happened. The ACTUAL feast is theorized to be that of one celebrating the hunting down of over 500 natives. This IS one of those things to be ashamed of. The entire holiday is propaganda. Literally all of it from its conception in the 1900s till now.
There was no teaching of corn and there was no, as you put it, teaching how to cheat them out of their land. That's bullshit.
Edited 5 years ago
There was no teaching of corn and there was no, as you put it, teaching how to cheat them out of their land. That's bullshit.
Students invent bacteria that eat plastic 7 comments
Not when people choose to marry trees. 8 comments
· 5 years ago
id assume this would come from people getting married, divorcing, and getting married to a new person all within the same year
I'm thor 9 comments
· 5 years ago
aye but thats not any different than any of the other professions ive listed in my post. People that tried and dont get paid because they didnt do it good enough or correctly or whatever. There's likely just as many failed actors acting exactly the same way yet they are still "actors" that is their profession. Even with "real" modelling youll see the exact same thing but there arent memes about that nor are there memes about the closest similarity in youtubers that dont get paid and claim their profession as youtuber. In fact you have the exact opposite reaction. When people act like them failing at youtube isnt a real job the internet gets defensive and thinks of that person as old or as the newest meme would say "ok boomer" however with instagram models, which is an identical situation of content not getting consumed and as such sponsor ads not getting offered is somehow different? even if we just go by numbers id assume there are more failed youtubers than failed instagram models
Very relatable 4 comments
· 5 years ago
not getting enough sleep or not getting good enough quality sleep can cause things like in the post as well.
Mars flights 3 comments
For real doe 3 comments
· 5 years ago
having some form of teeth is a good idea. Human's kinda need them. If he had to be in a situation where no professionally made fake teeth would be an option making temporary fake teeth that work is rather smart and required 1. him to even think of it and 2. him to be proficient enough to make said teeth.
it would seem he fit both prerequisites
it would seem he fit both prerequisites
If it ain't with shovels I don't want it 4 comments
· 5 years ago
this post is giving me like, half remembering of the past
wasn't there a meme however long ago back about auto-erotic asphyxiation being a surprisingly larger than expected cause of death in america?
wasn't there a meme however long ago back about auto-erotic asphyxiation being a surprisingly larger than expected cause of death in america?