Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
Yep, story of my life 0 to 100 real quick 3 comments
Debt is weird 20 comments
· 5 years ago
not really? Its fairly simply, at least the part relevent to the post.
person A owes person B 500 bucks. Person C offers person B 50 bucks to transfer the debt to him so that person a owes person C the 500 dollars instead.
now a completely seperate function of american debt system, Person D owes person E 200 bucks. Person E says he no longer wants person D to pay that, so legally person D no longer owes person E 200 bucks.
All that happened is those to basic functions of debt that have existed nearly since debt has existed on earth were used one after another.
person A owes person B 500 bucks. Person C offers person B 50 bucks to transfer the debt to him so that person a owes person C the 500 dollars instead.
now a completely seperate function of american debt system, Person D owes person E 200 bucks. Person E says he no longer wants person D to pay that, so legally person D no longer owes person E 200 bucks.
All that happened is those to basic functions of debt that have existed nearly since debt has existed on earth were used one after another.
And my vote 38 comments
· 5 years ago
all of the weapon commonly called assault rifles by the media and by rabble rousing politicians are almost never used to kill people.
of the 8k firearm homicides in 2014 by FBI data, 200 were with rifles. that's 0.025% of firearm homicides. If we assume all 200 were done by legally acquired rifles (which is hella wrong, the vast majority are black market guns) and compare that to how many americans legally own guns (about 30%) and how many of those gun owning americans legally own rifles (about 62%) and then go back and assume each murder with a rifle was done with a different legally owned rifle thats 0.0000037037% of legal rifle owning people committing murders with said rifles.
Now if we go back and remember that most arent legally owned guns and there are repeat offenders that pushes the number down a few more points of precision even if we assume only that half are with legal guns (which is a LOT more than what is true)
Edited 5 years ago
of the 8k firearm homicides in 2014 by FBI data, 200 were with rifles. that's 0.025% of firearm homicides. If we assume all 200 were done by legally acquired rifles (which is hella wrong, the vast majority are black market guns) and compare that to how many americans legally own guns (about 30%) and how many of those gun owning americans legally own rifles (about 62%) and then go back and assume each murder with a rifle was done with a different legally owned rifle thats 0.0000037037% of legal rifle owning people committing murders with said rifles.
Now if we go back and remember that most arent legally owned guns and there are repeat offenders that pushes the number down a few more points of precision even if we assume only that half are with legal guns (which is a LOT more than what is true)
And my vote 38 comments
· 5 years ago
ar doesnt mean assault rifle. It means armalite rifle. None of what you listed are armalite rifles because there were not made by armalite.
A little filosofy 13 comments
· 5 years ago
so you expect us to use enough precision to say how much earth weighs down to the 10s of pounds when talking about a cosmic scale, something we cant even do with any real accuracy? thats just unreasonable.
And my vote 38 comments
· 5 years ago
The FN referenced (the FN15 to be exact)isn't an ar-15. Its commonly called the FN ar-15 but it's not an ar-15. It's an ar-15 style gun. You are doing exactly what he's nitpicking her for, not knowing a damn thing about what she's talking about.
It's only an ar-15 if armalite manufactured it.
Edited 5 years ago
It's only an ar-15 if armalite manufactured it.
yeehaw 17 comments
· 5 years ago
Yeet, there is a reason you'll never hear about a warning shot by a professional be it a cop or soldier in anything but TV
A little filosofy 13 comments
· 5 years ago
that depends on your level of precision. If we are in gigatonnes scale earth is still a number requiring 10^x to show, however we have to go out to like 10 digits of precision to show 180 or 170 pounds. If we only show 8 digits of precision in gigatonnes, a 180 pound person and 170 pound person are both 0 gigatonnes.
Or forgotten! 7 comments
· 5 years ago
we can tell there is a planetoid bigger than pluto further out based on the math of gravity saying there is a pull coming from that point without even seeing it. thats how we found pluto too. Some smart folk noticed wobbles in neptunes orbit and did some heckin math to figure out "hey something is fucking with neptune's orbit roughly of X mass."
We also have a few probes taking pictures of a lot of stuff. All those high res pictures of pluto arent renders of an idea, they are real pictures from a camera on a probe.
also just google the kuiper belt. Pluto just happens to be the biggest object in a massive belt of object on the edge of the system. It's the same as calling for the planet status of the biggest asteroid in the belt between Jupiter and mars.
We also have a few probes taking pictures of a lot of stuff. All those high res pictures of pluto arent renders of an idea, they are real pictures from a camera on a probe.
also just google the kuiper belt. Pluto just happens to be the biggest object in a massive belt of object on the edge of the system. It's the same as calling for the planet status of the biggest asteroid in the belt between Jupiter and mars.
yeehaw 17 comments
A little filosofy 13 comments
· 5 years ago
Fun fact about participation metals, they tend to make the kids feel more bad about losing than not giving them anything
yeehaw 17 comments
· 5 years ago
seeing as this meme specifies texas, if someone intrudes into your home they could be threatening you with a butter knife and you wouldnt get charged with anything for mag dumping a pistol into them
Trying to take wife to the dentist 12 comments
· 5 years ago
he isnt however responsible for knowing when software updates happen ahead of time as that's not something anyone outside of tesla knows, he also doesnt get to choose when his car gets taken hostage by the OS of the computer just like with windows.
Fatherhood done right! 3 comments
· 5 years ago
due to blindness it didnt register immediately that the doll isnt a real baby and i was EXTREMELY concerned for a minute there
Doggo, defender of chicks 2 comments
· 5 years ago
i read flock, assumed sheep, and had to do a triple take because that looks enough like sheep that if I didn't look long enough to see the heads i wouldnt have noticed it wasnt sheep
sugar 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Keanu is a boomer in the same way people born in like 95-99 are 90s kids, he's like literally in the last year of boomerhood
Money does grow on trees 3 comments
· 5 years ago
yeet yeet, fun fact about money: rag paper (thats what the paper money is made out of is called) is one of the hardest parts of the money to counterfeit because of a couple reasons, one being that governments dont tend to let people use exactly the same rag paper as their money for anything at all, another being that the colored fibers in it are really hard to replicate without actually having the source bits for it. For this reason, the best fakes are made with either ill gotten real rag paper or by taking existing money and changing the value of it, usually from 1 dollar bills to 20s or 50s (100s are special and as such harder to fake)
Dont work hard, work smart! 6 comments
· 5 years ago
bad grammer is bad grammer. You dont get a pass on making a low quality product because you havent practiced the requisite skills enough
Edited 5 years ago
Rename all the roads 12 comments
· 5 years ago
"they love me so much they wanted trump tower right there along side the renamed street honoring obama"
Dont work hard, work smart! 6 comments
· 5 years ago
carrying a knife is pretty standard practice around here as long as you dont work in like, the court house. Hell my highschool physics teacher and the professor that ran the robotics team at my highschool both carried pocket knives cause knives are just useful in general
Blasting away! 15 comments
· 5 years ago
Sadly it's not widely known that she did that. For most people I'd assume it's what famousone said, they are jealous of her money and dislike the fact she makes it by bring an e-girl "thot." Her whole career is built in being an internet tease and people use that as an excuse to dislike her and then they all go and watch porn and don't see the irony
Should have make it gold to make the insult even harder 2 comments
· 5 years ago
She might be a hoe but I'll be damned if she ain't the best god damn hoe around
Also the logic of "the reasons people need guns are rare so they don't need them" doesn't fly. Air bags tend to break bones and hella fuck people up, sometimes killing them when they would have survived the crash and crashing a car and actually needing the airbag is heavily unlikely but we still have airbags because in the unlikely situation they are needed they save lives and even the risk of having the airbags hurt someone unnecessarily the risk is considered acceptable. About 200 people are killed a decade by airbags, this number is fairly similar to the amount of people killed with legally owned guns yet airbags are required legally because the risk is outweighs by the safety in that rare case you need it.