Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
I'm a psychologist and nobody understands 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Fun fact: people that are able to detect small lies or well hidden lies without formal training or effort are called "truth wizards." thats not a common term or an informal term for them, thats the official name.
Edited 5 years ago
Modern life 32 comments
· 5 years ago
when your only response is to say effectively "obviously, dumbass"
you are either offended or out of arguments to defend yourself with.
Edited 5 years ago
you are either offended or out of arguments to defend yourself with.
I got myself some glasses for tomorrow... 54 comments
How would you get $400? 9 comments
· 5 years ago
ah but the rules of the competition require you bring it. If you didnt bring it you dont win.
Save the planet: Buy a Prius 12 comments
· 5 years ago
There are a hella of charging stations, a lot are tesla specific tho. A tesla can make it from one coast to the other in the US off of charging stations.
It's leviosa! 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Further, then Harry Potter spell, avada kadavra is made as a parody of this instead meaning "as I speak I create corpses"
Edited 5 years ago
Holup 9 comments
· 5 years ago
Satan isn't doing a job. Satan is imprisoned in hell. He is a sinner in hell just like the mortals the only difference is that he is far more powerful. He's far more akin to a starved abused dog being locked in the same cage as a criminal than a warden.
A friendly reminder 8 comments
Save the planet: Buy a Prius 12 comments
· 5 years ago
Lithium batteries degrade pretty hard in large machines like that and lithium is a hella limited resource.
Horses in the UAE have better life than you 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Would a horse be any happier there than in a wooden stables/barn? If anything I'd think they would be less happy
Have a faithful relationship 3 comments
That's pretty metal 14 comments
· 5 years ago
I mean if you wanna be super pragmatic about it you just make a bunch of bullets or arrows for the best blood:items ratio
That's pretty metal 14 comments
· 5 years ago
Katana aren't really delicate, they are heavier than a long sword on average.
All hail to the Metric! 2 comments
Get ****ed scientists! 6 comments
· 5 years ago
I mean, for the extreme vast majority of man made things you'll get basically the same result with an electron microscope
Friendly fire? 8 comments
· 5 years ago
When movie folk remove comic canon stuff from their movies it's usually the stuff they deem stupid that the fans of the series love like there is a scene in an Xmen or wolverine movie where Logan gets some clothes and when heh looks at it weird he is asked "what did you expect yellow spandex?"
It's not a matter of it just being different, it's a matter of it being militantly different for the sake of making it grim and dark because they always seem to hire writers and directors that adamantly hate comics to make comic book movies
It's not a matter of it just being different, it's a matter of it being militantly different for the sake of making it grim and dark because they always seem to hire writers and directors that adamantly hate comics to make comic book movies
Gotdammit, bruce 8 comments
· 5 years ago
That's funny, 18:21 talks about how the levites (which would be the tenants in this situation) have been given every tithe in Israel as an inheritance.
It also says above 21 (18:16) that the equivalent of the land lord has to redeem the firstborn of any from a womb be it man or beast and he must pay at a rate of 5 shekels for it.
The current value of 5 shekels is like a dollar USD so the firstborn of all his tenants have to be sold to him for a dollarish by the same passage that he miss interpreted which actually means the tenants get stuff not him.
It also says above 21 (18:16) that the equivalent of the land lord has to redeem the firstborn of any from a womb be it man or beast and he must pay at a rate of 5 shekels for it.
The current value of 5 shekels is like a dollar USD so the firstborn of all his tenants have to be sold to him for a dollarish by the same passage that he miss interpreted which actually means the tenants get stuff not him.
ahhhhhhhhhhh 3 comments
He is speaking the language of the gods 2 comments
· 5 years ago
no you defuse a bomb at point A by running in, shooting anyone that tries to stop you, and hope you still have enough time to not die from the bomb
And my vote 38 comments
· 5 years ago
lets look at homicides done by the same person at the same time. in 2019 there were (as of december 1st) about 380 shootings resulting in at least 4 deaths with the actual number ranging anywhere from 4 to 7 to 20 up onward to really high outliers. If we take an extremely low ball estimate of the average and say 6 that puts 2000ish of our 8000 total homicides as multiple deaths in the same shooting. If we take that and apply it to our last number of 140-260 we get about 100-200 shootings a year on an estimate were we low balled most things that lower that number. If we took it a just little higher on those estimates we would have gotten something along the lines of 50-150. All of this being compared to airbag deaths which is about 20 a year. Doesnt seem nearly as far fetched a comparison now eh?
Edited 5 years ago
And my vote 38 comments
· 5 years ago
Firstly lets look at the 65% stolen/black market guns even in non-gun crimes. even if we assume that the 1600 nonganger homicide group is only affected by that number up to 50% that brings it down to 800. if do the same thing with the reoffend stat and assume only 50% of this group conforms to the stats that brings us down to 400. Now we should also remember that about 3% of homicides are ruled accidental deaths. applying that to our new top end of 400 we get around 380. If we go back and apply the full stats to the demographic we lower the number down first the 65% taking us down to 720 and then again the 77% down to about 230 giving us a general range of 200-400 legally owned gun related homicides a year before taking into account the people disqualified from owning a firearm getting one from a friend or family member illegally which is far harder to quantify, however if we assume its even 30% (which is a low ball estimate) that lowers our range from 200-400 down to 140-260. Now,
And my vote 38 comments
· 5 years ago
@willfree the idea sounds farfetched on the offset yes but follow me on a little journey.
Firstly lets look at how many homicides are done by gangers. Its about 80% as of CDC statistics. Now if we look at that further its also a lot of repeat offenders sometimes before being caught sometimes after. the bureau of justice says about 77% of released inmates are caught re-offending within 5 years. With just that we are left with only 1600 non-ganger shootings are a year based on the above fbi stats.
before we move on to those lets look at how the gangers get the guns. In a lot of cases they steal them. Its estimated that about 65% of all criminals currently incarcerated (not just the ones committing gun related crimes) stole a gun or bought it on the black market before committing the crime.
A lot also get them from their gang friends after getting out of prison which is also illegal but neither stolen nor bought on the black market.
Now if we look at that 1600 thats left over.
Firstly lets look at how many homicides are done by gangers. Its about 80% as of CDC statistics. Now if we look at that further its also a lot of repeat offenders sometimes before being caught sometimes after. the bureau of justice says about 77% of released inmates are caught re-offending within 5 years. With just that we are left with only 1600 non-ganger shootings are a year based on the above fbi stats.
before we move on to those lets look at how the gangers get the guns. In a lot of cases they steal them. Its estimated that about 65% of all criminals currently incarcerated (not just the ones committing gun related crimes) stole a gun or bought it on the black market before committing the crime.
A lot also get them from their gang friends after getting out of prison which is also illegal but neither stolen nor bought on the black market.
Now if we look at that 1600 thats left over.
*dodo do dodododo dodo do dodododo*