Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
Jukin Media 15 comments
· 5 years ago
Jukin settled because it was more profitable than going to court. They don't want to actually go to court. If you look at the two times they did go to court they got less than they would have gotten out of court by a hellavalot. They didn't settle because of public opinion they settled because mxr pushed back and they ran away with what money they could get ahold of
Jukin Media 15 comments
· 5 years ago
Lel Jukin as a company doesn't care about public opinion. The potential for profit from upcharging YouTubers a under duress is hella more than they would make just selling clip licenses legitimately. Their profit isn't determined by the court of public opinion at all
No fvcks given 9 comments
· 5 years ago
If the building is on fire and you have to get down to the ground floor having clothes on decreases your chance of getting a serious burn if something on fire or very hot brushes against your body in a place that would be covered had you not been naked.
Would serve a similar purpose in other emergency situations in that it would make probably the least life threatening part of it less dangerous.
Would serve a similar purpose in other emergency situations in that it would make probably the least life threatening part of it less dangerous.
Healthcare is such a complex beast 37 comments
· 5 years ago
im just gonna copy paste myself from above
"Generally universal health care only gives shitty doctors to the masses because the private industry pays all the good ones far better than be state can hope to do, just look at the U.K, the country that shares the closest cultural similarities to the US in Europe, the NHS is fucking awful and actively avoided at any possible chance with waiting lists long enough that the person supposedly being saved by universal health care dies waiting on their turn. It's just like the America veteran's association health care, an active example of what universal health care would look like in America just with less spread thin resources than universal health care would have, people die because the service is so shit and slow."
"Generally universal health care only gives shitty doctors to the masses because the private industry pays all the good ones far better than be state can hope to do, just look at the U.K, the country that shares the closest cultural similarities to the US in Europe, the NHS is fucking awful and actively avoided at any possible chance with waiting lists long enough that the person supposedly being saved by universal health care dies waiting on their turn. It's just like the America veteran's association health care, an active example of what universal health care would look like in America just with less spread thin resources than universal health care would have, people die because the service is so shit and slow."
Every f***ing single time! 2 comments
For those who think that Smaug was big, the Dragons of Middle-earth 6 comments
· 5 years ago
The witch king is a cool af mofo. One of the rare "humans" able to use magic at a higher level, near elven.
Healthcare is such a complex beast 37 comments
· 5 years ago
Generally universal health care only gives shitty doctors to the masses because the private industry pays all the good ones far better than be state can hope to do, just look at the U.K, the country that shares the closest cultural similarities to the US in Europe, the NHS is fucking awful and actively avoided at any possible chance with waiting lists long enough that the person supposedly being saved by universal health care dies waiting on their turn. It's just like the America veteran's association health care, an active example of what universal health care would look like in America just with less spread thin resources than universal health care would have, people die because the service is so shit and slow.
Edited 5 years ago
Brace yourself, Black Friday is coming 4 comments
· 5 years ago
That's why they mark up the price a few days before to a degree worse than the result the comic shows, usually it's such that the "marked down" price is more expensive than what it is normally
Edited 5 years ago
Something's not right here 8 comments
· 5 years ago
There are muslims that drink. Most that drink don't during Ramadan but it's not unheard of for muslims to drink.
Today my friend ate a fortune cookie 2 comments
For those who think that Smaug was big, the Dragons of Middle-earth 6 comments
· 5 years ago
This depiction of ancalagon is very hyperbolic. His exact size is never given, the only real indicator of his size is that, when felled by earendil, his impact with the ground sundered the towers of thangorodrim which are literal mountains, however this feat was also accomplished by durin's bane, the Balrog slain by Gandalf atop the mountain housing moria and a Balrog was described as being larger than a man but not huge.
The great eagle accompanying earendil had a wing span similar to Smaug so ancalagon would only be 1.5 to 2 times his size and, ancalagon being clearly labeled the largest and greatest of the dragons, it's easy to see that Smaug was actually huge af in scale of Tolkien dragons.
The great eagle accompanying earendil had a wing span similar to Smaug so ancalagon would only be 1.5 to 2 times his size and, ancalagon being clearly labeled the largest and greatest of the dragons, it's easy to see that Smaug was actually huge af in scale of Tolkien dragons.
This week in science 7 comments
Saw this and felt like sharing 11 comments
· 5 years ago
Another factor to consider, Tupac died before the internet became mainstream and as such wasn't making new music to get people to click on and be like "to what's dis dudes other music sound like"
I had friend who found 10 grand in a alley near his house....In a paper bad....Gave it to 5 comments
· 5 years ago
yea if you find a bag with hella money and you keep it you can expect both the criminals who it belongs to and the IRS to fuck up your life
City that thinks it's weird starter pack 4 comments
Eat bat 4 comments
· 5 years ago
go read about lemmy. He lived to like 70 in perfect health until the week he died after a life of drinking a full bottle of jack a day, smoking 2 packs a day from age 11, fucking everything that moved, doing all of the speed, and never doing anything outside of those things except for a couple concerts a week and sitting on his couch playing video games.
He only at junk food. When his doctors said he was going to start having dehydration problems he start drinking his jack and coke with ice. When they said he was having too much sugar he cut the coke from his jack.
He only at junk food. When his doctors said he was going to start having dehydration problems he start drinking his jack and coke with ice. When they said he was having too much sugar he cut the coke from his jack.
In the cases with =3, he had some clips considered transformative enough and some clips were not however of those that were considered transformative the smallest amount of commentary given was over a full minute.
Mxr very rarely gave that much commentary to any clip at all.