

Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions

— bethorien Report User
When do cows get their own week? 7 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
God, how was the cow unharmed? Even small falls can be dangerous for animals that heavy
And also every meme that will ever be posted 2 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
Word limit whyyyyyyyy
And also every meme that will ever be posted 2 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
That's not how infinite works.
There are infinitely many numbers between 10 and 11, slowly getting more and more precise from 10.5 to 10.55 to 10.555 and so on.
None of the infinitely many numbers between 10 and 11 are 12 or 9.
It is entirely possible that such a sequence appears and it's entirely possible that infinite such sequences appear but it's not guaranteed by the number being infinite.
Now in the example I gave you can be 100% sure any given sequence appears in between 10 and 11 because it's an infinite set of rational numbers and you could theoretically go and find infinite example of any given sequence because it's structured correctly for that. It has the type of structure to facilitate that and you know 100% that in at 3 digits of precision behind the point that 10.002 comes right after 10.001. You know for 100% sure that there is an a number between 10 and 11 that is 10.694206942069420.... because of how the infinite set is structured. Pi is not so structured.
2 · Edited 5 years ago
Know it all kid 13 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
Easy solution, declare your class an independent state and declare war on your teacher
Shall we continue to flog the horses? 8 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
Yea they would also probably turn you away to rent a high value gun too, it's got nothing to do with your danger to others, it's got entirely to do with your danger to the high value rented item.
Scientists have found deveral funghi at Chernobyl that sustain themselves using 9 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
*accidentally drives off cliff in trunk of car*
Scientists have found deveral funghi at Chernobyl that sustain themselves using 9 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
this sounds like how we get orks.
4 Importants Rules my mother gave me on the way the day I moved out 3 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
welp already failed at the 3rd one, i make hella decisions while hungry AF
A dose of redheads 15 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
*forever hugs ew*
A dose of redheads 15 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
(im ok with either but everyone on here knows me as beth so saying anything else might cause a bit of confusion lel)
Uh???? 13 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
General requirements. It shall be unlawful for any operator of a Web site or online service directed to children, or any operator that has actual knowledge that it is collecting or maintaining personal information from a child, to collect personal information from a child in a manner that violates the regulations prescribed under this part. Generally, under this part, an operator must:
this part is also important as it sets the guideline that this stuff doesnt come into effect until it is known that the person fits the legal definition of a child which is defined earlier in the law by this
Child means an individual under the age of 13.
· Edited 5 years ago
Uh???? 13 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
the reason they keep data is to 1. sell it to people and 2. use it for targetted ads. it has nothing to do with legal anything.
thats a very odd way of looking at it. them keeping the data and not scrubbing it would be a violation of coppa. the data is illegal to have.
thats the part of the law in question below.
Collects or collection means the gathering of any personal information from a child by any means, including but not limited to:
(1) Requesting, prompting, or encouraging a child to submit personal information online;
(2) Enabling a child to make personal information publicly available in identifiable form. An operator shall not be considered to have collected personal information under this paragraph if it takes reasonable measures to delete all or virtually all personal information from a child's postings before they are made public and also to delete such information from its records; or
(3) Passive tracking of a child online.
· Edited 5 years ago
A dose of redheads 15 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
*hugs ew*
Uh???? 13 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
Which part? The twitter scrubbing or the underlining law?
The twitter part is mostly anecdotal from people who have had their accounts deleted for just that reason.
The underlining laws are from COPPA.
(Child online privacy protection act.)
If you wanna see stuff about the coppa fines look at some recent stuff about YouTube and coppa. The fines youtubers can face for breaking it are fairly representative of fines for twitter or instagram should they fail to erase all data on someone found to be under 13 at the time of collection.
Shadow prediction 4 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
Cheer for a 5 to 10 minute delay in their commute? Not likely
Uh???? 13 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
Instragram would hella care, the fine for breaking that law is extremely steep because it's aimed at corporations.
An example of some of the extremes a company will go to for protecting themselves from this law, if twitter ever finds out that at any point you were below 13 while having your twitter account, even if you are 18 now, they'll delete your entire account and scrub all data about it from existence to protect their website
· Edited 5 years ago
Bosian war games 3 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
2 start collecting boxes and a couple side boxes and boom 500-1000 point army for like 180-250 bucks, cheaper than a good competitive mtg deck. Buy some cheap paints and glue from a hobby shop and boom now it's like 190-260 bucks, still cheaper than a good mtg deck.
>Motorcross 6 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
That would be rather impressive not in that he set the record but that he's even alive seeing as he's on a road bike in the woods.
Shadow prediction 4 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
And a good riding jacket. Preferably Good riding pants too
Uh???? 13 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
if they were actually 9 whatever website this is, twitter maybe? idk, would have taken it down ASAP as its undoubtedly US based and US law doesnt allow data collection of any kind including the creation of accounts for children under the age of 13 without written, has to be actually physically written or a 40 hoops email, permission from the parent.
Still the best trilogy of all time 3 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
lord of the rings obviously
Florida man strikes again 12 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
just a bit of information about the laws in question. the laws are designed to
de-incentivize homelessness. A quote from the mayor being "I'm not satisfied with having a cycle of homeless in the city of Fort Lauderdale, providing them with a meal and keeping them in that cycle on the street is not productive."
because apparently homeless people that starved to death is better that whatever is going on now?
other anti-homeless laws from there include not being allowed to ask for money in any busy area and not being allowed to sleep or store personal property in any publicly owned area.
3 · Edited 5 years ago
Watchout for badass 16 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
mutually exclusive means one cannot be true if the other is true.
One excludes the other and vice versa.
If x then not y.
If y then not x.
2 things being "separate measures" means they are two different measures about something.
An example of something that is 2 separate measures that are not mutually exclusive is length and weight. if your scale is 1-10 meters instead of peaceful-violent and your other scale is 1-10 kilos instead of harmless-dangerous they are not mutually exclusive scales as in they can exist at the same time and they are separate messures in that they measure two different things about the same object.
You can have a 1 meter 10 kilo object.
Said object existing doesn't imply a 1 meter 1 kilo object doesn't exist.
3 · Edited 5 years ago
Watchout for badass 16 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
then you must not be as fluent as you thought you were.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Video games cause violence 20 comments
bethorien · 5 years ago
"It has nothing to do with the length of the drop"
This is just patently false. A 2 inch drop isn't going to do shit to a person othe than set the noose in place to strangulate them. It's entirely dependent on the length of the drop. That's why there are multiple length techniques for hanging executions, that's why "long drop" and "short drop" hangings are distinct from each other. Literally just google "long drop hanging execution."