Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
Ofc he had to do sthg in life but I wouldn't have bet on that. 4 comments
· 5 years ago
this appears to be true
One hundred degrees 1 comments
· 5 years ago
this was posted like earlier this week already.
ill just reword my previous comment
100 degrees fahrenheiheigheighiegh is pretty hot, you can cook using the hood of a car at that temp. 70-80 degrees is far closer to normalish (around 70 is room temperature) and would still have the same meme format functioning the other 2 wouldnt have to change "spongeforms"
ill just reword my previous comment
100 degrees fahrenheiheigheighiegh is pretty hot, you can cook using the hood of a car at that temp. 70-80 degrees is far closer to normalish (around 70 is room temperature) and would still have the same meme format functioning the other 2 wouldnt have to change "spongeforms"
That's how they become billion dollar company 26 comments
· 5 years ago
summery of video off the top of my head from having watched it like a month ago, computer taken to apple, apple says it needs a 1200 dollar repair with part replacement and claims moisture sensors being pinged indicates its all broken and needs to just be replaced with a new computer.
que rossyboi looking at the computer in his office and bending a single pin back into place, fixing an inefficient rerouting of the cable that caused a loose connection, and putting the computer's panel back in place and the computer suddenly working perfectly fine. Que him also then saying he wouldnt charge anyone for bending a pin back in place.
Edited 5 years ago
que rossyboi looking at the computer in his office and bending a single pin back into place, fixing an inefficient rerouting of the cable that caused a loose connection, and putting the computer's panel back in place and the computer suddenly working perfectly fine. Que him also then saying he wouldnt charge anyone for bending a pin back in place.
Oh well...Lets go straight then 17 comments
· 5 years ago
an arrow pointing left indicates a left turn is available, this does not supersede the right turn available indicator on the road itself and the combination of the road itself's painted indicator of your options and the fixtured road signs leaves you with my original statement.
left and right turn at your option. the 2 cemented in road signs arent "confusing puzzle" they are redundant which shouldnt be confusing. the no left turn mobile chassis sign is very likely there to indicate road work or some construction blocking the road.
even without drivers education basic logic dictates that the non-permanent fixture is indicative of a change in circumstance causing the options you should normally have available to you to be abnormally limited.
without said chassis sign the lack of restrictive signage should logically indicate to an educated driver that both directions are available at option with some signs being redundant.
buildings signs arent legal road signs.
Edited 5 years ago
left and right turn at your option. the 2 cemented in road signs arent "confusing puzzle" they are redundant which shouldnt be confusing. the no left turn mobile chassis sign is very likely there to indicate road work or some construction blocking the road.
even without drivers education basic logic dictates that the non-permanent fixture is indicative of a change in circumstance causing the options you should normally have available to you to be abnormally limited.
without said chassis sign the lack of restrictive signage should logically indicate to an educated driver that both directions are available at option with some signs being redundant.
buildings signs arent legal road signs.
"Suggested for you". Thanks Facebook 5 comments
I would watch all of those Gisney movies 6 comments
· 5 years ago
the girl shall be a shapeshifting magic person and the witch shall be a giant evil robot
ELON MUSK : Shit neegro, thats all you had to say!!! 9 comments
· 5 years ago
Manhattan is a bad guy, everyone in that entire story was a bad guy. Being unable to relate does not excuse actions and in bad guy good guy terminology usually intentions don't matter either, they just make you a different subcategory of bad guy.
Oh well...Lets go straight then 17 comments
Our hero 2 comments
· 5 years ago
depending on what you mean by creator of adblock that could either be james howard all the way back in the 90s with "internet fast forward" or henrik aasted sørensen who created the adblocker actually named adblock in the early 2000s
Edited 5 years ago
The final one 12 comments
· 5 years ago
the same people that will get no practical application out of these "tricks" will get no practical application out of any of this kind of math. those that will get practical applications out of this kind of math will have use for these kinds of tricks.
The final one 12 comments
The final one 12 comments
· 5 years ago
random bit of explanation so happy frog here doesnt look insane to anyone who understandably forgot math class from 30 years ago.
to "factorial" something you multiple it times all the numbers below it. a factorial is shown in a math as an exclamation mark after the number such as 3 factorial being shown as 3!
Let's use our example of 3!
3! is 3 times everything below it which is written longways as follows.
3! = 3x2x1
which equals 6.
the principle that allows 0! to equal 1 is from an odd thing with how factorials can be written. You can also write a factorial like this
3! = (4!/4)
to show this is true if we follow up with the answer we get
4 x 3 x 2 x1 = 24
making (4!/4) = (24/4) which equals 6, the same as 3! which we showed above also equals 6.
if we do the same for 0!
0! = (1!/1)
we can rewrite 1! as (2!/2) which is (2x1)/2=1
which leaves us with 0! = (1/1) or
Edited 5 years ago
to "factorial" something you multiple it times all the numbers below it. a factorial is shown in a math as an exclamation mark after the number such as 3 factorial being shown as 3!
Let's use our example of 3!
3! is 3 times everything below it which is written longways as follows.
3! = 3x2x1
which equals 6.
the principle that allows 0! to equal 1 is from an odd thing with how factorials can be written. You can also write a factorial like this
3! = (4!/4)
to show this is true if we follow up with the answer we get
4 x 3 x 2 x1 = 24
making (4!/4) = (24/4) which equals 6, the same as 3! which we showed above also equals 6.
if we do the same for 0!
0! = (1!/1)
we can rewrite 1! as (2!/2) which is (2x1)/2=1
which leaves us with 0! = (1/1) or
Yo yeet totes is up buckling teen hey 4 comments
· 5 years ago
by itself yes but when mixed with other words directly it doesnt retain that
That's how they become billion dollar company 26 comments
· 5 years ago
its not even just a matter of all of that. they obfuscate literally as much as they are legally allowed to and have homeland security seize replacement parts being delivered to 3rd party repair business by falsely claiming them to be counterfeits with fake apple trademarks on then when they are real legitimate parts.
there is hella about apple that the public doesnt know and the vast majority of the public is ignorant of anything about basically any company that isnt directly thrown at their face by the news or the company itself.
Edited 5 years ago
there is hella about apple that the public doesnt know and the vast majority of the public is ignorant of anything about basically any company that isnt directly thrown at their face by the news or the company itself.
Oh well...Lets go straight then 17 comments
· 5 years ago
That means you can turn left or right at your option, it's not some crazy puzzle
Yo yeet totes is up buckling teen hey 4 comments
· 5 years ago
It's denouncing wearing a seatbelt.
If something is yeet it means you "yeet it" cause it sucks
If something is yeet it means you "yeet it" cause it sucks
Take one 34 comments
· 5 years ago
dude just get a card from/for you, your sister, your father, your mother, your friends, your cousins, you friends' families, your cousins' families, your uncle's friend's dog's friend's owner, etc and have them all spend as much as they want but giving you even just 10% of the card limit on each card and then BAM wipe it all and start over. Hell do multiple cards on each person. Nothing in it says it has to be your card.
You'll be a trillionaire in hours, to use any of these items to their fullest you just gotta think with the mind of the sin they are embodying.
Edited 5 years ago
You'll be a trillionaire in hours, to use any of these items to their fullest you just gotta think with the mind of the sin they are embodying.
Take one 34 comments
· 5 years ago
I would wear the glasses just for the unnatural eye color that sounds really cool
That's how they become billion dollar company 26 comments
· 5 years ago
Well it's a mix of things. People buying their products is a big one but people paying the price of the product they are having repaired to bend a single pin back in place and the company actively lying about what repairs are needed and what's wrong with the product all so people will just buy a new product instead is a big part of why they are a billion dollar company.
Apple is a master of obfuscation. They understand the principle that consumer ignorance is corporate profit.
Apple is a master of obfuscation. They understand the principle that consumer ignorance is corporate profit.
Did you just identify my species 16 comments
Spent a good few hours on it back in the day 6 comments
· 5 years ago
things are going to get worse before they get better. many governments are taking notice of the gaming industry and if it suddenly goes from being 99% unregulated to the most regulated industry in world there'll be a section of time when no games are coming out and a lot of companies shut down.
Brown is a boring color, until you get em in the light that is 19 comments
· 5 years ago
my eyes are two different levels of boring. the left one is a really dark boring brown and the right one is a really light boring brown.
ELON MUSK : Shit neegro, thats all you had to say!!! 9 comments
· 5 years ago
i mean its often that way with fleshy bad guys in a lot of cases too like MCU thanos and rorschach/doctor Manhattan
Edited 5 years ago
"After I lost my finger , I replaced it with a toe from my left foot so I can be 4 comments
· 5 years ago
yea i think id rather just be missing part of my finger and have a prosthetic, i like my toes where they are.
Karen made a mistake 8 comments
· 5 years ago
when i say a wheel wrap i mean like, a 2d image of colorful stones basically stickered onto the steering wheel like with a design wrap on the outside of the car, that would explain why its so form fitting, cause in that case it would just be a flat milimeter thick sticker perfectly matching the shape of the wheel.