Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
Happy Birthday to Tu Youyou 8 comments
· 5 years ago
how the song is sung is different for different places. ive never heard anyone around here say "dear" in it at all. just "happy birthday to X"
I thought this belongs here 5 comments
· 5 years ago
its common for people to be awake during surgery. Locals are safer than tranquilizers, work just as well for preventing pain during the operation, and its good to have the patient awake during such because its far easier to gauge their responsiveness and easier to tell when something goes wrong than if the person is unconscious
Silence and money 3 comments
· 5 years ago
i have no kids. I was promised silence and money why havent i recieved it?
Merry christmas 28 comments
How far will you go??? 20 comments
· 5 years ago
Yea but horse meat is actually taboo in some places. I don't know of anywhere that considers rabbit meat taboo or refuses to eat rabbits for any reason other than the fact it's not kosher
Edited 5 years ago
Those who study history .. 55 comments
· 5 years ago
Radar isn't going to be useful against a partisan force. They aren't going to be using tanks or heavy trucks that make obvious marks and chances are they aren't going to look any different on any sort of sensor system than any other person in the crowded urban environment and out in the rural areas you'd have to be specifically looking in specific areas to find them. 10 people spread over a football fields worth of area in camo and paint under foliage cover is going to be hard AF to notice on anything including radar and heat.
Not so scary anymore? 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Now image if someone has taken this format the same way for the reverse, showing the black plague's death count and then showing the death count of Mao after only 1/8th of reign.
Edited 5 years ago
Those who study history .. 55 comments
· 5 years ago
heat signaturess arent like in the movies, even just a bit of plants thats been in the sun for the morning is enough to fuck with a heat sensor and it doesnt work from nearly as far as they show on tv. it also cant see through walls or other solid objects.
How far will you go??? 20 comments
· 5 years ago
Why are rabbits further left than horses? People still eat rabbits in the US pretty commonly, there's a rabbit season in most places and they tend to get put in stew.
Edited 5 years ago
Quote of the night 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Everyone always dreads the day their child spontaneously explodes, the few that survive aren't the lucky ones
Oh no 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Damn, idk f I wanna be with someone based on me reading 40k lore stuff. That sounds like a good way to get murdered in your sleep
Those who study history .. 55 comments
· 5 years ago
The difference being that in this case the poor are fighting amongst themselves before they revolt and are even arguing for the removal of their main means of revolt I.E. their guns
Would you be rich enough? 7 comments
· 5 years ago
500k an hour over 50 years is functionally the same as 2k an hour over 12500 years or at least it would be if the person getting payed 500k an hour only got paid that for a full time pay check instead of just a continuous flow of money always.
Would you be rich enough? 7 comments
Take one 34 comments
· 5 years ago
One, you don't give a shit at all, you've already got everything you'll ever want in your life forever.
Two, even if we assume somehow you care afterwords about money anymore,
that doesn't make "money meaningless" it inflates one currency. You'll notice it auto changes the currency when you go somewhere new.
For the currency to even have any actual changed done to it that would require someone to even notice the difference which takes time especially in a country ran by bureaucrats and corporations. If you hyper inflate the US dollar and take with you as much as you can physically fit into the wallet with you to canada it'll change to the equivalent value in Canadian currency.
That also assumes that the erasing of debt leaves any record or proof of the debt ever having existed in the first place.
Edited 5 years ago
Two, even if we assume somehow you care afterwords about money anymore,
that doesn't make "money meaningless" it inflates one currency. You'll notice it auto changes the currency when you go somewhere new.
For the currency to even have any actual changed done to it that would require someone to even notice the difference which takes time especially in a country ran by bureaucrats and corporations. If you hyper inflate the US dollar and take with you as much as you can physically fit into the wallet with you to canada it'll change to the equivalent value in Canadian currency.
That also assumes that the erasing of debt leaves any record or proof of the debt ever having existed in the first place.
I feel personally attacked 1 comments
· 5 years ago
I think you mean a 30 dollar game cut up into 10 dlc packs costing 15 dollars each with pay to win multiplayer and pay to not suck single player with a game economy based on selling micro transactions rather than having a rewarding experience for the player.
Blyat? 5 comments
· 5 years ago
There are a a few extra English vowels in that but guess that would be required to actually make any sorta resemblance to a word lel
Also idk why the meme uses д and not а. А is a character in Cyrillic and it makes the English a sound anyways.
Edited 5 years ago
Also idk why the meme uses д and not а. А is a character in Cyrillic and it makes the English a sound anyways.
What a legend 17 comments
· 5 years ago
Just for a bit of extra perspective on this, in cherokee culture your intend with a "ritual" is far more important than the execution is and using substitute bits like warm water instead of cold water or tap water istead of spring water will work but it'll be considered not as strong an effect.
Blyat? 5 comments
· 5 years ago
It took me to long to realize the Cyrillic sounds weren't what I was supposed to be reading
What a legend 17 comments
· 5 years ago
The real problem is how the fuck do you use a prayer mat in 0g?
It wouldn't let me post the two bits together so I had to make them two seperate comments :(
Edited 5 years ago
It wouldn't let me post the two bits together so I had to make them two seperate comments :(
What a legend 17 comments
· 5 years ago
There isn't actually that much movement relative to Mecca at that distance from earth. You could just point yourself in the right direction, pray, and by the time you were done it wouldn't have moved enough to matter much. Almost all man made satellites, including the ISS, orbit such that they are going the same direction the earth is spinning which lowers their relative speed compared to any given point on the ground quite a bit. Mix that with their distance from the ground and it makes it not so big a deal.
Edited 5 years ago
Oh well...Lets go straight then 17 comments
· 5 years ago
That's not a cop car.
There's no light bar on top and no bump cage on the grill. There's also no one in the driver seat.
There's no light bar on top and no bump cage on the grill. There's also no one in the driver seat.