Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions— bethorien Report User
Basically every flat-earther 4 comments
· 5 years ago
look up memeulous videos on his interactions with the flat earth community. Youll see they are genuinely just delusional.
Its always these 3 4 comments
When HR catch you 12 comments
· 5 years ago
they arent looking for specifically criticism they are looking for literally anything that could possibly make the company look bad in any way.
also "i hate my job" or complaining about your job isnt criticism its complaining theres a difference.
also "i hate my job" or complaining about your job isnt criticism its complaining theres a difference.
So much power 1 comments
Are you worried? 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Swine flu infected hella million people and killed at some estimates hundreds of thousands.
This is more infectious and has widely varying death rates by different countries. Italy got hit HARD and it's just the beginning. There are multiple cases in multiple states around the US and more countries are being infected daily.
This is more infectious and has widely varying death rates by different countries. Italy got hit HARD and it's just the beginning. There are multiple cases in multiple states around the US and more countries are being infected daily.
Nobody read this 9 comments
· 5 years ago
Why do you care if they crowd or file? In both cases you still have to treat them like a car.
Crowding like that makes them as a whole easier to notice. A single file line like the ants and the cows makes the whole group harder to notice which is partially why the ants and cows do it, the major reason being it's easier to follow the leader if you are in a perfectly straight line.
So you want the cyclists to act in a far less safe way so you can break the law to feel like you are saving time without actually saving any time?
Crowding like that makes them as a whole easier to notice. A single file line like the ants and the cows makes the whole group harder to notice which is partially why the ants and cows do it, the major reason being it's easier to follow the leader if you are in a perfectly straight line.
So you want the cyclists to act in a far less safe way so you can break the law to feel like you are saving time without actually saving any time?
We call it a PTSD Primer 18 comments
· 5 years ago
"Lets desensitize the children to actual real life gunfire so their response time to an actual shooting will be like 1000000 times slower!!!!"
Thanks blizzard, very cool 1 comments
· 5 years ago
I mean technically speaking with blizzard being a china shill and china having at minimum outwardly showing effort to be better for the environment it would seem that they must have at least outward appearances of thinking that.
Edited 5 years ago
The perfect sign doesn’t exi- 5 comments
· 5 years ago
As long as there are at least a moderate amount of people that know of a religion some will believe in it.
There are currently still people who are faithful worshippers of the Greek and Roman theology as well as Egyptian and Irish, etc
There are currently still people who are faithful worshippers of the Greek and Roman theology as well as Egyptian and Irish, etc
Duke is dead 3 comments
· 5 years ago
He never said armor was for pussies, heh said power armor is for pussies, the suit freeman has isn't technically power armor because it's not movement assisting.
When HR catch you 12 comments
· 5 years ago
By being an employee of the company you accept that you are a representation of the company in public eye. There is no such thing as a "private account" unless you limit who can view it. If you are just posting to Facebook or twitter for any and all to see it's no different than going down to Main Street and setting up a sign saying "work for beepboop paper company and I hate my job"
Edited 5 years ago
Youtube, are you listening to consumers? 15 comments
· 5 years ago
Youtube music is a thing, a big thing. It's a category that brings in a very large amount of their views.
Youtube isn't "for" any specific kind of video. It's specifically NOT for certain things however videos with no actual visual element isn't on that list.
Youtube isn't "for" any specific kind of video. It's specifically NOT for certain things however videos with no actual visual element isn't on that list.
This is the reason there are civil unrest all over the world 14 comments
· 5 years ago
so your source for alleged wage theft is "i dont personally think people working for amazon are getting paid enough for their work"?
the price of a good or service is set by supply and demand. this doesnt stop being true in true in the job market. a low level job anyone can do has extremely more supply than demand and as such isnt going to have a very high price.
Edited 5 years ago
the price of a good or service is set by supply and demand. this doesnt stop being true in true in the job market. a low level job anyone can do has extremely more supply than demand and as such isnt going to have a very high price.
They get too depressed to click 11 comments
· 5 years ago
the current working climate is worse than the boomer era was and the average person is worse off economically than the boomer era so the answer to the question for the vast majority of people currently working will be "yes"
Edited 5 years ago
The odd one 3 comments
· 5 years ago
the switch is a nintendo console, that shit is made to last. thats like the one thing in the image i can be confident isnt a replica.
This is the reason there are civil unrest all over the world 14 comments
· 5 years ago
the law is concrete and does what is says it does.
Morals are subjective and wildly differ person to person however a lot of people would agree that he's not any more morally obligated to help anyone with anything than any other person on the planet is.
this idea of "oh you havent been generous enough so im gonna respond negatively to the good thing you did" is so fucking toxic.
Edited 5 years ago
Morals are subjective and wildly differ person to person however a lot of people would agree that he's not any more morally obligated to help anyone with anything than any other person on the planet is.
this idea of "oh you havent been generous enough so im gonna respond negatively to the good thing you did" is so fucking toxic.
This is the reason there are civil unrest all over the world 14 comments
· 5 years ago
That's the equivalent of an average American donating 100 dollars, which for the average American is already a lot to spend all at once without preparing for the expense.
BFF 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Just in case someone hasn't see this before, those are professional impersonators, not actual dictators.
When HR catch you 12 comments
· 5 years ago
This is why you never have yourself actually tied to any of your accounts on anything
Edited 5 years ago
Velveetaaaa 4 comments
· 5 years ago
yea chances are youll be stabbed to death by the time you hand load a mag from a box of loose rounds.
Not today, Youtube, not today 4 comments
· 5 years ago
they did work on them, they worked on them hella however throwing 100 5 year olds at a kitchen and letting them work hella for a couple hours will very rarely result in what people consider "food."